Posts: 4008
Location: Dallas, Texas | I got an email from Neil Clarke, editor and publisher of Clarkesworld Magazine, with a list of SF/F magazines that were missing from the magazine page in the resources section. Thank you Mr. Clarke! (Neil also runs the savesemiprozine.org website which you should check out.) I have updated said page with 16 new magazines - bringing us up to 50 total. There is some good reading in that list. What? You're still here? Check 'em out! Dave |
Uber User
Posts: 202
Location: Sacramento, California | I received Asimov's for a while, but I burned out on short stories. |
Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA | i have a suggestion, or a question really .. fling of idea (scratch the idea) thought
how about keeping the magazine covers updated? meaning having the latest magazine issue cover image
if you ask me why i probably wouldnt have a good answer .. but i'd say that they usually have cool imagery and having them changing would be one more feature to check-back on ole worldswithoutend.com. dont think magazines would be against it too, as it's a free ad for them to sell an issue or even a subscription.
you may have the updates based on user submissions .. i wouldnt mind sending you the links for example |
Posts: 4008
Location: Dallas, Texas | hihik - 2010-12-30 3:00 PM i have a suggestion, or a question really .. fling of idea (scratch the idea ) thought how about keeping the magazine covers updated? meaning having the latest magazine issue cover image if you ask me why i probably wouldnt have a good answer .. but i'd say that they usually have cool imagery and having them changing would be one more feature to check-back on ole worldswithoutend.com. dont think magazines would be against it too, as it's a free ad for them to sell an issue or even a subscription. you may have the updates based on user submissions .. i wouldnt mind sending you the links for example I'm certainly with you on wanting them updated with fresh covers. No real reason to do it other than what you said about wanting to see the cool new covers. In the beginning I did make an effort to update the covers but it just became too time consuming as the list grew longer. There are 62 magazines in that list, mostly monthly releases, which means 40 or so new cover images that I'd have to collect and edit every month. The collecting is the hard part really so if you, or anybody else, wants to send me the new covers I can certainly take a few minutes to replace the old ones. You can paste the links to the images right here in this thread or you can use the Submit a Magazine email link on the magazine page. I'd prefer to get several at a time as it's easier to update them that way but you can post them as you find 'em and I'll let a few collect then post them in batches.
Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA | http://www.sfcovers.net/Magazines/magfset.htm
Albedo One
Latest - http://www.albedo1.com/images/covers/Albedo_One_cover_39_small.jpg
Cover Archive - http://www.albedo1.com/images/covers/
Analog Science Fiction
Latest - http://www.analogsf.com/2011_01-02/images/AFFJan-FebCover.jpg
Andromeda Spaceways
Latest - http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/ASIM49...
Cover Archive - http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/wp-content/uploads/2011, http://www.andromedaspaceways.com/wp-content/uploads/2010...
Latest - http://news.ansible.co.uk/images/a282.gif
Cover Archive - http://news.ansible.co.uk/aseries2.html
Apex - Science Fiction and Horror Digest
Latest - http://www.apexbookcompany.com/apex-online/wp-content/uploads/2010/...
Cover Archive - http://www.apexbookcompany.com/apex-online/wp-content/uploads/2010/...
Asimov's Science Fiction
Latest - http://www.asimovs.com/2011_01/images/ASFJANCOVER_300.jpg
Aurealis Australian Fantasy & Science Fiction
Latest - http://aurealis.com.au/images/covers/aurealiscover44.jpg
Cover Archive - http://aurealis.com.au/issues.php
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Latest - http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/images/artwork/thumbnail/12....
Cover Archive - http://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/art.php
Black Gate - Adventures in Fantasy Literature
Latest - http://www.blackgate.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/bg-14-cover3.jp...
Black Static
Latest - http://ttapress.com/images/content/276_large.jpg
Cover Archive - http://ttapress.com/images/content
Bull Spec
Latest - http://www.bullspec.com/static/img/issues/4/bullspec-04-page001-25p...
Cover Archive - http://www.bullspec.com/issues
The Bulletin of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Latest - http://www.sfwa.org/bulletin/graphics/187_mid.jpg
Cover Archive - http://www.sfwa.org/bulletin/graphics/
Bust Down the Door and Eat all the Chickens
Latest - http://absurdistjournal.com/img-pix/issuey.jpg
Cover Archive - http://absurdistjournal.com/img-pix
Latest - http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/covers/cw_52_350.jpg
Cover Archive - http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/artgallery
Dreams & Nightmares
Cover Archive - http://dreamsandnightmaresmagazine.com/gallery.htm
Electric Velocipede
Latest - http://www.electricvelocipede.com/images/WEBCOVER_EV20.jpg
Cover Archive - http://www.electricvelocipede.com/htm/art.htm
Fantasy & Science Fiction
Latest - http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/covers/cov1101lg-250.jpg
Cover Archive - http://www.sfsite.com/fsf/backish.htm
Latest - http://www.gudmagazine.com/images/covers/issue6.jpg
Cover Archive - http://www.gudmagazine.com/vault/
to be continued ...
Posts: 4008
Location: Dallas, Texas | Damn, Son! You do not mess around. Well, neither do I. The new images are up now. Thanks for putting in the effort. The only one I could not update is Dreams & Nightmares. They're not showing an image of their latest issue. I'm ready for more.
Posts: 92
Location: Boston, MA | Inter Nova
A Cover: http://users.rcn.com/singhvan/images/InterNova1.jpg
Latest: http://ttapress.com/images/content/265_large.jpg
Cover Archive: http://ttapress.com/interzone/backissues
Jim Baen's Universe - link dead, says final issue on the latest cover?
Latest: http://baens-universe.com/img/90CBC2F3-35B7-3659-81B8-7B55E4A00182/...
Cover Archive: http://baens-universe.com/img/
Latest: http://www.jupitersf.co.uk/issues/issue30.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.jupitersf.co.uk/issues
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
Latest: http://smallbeerpress.com/images/lcrw26_med.gif
Cover Archive: http://smallbeerpress.com/lcrw
Latest: http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/wp/wp-content/files_mf/1293570313...
Cover Archive: http://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/wp/wp-content/files_mf
Latest: http://www.locusmag.com/2011/covers/Issue01_502x648.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.locusmag.com/Magazine/2010/2010index.html
Murky Depths
Latest: http://www.murkydepths.com/covers/issue15-300.jpg
Mythic Delirium
Latest: http://www.mythicdelirium.com/MD23.5.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.mythicdelirium.com/#current
Latest: http://www.neo-opsis.ca/Nineteen_files/image001.jpg
On Spec - link dead
Latest: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs067.snc4/34721_431558...
Cover Archive: http://www.facebook.com/photo_search.php?oid=2395098260&view=all
Intergallactic Medicine Show
Latest: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1236.snc4/156895_4675...
Cover Archive: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Orson-Scott-Cards-Intergalactic-Medic...
Port Iris
Latest: http://www.portiris.com/zine/tn_cover_003.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.portiris.com/index.php?option=com_zine
Postscripts - "Postscripts magazine has morphed into a quarterly anthology with the paper cover version transforming into a hard cover title" www.sfsite.com/lists/ps-author01.htm
Latest: http://www.pspublishing.co.uk/assets/images/book-cover-art/postscri...
Cover Archive: http://www.pspublishing.co.uk/books/postscripts-anthologies
Realms of Fantasy
Latest: http://www.rofmag.com/wp-content/gallery/realm-of-fantasy-recent-co...
Cover Archive: http://www.rofmag.com/cover-gallery
Redstone Science Fiction
Latest: http://redstonesciencefiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Jan201...
Cover Archive: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=148862&id=250942513647
Salon Futura
Latest: http://www.salonfutura.net/images/artwork/cover004-540.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.salonfutura.net/images/artwork
Science Fiction Trails
Latest: http://www.sciencefictiontrails.com/images/sf_trails_6_promo_cover_...
Cover Archive: http://www.sciencefictiontrails.com/images
Latest: http://www.shimmerzine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Shimmer12Cove...
Cover Archive: http://www.shimmerzine.com/purchase/back-issues-2
Shock Totem
Cover Archive: http://www.shocktotem.com/issues.html
Space and Time
Latest: http://spaceandtimemagazine.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/sat_1...
Cover Archive: http://spaceandtimemagazine.com/wp/issues
Latest: http://www.sfpoetry.com/sl/covers/33.5.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.sfpoetry.com/starline.html
Latest: http://www.subterraneanpress.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/_subte...
Sybil's Garage
Latest: http://www.sensesfive.com/wp-content/uploads/cover-197x300.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.sensesfive.com/publications
Talebones - folded
Latest: http://www.totu-ink.com/images/30f.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.totu-ink.com/issues.phtml
Weird Tales
Latest: http://www.wildsidebooks.com/assets/images/wt356.jpg
Cover Archive: http://www.wildsidepress.com/Weird-Tales-Magazine_c_1968.html |
Posts: 4008
Location: Dallas, Texas | @hihik: These are all done now. I cleared out the mags that are no longer publishing and updated the old links. Thanks very much for the help! The new images look really good. I didn't realize how tired I was of the old ones until your brought it up.
SF/F Magazines
Posts: 207
| Wired is a magazine right? ... http://www.wired.com/underwire/2012/06/pl_cyberpunk/ |