PULP! Challenge 2023
Posted 2023-01-09 6:59 PM (#26706)
Subject: PULP! Challenge 2023
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Extreme Veteran

Posts: 542
Location: Great Lakes, USA
Here's the thread for the PULP! Challenge. Leave comments or mini reviews here!
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Posted 2023-01-09 10:04 PM (#26711 - in reply to #26706)
Subject: RE: PULP! Challenge 2023
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Posts: 3967
Location: Dallas, Texas

I love a good pulp story and when I saw FKatterjohn had joined this challenge and selected some Ace Doubles to read I thought I have to do that too! I'm halfway to convincing myself that I should collect all the Doubles already. You can see the whole series in the new publisher list section in the main menu. To make my picks I'm going to visit Half Price Books and see what they have on hand. I've got a Xmas giftt-card burning a hole in my pocket...

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Posted 2023-01-09 10:26 PM (#26713 - in reply to #26711)
Subject: Re: PULP! Challenge 2023
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Extreme Veteran

Posts: 542
Location: Great Lakes, USA
The main reason I created this challenge is that the local flea market where I live now has a permanent bookstore in it that had a bunch of Ace Doubles. I bought them. That is the first time I had seen them since 7th grade homeroom where the teacher had a bunch for his science fiction class that was eliminated before I got to take it. Good Luck in finding them all.
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Posted 2023-01-11 2:45 PM (#26718 - in reply to #26706)
Subject: Re: PULP! Challenge 2023
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Uber User

Posts: 36
Thanks Extreme Veteran.This is the greatest Challenge amongst very good ones out there. Been away from from Sci-Fi and Pulp about a 1 1/2 years for a bunch of no good reasons. Read Van Vogt's autobiography and the Weapon Shops of Isher. AEVV was the weird of the weird. Got 3 Ace Doubles for Xmas and can't stop now.

A flood of memories from the 50s and 60s seeing all the Ace double D series at the newsstand when I was picking up WWI and II non fiction air combat and submarine books. Never bought a one and didn't read any Sci-Fi stuff back then. No regrets, but know I'll never catch up.
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