WWE maintenance
Posted 2011-09-13 11:57 AM (#2650)
Subject: WWE maintenance

New User

Posts: 4
Where did everybody go? I have been stuck in here all alone. It was scary.
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Posted 2011-09-13 12:10 PM (#2651 - in reply to #2650)
Subject: RE: WWE maintenance


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

daneyvette - 2011-09-13 11:57 AM Where did everybody go? I have been stuck in here all alone. It was scary.

Yeah, we had some trouble yesterday transitioning WWEnd over to our new host.  We were down several hours while we tried to sort it all out - which was made more problematic by our day jobs.  Stupid day jobs.

It looks like the worst is behind us now, though I expect we'll have some more glitches before we're through.  Once the dust settles we can get back to adding more features and content so hang in there!

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