The Labyrinth Index

Charles Stross
The Labyrinth Index Cover

The Labyrinth Index


I'm not a fan of Lovecraft or the endless homages to and pastiches of his work, so it's always been a surprise to me how much I've enjoyed the works in the Laundry Files series. I've pretty consistently rated them at 4 stars out of 5.

But for some reason, this latest novel really felt like a bit of a re-tread to me -- the same sort of stuff, just set in a different country. It wasn't a bad novel, but it wasn't a great novel, either. And it didn't really leave me with an appetite to grab the next one in the series.

Since Book #10 doesn't come out until 2020, I suspect that the 2-year gap may give me some renewed interest. I understand that it will be a "side-quest" with all-new characters, so I will probably give it a try -- but it will need to bring something substantially new to the table in order for me to want to finish it.