The Unbroken

C. L. Clark
The Unbroken Cover

The Unbroken

sara baggins

4.5 Stars

The Unbroken's greatest strength is the excellent, immersive world-building. The characters make a lot of stupid decisions, so much so that I considered quitting, but I came to the realization that this might be a strength of the book because it was a sign of how deeply invested I was! The central struggle is very familiar (colonial power vs. its colony), and from the opening chapter you know which side you should be rooting for and it is not the side either of the two main characters are on. This makes for a very frustrating but interesting read.

I would warn readers that this is a longer, slower, more complex military/political fantasy, which might not be everyone's cup of tea. The lists I have seen this book on seem to be marketing it as a fast paced 'romantasy,' which might draw the wrong audience. While there is a romance, it is a very small part of the book.