The Gunslinger

Stephen King
The Gunslinger Cover

The Gunslinger


I'm in, and it will surely take me a while to get through but I'm ready. I love King's work and can't wait to see where this series goes. At the same time though I was slightly disappointed with this book. It feels very desolate. I don't like how existential things are already feeling as well. I'm worried about getting Raven Boys'd in the later books in this series and they're much longer so I hope that doesn't happen. What I mean by this is dreamy and not connected to much reason. I felt like it was already going in that direction and we're only one book in.

I get the whole "things are going to happen this way whether you like it or not" attitude which is an attribute this novel has for sure. I just didn't like how it was portrayed. I can like it sometimes, what comes to mind is the Gregor the Overlander series but it didn't amaze me in this one.

But I also flew through this novel and saw some things I liked. I love the world building and the magic aspect is well done. I also liked the characters although I would like a larger cast of them. The Gunslinger is a fascinating MC and I think it will be a pleasure to get to know him better. I hope the series gets better from here. It sure gets longer...