The Empire of Ice Cream

Jeffrey Ford
The Empire of Ice Cream Cover

The Empire of Ice Cream


An 'eclectic' mix of reprints from works published elsewhere. The fantasy types are all over the place, so 'weird' is about the only category they will reasonably fit in, with the exception of the final story, which is just a horror story with no fantasy.

The author creates obsessively detailed worlds and situations, so for those who love to spend pages reading about the details of the world and people, this will be right up your alley. Because these are short stories for the most part, the restul is that the events are rather sparse, and skimming over the stories gives plenty of understanding without the immersion the author would prefer.

These stories were for the most part engaging and charming, but in the end they also felt like little experiments with topic and tone, so different from one another it was like reading a different category of work each time. This, again, may be what a reader prefers.

Most of these works were published in award-winning books and were well regarded indifvidually. Toghether they are not as cohesive, but that doesn't mean bad.

If you're looking for some experimental fantasy this could be very appealing.