Black Helicopters is the second book of the Tinfoil Dossier series, but there is no indication of this on this 198-page book whatsoever -- it was published before Agents of Dreamland, the first of the series. The Tindalos Asset is the concluding title. Tor considers all three books novellas.
Kiernan jumps between 2012, 2112, 2001, 2035, 1966, 2152 and so forth, with vignettes hinting at a larger spy story between two rival agencies waging an invisible war, with dashes of magic and Weird.
I must admit that she's good at scenes, but I craved for a story, and lacked the stamina to solve the puzzle and keep all the hints in my mind to construct that story myself.
I'm also slowly beginning to realize that most weird and Lovecraftian things are not for me.
Jesse published a glowing review on Speculiction, give that a read for balance. This was a case of not for me -- too tired (lazy?) these days, so I stopped after 100 pages.