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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Tom Robbins

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Tom Robbins

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Full Name: Thomas Eugene Robbins
Born: July 22, 1932
Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Died: February 9, 2025
La Conner, Washington, USA
Occupation: Author
Nationality: American


Thomas Eugene Robbins is an American author.

Robbins was born in Blowing Rock, North Carolina to George Thomas Robbins and Katherine Belle Robinson, and both of his grandfathers were Baptist preachers. The Robbins family resided in Blowing Rock before moving to Richmond, Virginia when the author was still a young boy. As an adult, Robbins has described his young self as a "hillbilly."

Robbins attended Hargrave Military Academy in Chatham, Virginia, where he won the Senior Essay Medal. The following year he enrolled atWashington and Lee University to major in journalism, leaving at the end of his sophomore year after being disciplined by his fraternity for bad behavior and failing to earn a letter in basketball.

In 1953, he enlisted in the Air Force after receiving his draft notice, spending a year as a meteorologist in Korea, followed by two years in the Special Weather Intelligence unit of the Strategic Air Command in Nebraska. He was discharged in 1957 and returned to Richmond, Virginia, where his poetry readings at the Rhinoceros Coffee House led to a reputation among the local bohemian scene.

In 1967, Robbins moved to South Bend, Washington, where he wrote his first novel. In 1970, Robbins moved to La Conner, Washington, and it was at his home on Second Street that he subsequently authored nine books (although, in the late 1990s, he spent two years living on the Swinomish Indian reservation).

In the 1980s and early 1990s, Robbins regularly published articles and essays in Esquire magazine, and also contributed to Playboy, The New York Times, and GQ.

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