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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Ken MacLeod

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Last Updated: valashain

Ken MacLeod

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Full Name: Kenneth Macrae MacLeod
Born: August 2, 1954
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland, UK
Occupation: Writer
Nationality: Scottish


Ken MacLeod holds a degree in zoology and has worked in the fields of biomechanics and computer programming. His first two novels, The Star Fraction and The Stone Canal, each won the Prometheus Award; The Cassini Division was a finalist for the Nebula Award; and The Sky Road won the British Science Fiction Association Award and is a finalist for the Hugo Award. Dark Light continues the world of his fifth novel, Cosmonaut Keep. Ken MacLeod lives near Edinburgh, Scotland, with his wife and children.

Works in the WWEnd Database

 Non Series Works


 The Corporation Wars

 1. (2016)
 2. (2016)
 3. (2017)

 The Engines of Light Trilogy

 1. (2000)
 2. (2002)
 3. (2002)

 The Fall Revolution

 1. (1995)
 2. (1996)
 3. (1998)
 4. (2000)

 The Lightspeed Trilogy

 1. (2021)
 2. (2023)
 3. (2024)

 Outspoken Authors

 10. (2013)