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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Authors

Emiliano Guaraldo

Added By: gallyangel
Last Updated: gallyangel

Emiliano Guaraldo

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Full Name: Emiliano Guaraldo
Occupation: Professor, Writer
Nationality: Italian


Emiliano Guaraldo is currently a postdoctoral fellow in environmental humanities at the Center for Humanities and Social Change -- Ca' Foscari University (Venice, Italy). He holds a Ph.D. in Italian studies from the University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill, and he worked as a researcher and public lecturer at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), taking part in research projects on environmental humanities and teaching courses on Italian literature and culture. Most recently, he has contributed chapters on viticulture and the Anthropocene for Antroposcenari: Storie, paesaggi, ecologie (Il Mulino, 2018) and urban space, migration and mass production for The Cinema of Ettore Scola (Wayne State University Press, 2020). His postdoctoral work explores the artistic visualizations of the Anthropocene in the context of the Venice Biennale after the year 2000.

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