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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2020-01-13 12:55 PM (#21699 - in reply to #21692)
Subject: Re: RYO Reading Challenge Banners
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
finminer - 2020-01-12 7:09 AM

Also, could you resurrect either the Horror Tour from 2018 or The Weirdness from 2019? I don't see any horror challenges but I didn't want to create a new one from scratch, better to use one that people might be familiar with.

Charles normally sets up the Weirdness challenge. That one is his baby. But he normally arrives a little later in January to set his challenges up. Give it a couple of weeks.

We haven't always had a Horror challenge, so you could try contacting the person who created the last one, and if they don't want to do it again, set it up yourself.

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