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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2022-01-09 9:42 AM (#23690 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1038
Location: UK
Well.I finished Kowal's The Calculating Stars,and was a bit disappointed. At times ,if it had been a physical book,I would probably thrown it at the wall,but it as on Kindle,so I couldnt. It started off great with a meteor strike causing havoc,and the realisation than global warming was going to make the seas boil,and humans needed to get off the planet. The protagonist is a female pilot who really yearns to become an astronaut,and most of the book is about the glass ceiling preventing women from becoming astronauts. Its also in an alternate timeline,so all this takes place in a 1950s where the space programme becomes much accelerated.
I had trouble with the characters,mostly cardboard ,and the weird way that though millions starved in a nuclear winter,life goes on as normal. No shortages of food or booze.All in all I found suspension of disbelief very difficult,we had endless episodes of the Lady Astronaut vomiting because of anxiety and taking Miltown.
Like many others I cant conceive why this book won the Hugo!.
I am going to do a second book for the challenge,also about females in space,but very different - Naomi Mitchison's Memoirs of a Spacewoman

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