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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2022-04-22 3:45 PM (#23932 - in reply to #23638)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2022
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
I have mostly been reading really light fluff stuff this week,and some crime fictio,and some Anne McCaffrey stuff.
. I saw Throne of Glassand decided to read it since Booktubers who read a lot of YA fantasy were in raptures over it for about a year.
Actually it wasnt too bad a read at first,it was fun reading about this young assasin,but the middle dragged as the inevitable love triangle developed. Oh boy,I cant stand love triangles! lol.So I read the last 200 pages quite slowly.Wont be reading more of the series. Name of the Wind and Throne of Glass were quite enough YA for me for a long while.
Still have Deathbird and A Memory Called Empire to keep me out of mischief for the rest of the month.And have to finish a Doc Smith Lensman book and Doc Savage and the Thousand Headed Man. Pure pulp,but fun.

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