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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2023-01-05 6:12 AM (#26684)
Subject: Pick & Mix challenge 2023
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1038
Location: UK
Well,after a lot of mess and drama,the 2023 challenge is up and running - and I even have a few participants. daxhh and Hneite,as ever I never know what my health status will be,but I'll start out on the 40 books level.
For the most part I intend to read vintage SF,pre 1970.with only a handful of stuff after 2020. I have read all the Hugo and Nebula winners up to 2021. I am working my way through the Locus award winners,I have I think around 11 titles left,but most of them are huge tomes by authors I am not keen on,so whereas on a normal list I would definitely complete the list this year,that are a LOT of books I dont want to read. For some reason I cant take to Neal Stephenson's work Very rare that I DNF a book,in fact I just class such a book as on hiatus,but I stalled on Cryptonomicon after about 60 pages,and as for Anathem,less said the better. The book got to a description of a monastery service,and a pages long description of some sort of machine,and I couldnt take it any more!
Last month I started a concerted effort to read Samuel R Delany's Dhalgren,third attempt. I got up to 600/879 pages but put it aside to finish 2022 challenge reads. So I hope to complete it this month. That will finish off the Locus Best SF of all time list. I finished the other 49 books years ago,but couldnt read Dhalgren despite various attempts,but I think I will finally do it.
First though I must finish Adrian Tchaikovsky's Children of Time.Its on limited loan time,because the waiting list is massive. I have 7 days left of my loan,with 300 pages still left to read. Then its on to old stuff. Plus some kindle unlimited self published fluff which I read to relax,or as palate cleansers. They dont show up on WWEnd lists,so dont count for this challenge.
We'll see how it goes.

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