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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2023-12-15 11:37 AM (#28632 - in reply to #26684)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2023
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Well,I FINALLY achieved my 80 reads for this challenge. Not the greatsest reading year,lots of fluff and lightweight stuff,comfort reads and rereads,couldnt focus too much on stronger or important work.My favourites were all vintage stuff,James Blish,Roger Zelazny,C L Moore and the like.
Sadly I didnt connect much with such hugely popular titles as A Master of Djinn,Children of Time, Kaiju Preservation Society but on the whole I didnt read masses of books from my WWEnd lists like normally.
And I had little time for one of my great pleasures running this challenge - what the rest of you were reading.because the challenge is so non specific there is a really wild variety of reads to browse. everyone has a very different list.
And I am happy to say that after a decade on WWEnd,I have read a lot of books and authors,and so find some common reads in my lists,but a much bigger and varied collection that I would love to read sometime.

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