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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2023-12-31 12:57 PM (#28658 - in reply to #26684)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2023
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Thanks Engelbrecht.
When it came to it ,I couldnt resist,and decided to continue the challenge for another year! lol. I will reduce my target from 80 to 40,but I enjoy at least listing some of my reads even if no one ever replies..
I'll start fresh for the year. I got so far behind I couldnt catch up,but we'll see how I go this time.
Its certainly been a rather blah year for me too. Much of the time I did comfort reads,rereads,short stories because of my health problems. Now with Mr Ds problems I havent had time to think of myself,so thats good.
2023 has been an awful year for everyone,terrible world events and absolute craziness in the US political scene almost beyond belief..I'm in UK but am a nervous wreck with the situation,so how poor old Americans are coping I dont know

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