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Posted 2024-01-13 3:28 PM (#29240 - in reply to #29237)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2024
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
I enjoyed my reunion with old friend Podkayne,the eponymous heroine of Robert Heinlein's Podkayne of Mars
Poddy is an intelligent young woman who is going on an interstellar trip with her precocious 11 yr old genius brother and her diplomatic ambassador uncle to a intergalactic conference. But certain people are determined to stop Uncle Tom getting there by hook or crook or blowing up the ship. Lots of typical Heinlein humour,characters you are amused by ,nonstop action,and an underlying satiric tone that is way darker than the juvenile novels of a decade earlier. Fast and fun.RAH is usually an interesting fast paced read,but I wish the feminist brigade who continually attack him as an authoritarian a sexist,a mysogynist etc etc etc would give it a rest. Why read books written 60 years ago and complain that your cultural mindset of the 2020s is not represented there?.What will the audience of 40 years time make of 2020s books? Not much,I imagine. lol.
I am soon going to do a reread,about the 5th time I think,of Mansfield Park. To readers of her times,Fanny Price is a fantastic awesome heroine. High principles,gentle and sensitive. Now people ridicule her,call her stuffy smug,prim etc etc. Its almost unbelievable how she has been downgraded. True,great books often have universal themes,can transcend their times to some extent,but we still have realize books primarily are of their time,we need to be forgiving.
As far as I am concerned RAH is a very enjoyable author. Some of his quirks look a little oldfahioned today,but he can still tell a rattling good story appropriate to his intended audience. That is what I turn to him for.
Anyway,I enjoyed the book,and I still find RAH an excellent author today Judge him by his writing,pace,character work,plotting, humour etc and he still scores highly.

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