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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2024-02-12 6:11 AM (#29368 - in reply to #29237)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2024
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Completed Clifford D Simak They Walked Like Men a story of alien invasion . A bit of an oddity,not top rank,but even in lesser Simak there is always so much good stuff. Typical sympathetic hero,tough but sensitive.Lovely descriptions of nature of course,the love for the natural world shines through. A warmth and care for his well written characters,but a sad despairing for the race as a whole.The first half of the book is sharp and engrossing,tense and mysterious,but once we have learned about the aliens,the book tails off badly IMO,and the plot becomes silly,or is it meant to be satiric,its difficult to tell. Too much philosophical musings,an unlikely set of aliens, dull ending.
Still despite all the faults it is Simak,so its a charming pleasant read on a windswept rainy winters day when cosy indoors.

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