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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2012-01-25 8:00 AM (#2946 - in reply to #2945)
Subject: Re: GMRC Q & A
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Posts: 4020
Location: Dallas, Texas

ILikeMaps - 2012-01-25 6:48 AM Everything looks GREAT. Thanks for motivating me to pick up and actually read some of the classics. Although fairly new to the site, you have done a great job and I am glad I found it. Now that I have finished my first book, on to the difficult task, writing a review of what I read.

Thanks, ILikeMaps!  Great to have you here.  That's what the reading challenge is for.  Giving folks that little push.  To me the Grand Masters is a list of authors that I can't believe I haven't read yet.  I've been reading SF/F for 30+ years and somehow never got around to some of these giants.

Don't sweat the reviews too much.  Just tell us what you liked and didn't like.  It's an interesting exercise getting you thoughts down on paper.  I know I tend to struggle a bit in that regard.  I just resolve to write my best and not worry about trying to hang with the big dogs.

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