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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2015-03-16 4:03 PM (#9902 - in reply to #9162)
Subject: Re: The Definitive 1950s Reading Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 614
Location: New Zealand
I think I already said I'm 49, however I didn't start reading SF until my early 20's when a friend loaned me Isaac Asimov. I haven't looked back since. Books were expensive and hard to find where I was living at the time, and I haunted the one book shop in town who stocked only Asimov, Clarke, Silverberg and Heinlein. I read through all the Asimov's, then the Clarke's, then the Silverberg's, and was just starting on the Heinlein's when I moved to a country with more books!

Ready Player One, The Martian and Spin are some of my favourite recent reads as well.

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