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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2015-11-15 2:25 PM (#11834 - in reply to #11521)
Subject: Re: The TIE-IN Fighter Reading Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 615
Location: New Zealand
Finished this challenge. Doctor Who books are not exactly long or challenging. They're really just bite size reads. I surprised myself by actually enjoying some of these books. My favourites were Vampire Science (8th Doctor), Engines of War (War Doctor), and Illegal Alien (7th Doctor).

In the case of Illegal Alien, I could actually see the episode playing out in my mind as I was reading it. In fact, it was more like I was watching it than reading it. I wish they had made this one into an episode. It would have been a lot better than quite a bit of the 7th Doctor's episodes.

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