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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2022-02-24 2:09 PM (#23857 - in reply to #23638)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2022
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1040
Location: UK
Finished a Winston series book,Moon of Mutiny the third of an enjoyable group of 3 linked tales. Del REy has such a good touch with clearly explaining science points,while having plenty of action and sympathetic young characters with real motivations and layered emotions and responses.
Started Jack Vance's Dying Earth , surprisingly influential little book,(only 170 pages)of fix up stories really,but the setting in a world far far in the future with a dying sun really captured the attention of other writers,such as John Brunner,Brian Aldiss,George R R Martin,Michael Moorcock.....oh and someone called Gene Wolfe,wonder what happened to him.......
Wow. I found Chip Delany's The Star Pit amazing,intricate,sad and downbeat,though it may have smidgen of hope at the end. Densely written,oblique and masterfully constructed it has several themes,but particularly the desperate frustration of not gaining freedom and the sadness of being refused the chance to get away from the confines of society's restrictions.Delany was this brilliant young writer in his early twenties at the time,and to us the enormous difficulties of his life as a man both black and gay shouts out to us today,but all can relate to the disappointments and failures of life.And the worldsetting,the outer reaches of our galaxy,is fascinating.I definitely felt the urge on finishing the tale to begin a reread at once.

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