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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2012-01-12 9:55 AM (#2889 - in reply to #2888)
Subject: Re: GMRC Q & A
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Posts: 4020
Location: Dallas, Texas

charlesdee - 2012-01-12 9:36 AM Having struggled through The World of Null A, I put A.E. van Vogt into the first slot. But anyone I add pushes van Vogt further down the line. Does this matter?

The authors you add to your list display in alphabetical order so it does not matter in what order or when you add them.  The books, as you mark them, will display in the order you mark them which should be the order in which you read them.  They'll move to the front of the list and push the remaining authors over.  Your A. E. van Vogt book will appear first in the list once you tag it.

Take a look at Emil's list.  He has marked 2 books already and you can see that Silverberg comes before le Guin because that's the order he tagged them in rather than alpha by author or title.

The columns roughly represent months in the challenge so you'll be able to see the review links for the month straight down the page.  I say "roughly" because you can tag multiple books in a month if you want just as Emil has done.  I'd hold off on posting multiple reviews in the same month though so you can have more chances to win.

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