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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2024-01-13 10:36 AM (#29237)
Subject: Pick & Mix challenge 2024
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
At last! Here we are again with this challenge with very few restrictions. As long as the book on in the WWEnd data bases,its book lists,enjoy reading it.
This year I will be as relaxed as possible. Old WWEnders may know my husband had a stroke 8 weeks ago,and has been left with serious speech difficulties and also some of his cognitive functions are impaired too. He is in mid 80s,so things may have severe impacts. I love my WWEnd booklists and the whole WWEnd experience,but with all the extra tasks and duties involved,the days of reading loads of titles may be in the past,and I cant see me tackling huge tomes at the moment(hey,there's always a silver lining. I just cant bring myself to buckle down to Stephenson's Anathem at the best of times,now I have an excuse not to do it)
I will aim for 40 titles this year instead of 80,and for stress busting I may focus on old favourites,rereads,comfort reads and the like.
The last two years were ones of poor health for myself,and I certainly neglected this challenge. Lets hope that I can be more diligent this year. I am always so grateful that the thread gets a lot of visitors. Thank you. And anyone is very welcome to come on and comment on books I read,even if not doing the challenge. If you are doing,dont leave me like a lone voice crying in the wilderness. Come and join me.

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