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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2024-02-01 1:32 PM (#29323 - in reply to #29237)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2024
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Lester Del Rey's Attack from Atlantis was also off the Winston SF list here on WWEnd,but a much blander mediocre work. about an experimental nuclear submarine which is captured by descendants of Atlantis who have developed a civilisation deep beneath the sea. Once again we have a brave,decent young 17 yr old boy as hero,but I found it rather ho-hum,it took me many times picking up and putting down to finish the 200 pages.
Del Rey is a rather commonplace writer,but he does respect his young SF magazine audience,explains scientific ideas,and always brings up ethical and moral points in a suitable way for the young aspiring scientists who read the pulp magazines. I often smile to myself as I imagine those earnest young would be scientists. I'm sure they were really irritated by the garish wildly inappropriate covers with the Bug eyed monsters. At least the Winston covers were a little more restrained and sensible! lol

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