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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2024-05-01 3:46 AM (#29525 - in reply to #29237)
Subject: Re: Pick & Mix challenge 2024
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
I have been able to add titles to my Pick N Mix challenge these last few months as I have battled constant ill health as my stupid crazy auto immune systen continually attacked my body. One outbreak would ease off,another would take its place. I seem to have mostly weathered the storm,probably because almost every part of my body underwent an onslaught,there's nowhere left to torture! lol.
New month,spring in the air,cautious optimism for an improvement,so I hope to get back to my challenge. Always I have done the full ''sweet shop'',80 books,but I will have to be diligent to even get to 40 this year..
I am behind adding comments of the books finished,so bear with me as I try to catch up.I'll try to bring my list up to date the next few days.

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