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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2012-05-30 1:55 PM (#3266 - in reply to #3265)
Subject: Re: GMRC Q & A
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Posts: 4020
Location: Dallas, Texas

dustydigger - 2012-05-30 12:30 PM What happens if someone reviewed a GM book in january,say Childhood's End? Could someone else do anothe review in May on the same book?.Do the books reviewed have to be award winners or nominees,or can they be any books by that author?

Hey DD,

You can read and review any book by any of the Grand Master authors at any time.  The best reviews will get featured in the blog without regard to that book having already been featured.  A good review is a good review.  In fact, we just had a great review of Way Station from jfrantz in the blog and I've got another one from Allie to post tomorrow for the same book.  Two takes on the same title is pretty cool I think.

The books don't have to be award winners or noms either.  They don't even have to be books in our database.  If you find one you want to read for the challenge let us know and we'll add it so you can tag it.  We've done that several times already.

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