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General Discussion -> Roll-Your-Own Reading Challenge
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Posted 2015-03-29 3:22 PM (#9965 - in reply to #9162)
Subject: Re: The Definitive 1950s Reading Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 614
Location: New Zealand
I am enjoying this challenge, and loving going back and reading some of the early works. There are some real gems to be found here. Without this challenge I probably would not have read many of these books, not because I didn't want to but because there is so little time and so many books. I've just finished Double Star by Heinlein, and I must say I really liked it a lot. Much more than Between Planets which I read earlier this month.

I am about to start on The Shrinking Man as my second choice for 1956. I read I Am Legend many years ago so I am looking forward to seeing what else Matheson has to offer.

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