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Posted 2011-09-26 4:40 PM (#2680)
Subject: Collections


Posts: 36
I have found that WWE is missing many important single author collections. Some may be authors from the 40's and 50's whose stories have stood the test of time but their novels have not. Others, like Ted Chiang, have never published a novel and are therefore not even on the site. Here is a list I made of what I think is many of the definitive short story collections in the genre. Many of the contain award winning or nominated fiction that I feel cant be ignored by this site. Feel free to add thins I left out. As you will notice many of these have been published by NESFA and Golden Gryphon. If you wanted to create particular list, you could use the Locus winners for best collection since 1975.

Isaac Asimov Collected Stories Volume 1, Collected Stories Volume 2
Paolo Bacigalupi - Pump Six and Other Stories
Stephen Baxter - Phase Space, Resplendent
Greg Bear Collected Stories of Greg Bear
Terry Bisson - Bears Discover Fire
Fredric Brown - The Complete Short SF of Fredric Brown
Lois McMaster Bujold Borders of Infinity
Michael A. Burstein - I Remember the Future
John W. Campbell, Jr. - A New Dawn: The Don A. Stuart Stories of John W. Campbell, Jr.
Orson Scott Card Maps in a Mirror
Ted Chiang - Stories of Your Life and Others, The Lifecycle of Software Objects
Arthur C. Clarke Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
Hal Clement - The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 1: Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter, The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 2: Music of Many Spheres, The Essential Hal Clement, Volume 3: Variations on a Theme by Sir Isaac Newton
Samuel Delany - Aye, and Gomorrah: And Other Stories
Philip k. Dick - Beyond Lies the Wub, Second Variety, The Father-Thing, The Days of Perky Pat, The Little Black Box
Cory Doctorow - Overclocked
Lester del Rey - . . . And Some Were Human, Robots and Magic, War and Space
Gardner Dozois - When the Great Days Come
Greg Egan - Oceanic, Luminous, Axiomatic
Zenna Henderson - Ingathering: The Complete People Stories of Zenna Henderson
Robert Heinlein - The Man Who Sold the Moon, Waldo and Magic, Inc., Revolt in 2100, Assignment in Eternity, The Menace from Earth, Off the Main Sequence: The Other Science Fiction Stories of Robert A. Heinlein
James Patrick Kelly Think Like a Dinosaur, Strange But Not Stranger, The Wreck of the Godspeed
John Kessel - The Pure Product, The Baum Plan for Financial Independence and Other Stories
C. M. Kornbluth - His Share of Glory: the Complete Short Science Fiction of C. M. Kornbluth
Nancy Kress - Beaker's Dozen, Nano Comes to Clifford Falls
Henry Kuttner - Two-Handed Engine, Mutant, Robots Dont Have Tails
Geoffrey Landis - Impact Parameter and Other Quantum Realities
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Compass Rose, Four Ways to Forgiveness, Birthday of the World
Ian R. Macleod - Breathmoss and Other Exhalations, Past Magic, Journeys
George R. R. Martin - GRRM: a RRetrospective
Judith Merril - Homecalling and Other Stories
Larry Niven - Neutron Star, Tales of Known Space
Robert Reed - The Dragons of Springplace, The Cuckoo's Boys
Mike Resnick New Dreams for Old
Alastair Reynolds - Diamond Dogs, Turquoise Days; Zima Blue and Other Stories; Galactic North; Deep Navigation
Kim Stanley Robinson The Martian, The best of Kim Stanley Robinson
Eric Frank Russell - Major Ingredients
Lucius Shepard Jaguar Hunter, Best of Lucius Shepard
James H. Schmitz - The Best of James H. Schmitz
Robert Sheckley - The Masque of Maana
Robert Silverberg - Unfamiliar Territory, The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Volume 1: Secret Sharers
Bruce Sterling - Crystal Express, Globalhead, A Good Old-Fashioned Future, Ascendancies: The Best of Bruce Sterling
Theodore Sturgeon Complete Stories Volume 1-13
Michael Swanwick - Gravity's Angels, Tales of Old Earth, The Dog Said Bow-Wow
William Tenn - Immodest Proposals: the Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 1, Here Comes Civilization: the Complete Science Fiction of William Tenn, Volume 2
James Tiptree Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
John Varley The Barbie Murders, Blue Champagne
Vernor Vinge - Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge, True Names
Walter Jon Williams - The Green Leopard Plague and Other Stories
Connie Willis Fire Watch, Impossible Things, Miracle and Other Christmas Stories

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Posted 2011-09-27 9:34 AM (#2681 - in reply to #2680)
Subject: RE: Collections


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

This is a great list of collections and I'd love to eventually get them all added to the site but the issue is, as it has always been, finding time to collect and input the data for so many books!  We given thought to adding a best collection/anthology award to the site but we've only just scratched the surface of the novels so far so we're putting that on the back burner for now.

Currently we're working on separating out Horror from Fantasy and bumping up our coverage there by including the Stoker Award.  This is a pretty major project in itself because we have to revamp our sub-genres, create a list of horror subs, re-tag all the horror books that we've got, add a significant number of new horror books and authors, create the Stoker award page, add a Horror Favorites list to My World, update the search feature to include the new genre and subs, update the content site-wide to include Horror like in the main header etc. etc. etc.

After that, we've got the Mythopoetic Award to finish up (80 more books), a YA award list (where we're particularly weak) plus a few other best of lists in various stages.  We have a host of new member features in the works like dynamic list sorting, custom list creation, quick view so you can tag a book straight off the awards and lists pages, member data input interface etc. all while updating the existing site code while we prepare to move the site to a new service wherupon we'll be replacing the forum and blog software with something more user friendly and modern.

I hope that doesn't come across as too bitchy or anything.  We love the member input and we always strive to get those features and content in that you guys ask for.  All of that is to illustrate how our "to do" list is just never ending and our stupid day jobs continue to get in the way.  Collections/anthologies are something that I'm particularly interested in so I'll add a few here and there as I can but it'll be some time before I can get your whole list done - but we'll get there.  For now, you can cross off the Hal Clement collection - we've already got that set at least.  I really like the stuff coming out of NESFA like the Zelazny collection so I'm keen to get more of their stuff loaded up.

Thanks for the great list and for your interest in WWEnd. You've given us some great ideas in the past and I have no doubt you'll have more in future. Keep 'em coming but don't get mad if we can't get 'em right away. 

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Posted 2011-09-27 12:07 PM (#2682 - in reply to #2680)
Subject: Re: Collections


Posts: 36
No worries about sounding "bitchy." I totally understand that you guys are constantly doing work on the site so my requests will in no way be on the top of your list. Just like throwing stuff out there for future ideas. But thanks for listening anyway. I know you will get to it eventually.
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Posted 2011-09-28 10:00 AM (#2683 - in reply to #2682)
Subject: Re: Collections

Uber User

Posts: 237
Location: Grootfontein, Namibia
I see that Greg Egan "Axiomatic" reference

Dave, we members know you are doing the best. Increased exposure means increased demands, and nothing in this world (or others) is as demanding as SF fans

I guess what is important is not to lose focus of the initial philosophy to add and maintain lists, which arguably highlights the best of genre in its various eras, stages and forms. That's why I'm here. It's an added bonus to discover additional works from considered authors.
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Posted 2011-09-28 10:17 AM (#2684 - in reply to #2683)
Subject: Re: Collections


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

Oh yeah, you guys are awesome!  I like that you want more out of WWEnd.  It means you like what we're doing and you want it to be better still just like we do.  Some of the best ideas have come from our members and we try to roll them out as fast as we can.  In fact, a good many of the features I listed above are member requested upgrades.

It's important to us that you know you have a say in how the site grows and evolves.  It really is your site too and that's why I like to keep you guys in the loop on what we're working on.

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Posted 2013-12-21 7:24 AM (#5854 - in reply to #2680)
Subject: Re: Collections


Posts: 107
Location: scotland
Which author has the most collections? I have read most of Stephen King's short stories. He has 5 collections of of 15+ stories and a further 4 collections of longer novellas with at least four in each book.
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Posted 2013-12-21 2:07 PM (#5855 - in reply to #2680)
Subject: Re: Collections

Uber User

Posts: 795
I don't know about collections but the most prolific SF author is probably Lionel Fanthorpe he wrote over 180 books under 20 or more pseudonyms. He wrote 89 books over a three year period, an average of one every 12 days. I have read nary a one but a collection of quotations from his books can be found at (Pel Torro was one of his pseudonyms). I include an example of his writing style:

"When he awoke it was pitch dark, dark as the pit, dark as the tomb, dark as the grave. A thick, black velvet darkness that seemed almost tangible in its intensity. The kind of darkness that got into the pores of your nose... "

Read him at your own risk.

Edited by justifiedsinner 2013-12-21 2:08 PM
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Scott Laz
Posted 2013-12-25 8:45 PM (#5868 - in reply to #5855)
Subject: Re: Collections

Uber User

Posts: 263
Location: Gunnison, Colorado
Check out the bibliography of just about any SF writer who was popular during the '40s through the '70s, and you'll probably see a list of a dozen collections. The SF magazines were more important and widely read than novels, and writers concentrated on short fiction much more than they do now. For just one example, Theodore Sturgeon's collected stories have been reprinted in a hefty set of 13 volumes, and lists around 20 collections published from the early '50s through the early '70s!
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