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My World Updates
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   Welcome to Worlds Without End! -> New Features & NewsMessage format
Posted 2015-06-19 10:55 PM (#10828)
Subject: My World Updates


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

We just launched some new enhancements to the My World section that we think you're gonna like.

My World landing page:

  • took out the sidebar to give the content room to spread out
  • took out the list accordions and replaced with simplified 5-book lists using the larger size images
  • the shorter lists show your most recent activity i.e. the last five books you tagged as read or marked as favorites or the last 5 authors you've tagged as read (which means if you tag a book you read 10 years ago because it just got added to the DB it will show on the list)
  • the list titles and numbers link to new pages built for each list - this means when you visit a member's world you don't have to wait for all their books to load in the accordions - now you get the recent books and you can click through for the full lists
  • the new list pages are a straight forward alpha sort by title - we took out the clunky number sorting - less is more
  • the page is much faster - especially for folks with a high book count like Englebrecht!

Awards Stats and List Stats pages:

  • we split the old stats page into Awards Stats and List Stats because it was getting a bit long with all the new awards and lists going in recently
  • took out the sidebar to give the content room to spread out
  • added award and list icons to give the pages some visual interest - they link to the award and list pages natch
  • made the graphs and text larger to make them easier to read

Novel Ratings page:

  • took out the sidebar to give the content room to spread out
  • added the rating stars to give the page some visual interest - stars are pretty
  • made the graphs and text larger to make it easier to read

There are still some other tweaks to these new pages that we'll be making in the next couple weeks too so stay tuned for those.  I'll post info here so you'll now about them as they happen.

These changes are groundwork for some other new features that will make it easier/possible to interact with other members in a more fun and meaningful way.  With this update you can see what other WWEnders are up to by checking out the recent activity in the lists like latest reviews or new authors read etc.  Later we'll be adding:

  • buddy lists to make it easier to follow each other on the site
  • achievement badges that you can earn for posting reviews, forum participation, finishing awards and lists etc.
  • custom list feature so you'll be able to make your own lists to share with other members
  • a "My RYO" page that will put all your reading challenge shelves on a single page to make it easier to track your challenge efforts

We hope you'll enjoy the new updated features and that you are as excited as we are about some of the new stuff that's coming our way.  Let us know what you think!

Read on! 



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Posted 2015-06-20 9:44 AM (#10830)
Subject: New My World Format

Uber User

Posts: 795
I like the new format a lot but there are a few problems.

1. On the profile page the pictures are overlaying the text. (I'm using Chrome)

2. I think you need a title as well as an icon for the awards and statistics instead of just relying on touchstones.

3. Some of the touchstones are missing e.g. for the Pringle Best 100.
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Posted 2015-06-20 10:25 AM (#10831 - in reply to #10830)
Subject: Re: New My World Format


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
I like it too, but is it still possible to rank one's favorites?

Not that that's necessary per se, an alphabetical list is fine for me. I just wondered if it was a glitch or not.
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Posted 2015-06-20 10:50 AM (#10832 - in reply to #10831)
Subject: Re: New My World Format


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
Okay, saw it answered in Dave's post about the new lay-out.
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Posted 2015-06-20 10:52 AM (#10833 - in reply to #10828)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
Good updates!

It would be nice to be able to sort a member's list of books read by his/her rankings, so that you can see his/her best liked books in a glance.
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Posted 2015-06-20 11:51 AM (#10836 - in reply to #10833)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

I posted the My World Updates last night but nobody saw it.  I merged the comments from JS's thread with this one so everyone can see the announcement.

justifiedsinner - 2015-06-20 9:44 AM I like the new format a lot but there are a few problems. 1. On the profile page the pictures are overlaying the text. (I'm using Chrome) 2. I think you need a title as well as an icon for the awards and statistics instead of just relying on touchstones. 3. Some of the touchstones are missing e.g. for the Pringle Best 100.

1. You'll have to do a hard refresh to get the styles to show correctly.  I just verified in Chrome.

2. I will add the titles for clarity.  Thanks for the suggestion.

3. There is a problem with the overlib not liking the apostrophe in the descriptions so it's choking on "David Pringle's..."  I will fix those.

bleebs - 2015-06-20 10:25 AM I like it too, but is it still possible to rank one's favorites? Not that that's necessary per se, an alphabetical list is fine for me. I just wondered if it was a glitch or not.

The ranking was really awkward so we took it out for now.  This is the first round of updates and we'll be adding a drag and drop sorting and other sorting and filters to the lists in the future.

bleebs - 2015-06-20 10:52 AM Good updates! It would be nice to be able to sort a member's list of books read by his/her rankings, so that you can see his/her best liked books in a glance.

We agree.  That ability is on the list of sorting updates mentioned above.  It goes along with another project to add the rating stars to all the book covers across the site so you'll be able to see them from any award or list page.  Think Netflix on this one:  we're going to show yellow stars for overall rating for books where you have not submitted your own rating and red stars or those you have rated with a hover over to show the overall rating.

Also on the list of upgrades we will be linking the text all over the stats and ranking pages.  So for instance if you're short 20 books on the Hugo winners list you'll be able to click the "20" text to get a list of just your missing books.  On the ranking page you'll be able to click the numbers to see all your 4 star books and if you're looking at another member's stats you can see what they ranked 4 stars as well.

Lots more to come, folks!

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Posted 2015-06-21 10:19 AM (#10845 - in reply to #10830)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas
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Posted 2015-06-21 12:21 PM (#10848 - in reply to #10830)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 63
Location: Zagreb
Dave, this new format is great, looks fantastic. In my opinion, sorting (and filtering) you're mentioned above are most important and promising, I vote for it first.
Confirming that refresh in Chrome works for me.
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Posted 2015-06-21 1:44 PM (#10850 - in reply to #10848)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

risbom - 2015-06-21 12:21 PM Dave, this new format is great, looks fantastic. In my opinion, sorting (and filtering) you're mentioned above are most important and promising, I vote for it first. Confirming that refresh in Chrome works for me.

Thanks, risbon, I'm glad you like it.  Sorting and filtering will be the next updates for that section though we have some other bits to attend to first.  It's coming!

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Posted 2015-06-21 9:50 PM (#10852 - in reply to #10850)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 144
Location: Fort Myers, Florida USA
Looking forward to the sorting feature. Up till now, only the books reviewed lists was sorted by dated added (with oldest first), now it's alphanumeric like all the others. It'll be great to be able to sort by date, or by author, or by ranking, etc.
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Posted 2015-06-22 9:47 AM (#10853 - in reply to #10830)
Subject: Re: My World Updates

Uber User

Posts: 795
Everything looks great now. Thanks.
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Posted 2015-06-29 4:05 AM (#10880 - in reply to #10853)
Subject: Re: My World Updates

Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Looking forward to some of those sorting features and interactions with members lists. My only niggle is with the award/lists layout in My World now. Before I could see all the lists and could easily compare my progress in all of them.. Now only about 4 or 5 awards can be seen at a time. So if I want to compare my stats on the PKD award with the Shirley Jackson I have to scroll down and with my rotten memory I have forgotten the PKD stats before I read the Jackson ones
Pity. I really liked seeing all those bars at once for comparisons in my progress on the various lists.Ah well,as I said,a minor point,all in all the whole site is getting ever better. Keep up the good work!
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Posted 2015-08-11 3:19 AM (#11110 - in reply to #10830)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
What's the difference between the green and blue bar in My Novel Ratings?
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Posted 2015-08-11 3:20 AM (#11111 - in reply to #11110)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
Strange, I just refreshed it, and now the green bar disappeared. Safari?
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Posted 2015-08-11 3:22 AM (#11112 - in reply to #11111)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 99
Location: Belgium
No, it wasn't refreshing, it depends on what link I click. The one in the drop down menu if I hover over My World, or the one on the right if I click My World. The former has one bar for my ratings, the latter 2 bars.
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Posted 2015-08-11 8:30 AM (#11113 - in reply to #11112)
Subject: Re: My World Updates


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

bleebs - 2015-08-11 3:22 AM No, it wasn't refreshing, it depends on what link I click. The one in the drop down menu if I hover over My World, or the one on the right if I click My World. The former has one bar for my ratings, the latter 2 bars.

I see the problem.  If you're viewing another member's profile the link is supposed to take you to their ratings page which has your ratings there for comparison.  What it's doing on your own profile page is treating it as if you are another member and it's trying to compare your stats to your own stats.   Thanks for pointing it out.  We'll get it fixed at lunch.  I'll post here when it's done.

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