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Mini Challenge
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Posted 2022-02-18 8:33 PM (#23841 - in reply to #23839)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Extreme Veteran

Posts: 574
Location: Great Lakes, USA
I thought that I had read The Star Pit back in high school when I read a lot of Delany. Since I have it, I read it - not read again, because I don't think I ever did. It was rather a sad story. It made me want to read more Delany. Perhaps I will. Maybe The Jewels of Aptor since I havent read that yet or a reread of Babel 17.

I know I have read Aye, and Gomorrah - I read a lot of the award winning short fiction back when I was in high school. I am tempted to reread it every time I read an awful new book or short story, which happened a lot last year.

I will probably reread Aye, and Gomorrah now that I am thinking about it. And I downloaded The Exploits of Engelbrecht after reading all the comments about it.
Keep up the recommendations, Dusty!

Edited by daxxh 2022-02-18 8:39 PM
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Posted 2022-02-19 6:46 PM (#23842 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Elite Veteran

Posts: 1047
Location: UK
Hi daxxh. I am having a great time reading short SF lately. Back in my youth most books in the SF section of the library were anthologies,or fix up novels,but when I returned to the genre after several decades and joined WWEnd, I spent all my time reading Hugos and Nebulas and other novels. Now I am getting back to reading short stories,and its a blast.
Yes The Star Pit was a rather sad book,a grim reminder that we all have barriers and limits in life that we cant possibly achieve. Depressing much? lol
Glad you like my recommendations,though really they are mostly prodding your memory for things you read long ago!
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Posted 2022-04-05 3:54 AM (#23912 - in reply to #23776)
Subject: RE: Mini Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
Time for a new mini challenge. This one in honour of April and new life.

The challenge, called 'Author's First Book', is to read the first book by an author, or at least the oldest dated book by the author in the database. You can read a brand new author with only one book, or the first book by a golden age author who's written a hundred books.

Whether you choose the first book by Arkady Strugatsky or Arkady Martine is up to you.

(April Challenge.jpg)

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Posted 2022-05-31 2:11 AM (#23991 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: RE: Mini Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
Coming up in June - The Southern Hemisphere Mini Challenge!

June is the start of winter in the Southern Hemisphere, so to support the southern brothers and sisters (including me) through the long winter months, read a book from an author from the Southern Hemisphere. Plenty of authors to choose from, so come and show them some love here in this challenge.


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Posted 2022-12-28 10:17 AM (#26638 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Posts: 65
What has happened to the 2022 mini challenges? I know I marked books for each of the minis as they were posted but now they all appear to be gone. Is anyone else having this issue?
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Posted 2023-01-08 8:44 PM (#26699 - in reply to #23630)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
Hi Scott

Each mini challenge was running for a few months only, as more were coming on all the time. Then at some point in the second half of last year life got a bit insane and hectic and I never got any new ones posted.

I plan to start the mini challenges again in February, after the rush of new January challenges is over. If there is a particular theme or topic you would like to see, feel free to drop it here and I'll see what I can do.

I talked about the length of the challenges when I first started them, and decided 3 to 6 months was a good length, but I am always open for more input as I want it to be a community thing. What would you like to see? Topics? Length of challenge? Number of books? Feedback is helpful for me to set up challenges members will enjoy.
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Posted 2023-01-12 11:42 PM (#26723 - in reply to #26699)
Subject: Re: Mini Challenge
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Posts: 65
Weesam - 2023-01-08 6:44 PM

Hi Scott

Each mini challenge was running for a few months only, as more were coming on all the time...

...I talked about the length of the challenges when I first started them, and decided 3 to 6 months was a good length...

Hi Weesam,

I am not Scott but I think you may be replying to my inquiry...?

I guess I sort of expected all of the challenges I had signed up for to 'stick' to my personal challenges page until the end of 2022. I track my reading on another site and use tags to sort my WWE challenge reads. At the end of the year, I like to go through and make sure my tags are accurate. When the mini challenges went missing, I thought something may have gone wrong but it sounds as though the shorter running time of the mini-challenges was intentional. Not a huge deal, just not what I expected. And it's my bad for not reading the fine print.

Anyway, thank you for responding.
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Posted 2023-01-31 11:06 PM (#26795 - in reply to #23991)
Subject: RE: Mini Challenge
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Uber User

Posts: 616
Location: New Zealand
First mini for 2023. Childhood Memories

Remember those books you read as a child or teen? Here's your chance to go back and revist something that got you excited about SF or Fantasy (or maybe it was your first horror). Was it The Hobbit, or The Chronicles of Narnia, or something more modern like Harry Potter?

Please note the three month run time for the mini's this year. If you want me to have them run longer, let me know.


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