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Scanned Book Cover Images
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Posted 2014-07-13 1:34 AM (#8180)
Subject: Scanned Book Cover Images

New User

Posts: 2
Hi, I would like to scan some book covers and such. But I would like to do that correctly.

What is the dpi for a scanned image here and the correct file extension to use?

My scanner can't wait. And do I have to submit a email to for every book cover. Also I don't want to flood that email. I noticed this place has a lot of the book covers displayed already. (Which is awesome) But some of the images on the books I have are alternative or whatever. Like I have a book for example called Mariel of Redwall by Author Brian Jacques my book image is different then the one displayed and when I scanned it there is like little specs on the side of the book. But it is barely noticeable in complete wholeness of the image. I think it is great actually. Also can I scan maps inside the book and submit those two? I have a whole bookcase full of books that I can scan to help this place to. I hopefully can find some images out of the books I have that can help.

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Posted 2014-07-28 7:09 PM (#8248 - in reply to #8180)
Subject: RE: Scanned Book Cover Images


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

DrakeShockFire - 2014-07-13 1:34 AM Hi, I would like to scan some book covers and such. But I would like to do that correctly. What is the dpi for a scanned image here and the correct file extension to use? My scanner can't wait. And do I have to submit a email to for every book cover. Also I don't want to flood that email. I noticed this place has a lot of the book covers displayed already. (Which is awesome) But some of the images on the books I have are alternative or whatever. Like I have a book for example called Mariel of Redwall by Author Brian Jacques my book image is different then the one displayed and when I scanned it there is like little specs on the side of the book. But it is barely noticeable in complete wholeness of the image. I think it is great actually. Also can I scan maps inside the book and submit those two? I have a whole bookcase full of books that I can scan to help this place to. I hopefully can find some images out of the books I have that can help. Thanks

Hello Drake,

Welcome to WWEnd and thanks so much for your interest in helping us with some cover images!  Sorry for taking so long to reply.  You posted whilst I was away on vacation and I missed it when I came back.

We would love to add more alternate covers to our novel pages and since you asked we decided we needed a better solution to make it easy for you, and anyone else, to jump right in.  To that end we have set up a MediaFire FileDrop where you can drag and drop your images.  Take a look at any novel page and you'll see the new link (replacing the old email us an image link) in the images section.

All you have to do is click the link from any novel page and you can drag and drop as many files as you like.  You don't have to match the files to the novel page link since they all go into the same holding folder.  You don't have to look up each title separately.  You won't see them go up right away but I'll scrape for new images every few days and load them up in batches.

Anyway, to answer your questions about the files themselves...

We prefer .jpg images at 72ppi no wider than 400px and no taller than 600px.  Variations in image size are fine so long as they're proportional width and height and not distorted.  Anything larger will be crunched in the interest of load time so no need to scan high resolution or anything.  The images should be clean and sharp and reasonably cropped but we're not too worried about them being perfect so little scratches and chipping etc. are just fine.  If it's got a big price tag smack in the middle of the cover or its torn that may be a bit too much.  Use your best judgement and it'll be fine I'm sure.  Interior illustrations and maps are most welcome!  I love a good map too!

For the file name please just use the book title with no spaces and tack on "01", "02", "03" etc. suffix to the end if you have multiples for a single title. So for instance "Mariel_of_Redwall_01.jpg" and "Mariel_of_Redwall_02.jpg" for a cover image and an interior map image.

I hope that answers your questions and that our slowness in responding didn't leave you thinking we didn't care about your offer which we appreciate very much.  Please let me know if you have any further questions or comments.  Thanks!


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Posted 2014-07-28 7:44 PM (#8249 - in reply to #8180)
Subject: Re: Scanned Book Cover Images

Uber User

Posts: 265
Location: Neither here...nor there
Will users be able to select which cover will display on their challenges and profile? Or will the alternate covers just show up on the book info page?
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Posted 2014-07-28 11:52 PM (#8250 - in reply to #8249)
Subject: Re: Scanned Book Cover Images


Posts: 4029
Location: Dallas, Texas

HRO - 2014-07-28 7:44 PM Will users be able to select which cover will display on their challenges and profile? Or will the alternate covers just show up on the book info page?

Just a straight up display for now. 

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Posted 2014-07-29 12:25 AM (#8251 - in reply to #8180)
Subject: Re: Scanned Book Cover Images

New User

Posts: 2
Thank you admin don't worry I was not disappointed. That should be prefect. I hopefully can get some scanned images. I l really like the solution to. Thanks for giving such a thoughtful infomational packet on the question to.
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