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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Destiny Doll

Added By: Scott Laz
Last Updated: Scott Laz

Destiny Doll

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Author: Clifford D. Simak
Publisher: DAW Books, 1982
Berkley Publishing Group, 1972
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1971

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Space Exploration
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The Planet beckoned them from space--and closed round them like a venus Fly Trap!

Captain Mike Ross finds himself leading an interplanetary expedition to an anonymous planet that welcomes them with a homing beam and then seals shut around them. Their ship is sealed against them and they are hurled into a wholly inhospitable desert.

Assailed by strange perils and even stranger temptations, the little group stumbled towards its destiny--Mike Ross, the pilot, Sara Foster, the big game hunter, blind George Smith, and the odious Friar Tuck. Before them was a legend made flesh, around them were creatures of myth and mystery, close behind them stalked Nemesis. The doll, the little wooden painted doll, was to be their salvation. Or their damnation, for each might choose, and find, his own Nirvana.


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Destiny Doll

- spoltz


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