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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Dark Cities

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Last Updated: valashain

Dark Cities

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Author: Christopher Golden
Publisher: Titan Books, 2017

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Book Type: Anthology
Genre: Horror
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In shadowy back alleys, crumbling brownstones, and gleaming skyscrapers, cities harbor unique forms of terror. Here lie malicious ghosts, cursed buildings, malignant deities, and personal demons of every kind.

Twenty of today's most talented writers bend their skills toward the darkness, creating brand-new tales guaranteed to keep you awake at night-- especially if you live in the dark cities.

Far worse than mythical creatures such as vampires and werewolves, these are horrors that lurk in the places you go every day--where you would never expect to find them. But they are there, and now that you know, you'll never again walk the streets alone.

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