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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Dragon Masters

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The Dragon Masters

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Author: Jack Vance
Publisher: Gregg Press, 1976
Galaxy Science Fiction, 1962
Series: Gregg Press Science Fiction Series: Book 21
Book Type: Novella
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Mutants
Dying Earth
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The race of man is growing old, but it's not yet ready to die - not while there are dragons still to kill!

The cross-bred dragon armies of the Men of Aerlith are the most appalling horrors ever to threaten the sanity of our future:

Termagents ~ three hundred reptilian giants with six legs apiece, the most fecund breeders of them all

Jugglers ~ eighteen of them, growling amongst themselves, waiting for an opportunity to snap off a leg from any unwary groom

Murderers (striding and long-horned) ~ eighty-five of each, with scaly tails and eyes like crystals

Fiends ~ fifty-two powerful monsters, their tails tipped with spike steel balls

Blue Horrors, Basics, Spider Dragons...


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