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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Tusks of Extinction

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The Tusks of Extinction

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Author: Ray Nayler
Publisher: Publishing, 2024

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Book Type: Novella
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Mind Uploading
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(18 reads / 14 ratings)


When you bring back a long-extinct species, there's more to success than the DNA.

Moscow has resurrected the mammoth. But someone must teach them how to be mammoths, or they are doomed to die out again.

Dr. Damira Khismatullina, an expert in elephant behavior, was brutally murdered trying to defend the world's last elephants from the brutal ivory trade. Now, her digitized consciousness has been downloaded into the mind of a mammoth.

As the herd's new matriarch, can Damira help fend off poachers long enough for the species to take hold? Or will her own ghosts, and Moscow's real reason for bringing the mammoth back, doom them to a new extinction?


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