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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Bride of the Stone

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Bride of the Stone

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Author: Josephine Pennicott
Publisher: Earthlight Australia, 2003
Series: Circle of Nine: Book 2
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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Despite Emma Develle's best efforts, the sacred Eom crystal has started to recharge, throwing the magical Goddess-worshipping world of Eronth into deadly turmoil. Meanwhile, Maya, daughter of Emma and the mysterious Stag Man, is raised to womanhood oblivious to both her identity and destiny in the struggle to come.

Maya finds herself in a world threatened with destruction. The sinister Lightcaster feeds off the Eom's dark energy to orchestrate bloody witch hunts; the Sea Hags fulfil ancient prophecies by invading the land; and the Azephim dark angels scheme to realise their dreams of supremacy by harnessing the Eom's power and Maya's future. Amid this chaos Maya begins on a long road to self-discovery, helped by the Wizards of the Circle of Nine, freed after thousands of years trapped in stone.

On Earth, Emma's house is occupied by a New-Age cult whose leader's esoteric powers are frighteningly real. But he knows little about his own angelic lineage and even less about the Azephim and other dangerous entities drawn to the house's portal between the worlds.

Maya's destiny unfolds as she falls in love with Bwani, leader of the Circle of Nine – but are their combined powers enough to stop the dark forces destroying not only Eronth, but Earth too?


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