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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Garden of Rama

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The Garden of Rama

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Author: Arthur C. Clarke
Gentry Lee
Publisher: Bantam Spectra, 1991
Series: Rama Series: Book 3

1. Rendezvous with Rama
2. Rama II
3. The Garden of Rama
4. Rama Revealed

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Hard SF
Space Exploration
Artificial Intelligence
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(167 reads / 69 ratings)


In the year 2130 a mysterious spaceship, Rama, arrived in the solar system. It was huge, but empty - apparently abandoned. By the time Rama departed for its next unknown destination many wonders had been uncovered, but few mysteries solved. Only one thing was clear: everything the enigmatic builders of Rama did, they did in threes.

Eighty years later the second alien craft arrived in the solar system. This time, Earth had been waiting. Now Rama II is on its way out of the solar system. Aboard it are three humans, two men and a woman, left behind when the expedition departed. Ahead of them lies the unknown, a voyage no human has ever experienced; and at the end of it may lie the truth about Rama.


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