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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

From the Earth to the Moon

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From the Earth to the Moon

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Author: Jules Verne
Publisher: Bantam Dell Publishing Group, 1993
Pierre-Jules Hetzel, 1865
Series: Baltimore Gun Club: Book 1

1. From the Earth to the Moon
2. Around the Moon
3. The Purchase of the North Pole

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Science-Fiction
Sub-Genre Tags: Space Exploration
Light/Humorous SF
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Written almost a century before the daring flights of the astronauts, Jules Verne's prophetic novel of man's race to the stars is a classic adventure tale enlivened by broad satire and scientific acumen.

When the members of the elite Baltimore Gun Club find themselves lacking any urgent assignments at the close of the Civil War, their president, Impey Barbicane, proposes that they build a gun big enough to launch a rocket to the moon. But when Barbicane's adversary places a huge wager that the project will fail and a daring volunteer elevates the mission to a "manned" flight, one man's dream turns into an international space race.


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From the Earth to the Moon

- spectru
From the Earth to the Moon

- imnotsusan


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