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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Man-Eaters of Cascalon

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The Man-Eaters of Cascalon

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Author: Gene Lancour
Publisher: Doubleday, 1979
Series: Dirsham: Tilter of Worldes: Book 4
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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All was quiet in the darkness, the sound of fighting fading as he went forward. Some steady walking and then suddenly from a wide bend in the rocky passage Dirshan could make out a seeping light that filered and shone in the blackness. He paused, letting his eyes adjust to it, not liking its strange beauty and comlelling feeling that he was being drawn to it. Dirshan flexed his hand on his blade. Something warned him strongly of renewed danger, for that waxing light afore him was not from a torch, and as he cautiously advanced it began to grow brighter with a cold brilliance. It waxed in strength even as he watched, seeming to pulse liek the slow steady breathing of some gigantic beast. Suddenly Dirshan dropped to his hands and knees, creeping foward to peer around the concealing mass of rock that obscured his vision into the rest of the passage...

There was a widening of the passage beyond that created what was in effect a large chamber. Here were gathered five of the white-garbed Ayal. A sixth form, that of Liiene, was slumped to the floor, staring as if dead on an object which shone with a pulsing brilliance and was the source of the strange light. Because of this Dirshan could not get an exact idea of its shape and fashion, though it seemed to have the outline of an open box of unknown work. But it shome with a light that gripped the mind and pierced the soul, drawing his attention like a war beacon in the blackness. All about it moved the shapes of the five Ayal, murmering some strange and uncouth cantrip as they moved their hands in obedience to some arcane ritual. Dirshan felt the pull of that light, his mind sucking down the shafts of light that came from it into oblivion.


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