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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

Kothar of the Magic Sword!

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Kothar of the Magic Sword!

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Author: Gardner F. Fox
Publisher: Belmont Books, 1969
Series: Kothar: Book 2
Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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The enchanted sword Frostfire Kothar stole the helix from the fat Emperor of Avalonia. It was the only way he could hope to recover his magic Sword Frostfire from the belly of the Great Eagle of Nirvalla. But the original theft of the helix was to embroil Kothar in even more uncanny adventures. An 'ice being, 'an eerie creature even in Kothar's World, used the helix for his own dark purpose. Trying to forget the beautiful Laella -- driven away by the Witch Red Lori -- Kothar agreed to deliver another lovely girl from the Sinister followers of the god Polthoom. Even with the magic Sword flashing in his powerful hands, it was the bloodiest, Weirdest, most blood-Chilling adventure of his life. Includes the stories: The Helix from Beyond, A Plague of Demons


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