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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Stolen Sun

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The Stolen Sun

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Author: Emil Petaja
Publisher: Ace Books, 1967
Series: The Kalevala: Book 3

1. Saga of Lost Earths
2. The Star Mill
3. The Stolen Sun
4. Tramontane

Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
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In the distant future, Wayne Panu, captain of a battleship, undergoes terrible psychic trauma when he is forced to kill innocent alien children and then sacrifice his best friend, all in the name of duty. When Wayne looks out a viewport and sees an ancient copper canoe floating in space, bearing a bearded elder of great psychic and physical strength, Wayne knows he has suffered a mental breakdown. But the copper boat is real, and its passenger is the greatest sorcerer of the past, the present and the future, Wainomoinen. For behind the Terran-alien war is the near-immortal hag-witch, Louhi, the vessel through which the Pahaliset, cruel forces from another dimension scheme to conquer our own. To stop them, Wayne will have to accompany Wainomoinen across time and space, learn the secrets of the Vanhat (the ancient Finns), beguile Louhi, craftiest of all the Star-Witches, trick her greatest trick from her, and then allow himself to be totally consumed by the Pahaliset! 


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