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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Pyramid Books

Pyramid Books

Founded: 1949
Founded by: William Jovanovich
Titles/Circulation: NA


Pyramid Books has passed beyond the veil of living houses. Founded in 1949 by William Jovanovich, of HBJ fame, the press was sold ultimately to the Harcourt Brace group, which reshaped it into the Jove imprint, and then sold it to the Penguin Group in 1979.

Works in the WWEnd Database






Authors Published

• Lyon de Camp  • William Jenkins  • Edward Smith  • Stephen Goldin  • Michael Kurland  • Mark Phillips  • Paul Linebarger  • Barry Malzberg  • John Vance  • Robert Heinlein  • Gordon Dickson  • Poul Anderson  • Algirdas Budrys  • Avram Davidson  • Harry Harrison  • Theodore Sturgeon  • Chester Anderson  • Harlan Ellison  • Judith Grossman  • George Smith  • Laurence Harris  • Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes  • Thomas Godwin  • Arthur Ward  • David McIlwain  • Theodore White  • Stephen Fabian  • Raymond Gallun  • Jo Harper  • James MacGregor  • David Van Arnam  • Evan Hunter  • Rene Barjavel  • Willis McNelly  • Eric Russell  • Raymond Jones  • Alan Nourse  • Edward Bryant  • Frank Long  • Byron Preiss  • Theodore Cogswell  • Edmond Hamilton  • Murray Pratt  • Piers Jacob  • John Williamson  • Donald Bensen  • Robert Bloch  • Ward Moore  • Edgar Pangborn  • Philip Dick  • John Brunner  • Philip Farmer  • Vonda McIntyre  • Terry Carr  • Marta Randall  • Robert Silverberg  • Arthur Cover  • Robert Sheckley