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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Earthlight UK

Earthlight UK

Founded: 1997
Founded by: Simon & Schuster
Titles/Circulation: NA


Earthlight is the now- discontinued British SF imprint of Simon & Schuster. The imprint was discontinued by the firm in 2003.

Works in the WWEnd Database






Authors Published

• Terence Brooks  • Harry Turtledove  • Jon Grimwood  • David Farland  • Jane Welch  • Robert Holdstock  • Freda Warrington  • Richard Calder  • James Stoddard  • Michael Moorcock  • Walter Williams  • Kevin Anderson  • Jude Fisher  • Lois Bujold  • Conrad Williams  • Eugene Byrne  • Storm Constantine  • Thomas Reamy  • James Lovegrove  • Guy Kay  • Ray Bradbury  • Ian McDonald  • Jack Cohen  • Ian Stewart  • Peter Crowther  • Karen Haber  • Teresa Patterson