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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Publishers

Valancourt Books

Valancourt Books

Founded: 2005
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Titles/Circulation: 0


"'Valancourt? and who was he?' cry the young people. Valancourt, my dears, was the hero of one of the most famous romances which ever was published in this country. The beauty and elegance of Valancourt made your young grandmammas' gentle hearts to beat with respectful sympathy. He and his glory have passed away. Ah, woe is me that the glory of novels should ever decay... Inquire at Mudie's, or the London Library, who asks for 'The Mysteries of Udolpho' now? Have not even 'The Mysteries of Paris' ceased to frighten? Alas! our best novels are but for a season..."

--William Makepeace Thackeray

Valancourt Books is an independent small press specializing in the rediscovery of rare, neglected, and out-of-print fiction. Despite the valiant efforts of a few small presses and the availability of new technology that can make books available to readers all over the world, far too many great books remain out-of-print and inaccessible; we founded Valancourt Books in 2005 to restore many of these works to new generations of readers.

Works in the WWEnd Database


Authors Published

• John Blackburn  • J. B. Priestley  • Michael McDowell  • Stephen Gregory  • Ryan Cagle  • James Jenkins  • David Case  • Bernard Taylor  • Lisa Tuttle  • Robert Westall  • Michael Talbot  • Colin Wilson  • Thomas Tessier  • Ann Radcliffe  • Kenneth Greenhall  • Elizabeth Engstrom  • Thomas Page  • Harry Kinight  • Bertram Mitford  • Mervyn Wall  • Friedrich de La Motte  • Christopher Philippo  • Jere Cunningham  • Eliza Parsons  • Abraham Stoker  • Hugh Walpole  • Michael Blumlein  • Steve Tem  • Fred Hoyle  • Forrest Reid  • Thomas Henham  • Stephen Gilbert  • Frank Baker  • Charles Nutt  • Charles Birkin  • Ronald Chetwynd-Hayes  • Frank De Felitta  • Dennis Parry  • William Metcalfe  • Franklin Gregory  • Arch Oboler  • James Kennaway  • Harry Ruber  • Henry Mercer  • Dennis Schuetz  • David Wallis  • Robin Estridge  • Craig Jones  • Tara Moore  • Archibald Roy  • Philip Ridley  • Edgar Mittelholzer  • Sydney Burke  • Alex Hamilton  • Arthur Thorndike  • Thoman Blackburn  • Michael Arlen  • Gerald Kersh  • John Nicolson  • Hilda Lewis  • Alexis Easley  • Shannon Scott  • Michael Shea  • Russell Hoban  • Thomas Reamy  • Christopher Priest  • Jack Cady  • Karl Wagner  • Richard Matheson  • Stephen Laws  • Edward Plunkett  • Arthur Doyle  • Nevil Shute  • Henry Haggard  • Basil Copper  • Gabrielle Long  • James Rymer  • George Onions  • George Reynolds  • Geoffrey Hoyle  • Manly Wellman  • Robert Marasco  • Robert Aickman  • Alexander Laing  • Thomas Guthrie  • Fredric Brown  • Frederick Rolfe  • Florence Marryat  • Stefan Grabinski  • Thomas De Quincy  • Regina Roche  • Carl Kahlert  • Francis Lathom  • Eleanor Sleath  • Carl Grosse  • Marie Corelli  • Ruby Ferguson  • Carl Jacobi  • June Skinner  • Riccardo Stephens  • Timothy Lucas  • Nathaniel Benchley  • Margaret O'Donnell  • Álvaro Marín  • Margaret Tabor  • Leroy Kettle  • Hugh Zachary  • Richard Fallon  • Attila Veres  • Leslie Whitten  • Alan Petty  • Anders Johansson  • John Symonds  • Luigi Musolino  • Peter Tonkin  • James Borlase  • Arthur Calder-Marshall  • Audrey Barker  • Bernardo Esquinca  • Emilie Flygare-Carlen  • Joanna Baillie  • Melanie Anderson  • T. Martindale  • Simon Raven  • Roland Topor  • John Gordon  • David Fisher  • Mendal Johnson  • John Brosnan  • Robert Coates  • Garrett Boatman  • Joan Samson  • Stephen Knight  • Charles Keary  • Leslie Hartley  • John Cross  • Eric Higgs  • Allen Grove  • Simon Stern  • Christopher Wood  • Eli Cantor  • Thomas Cullinan  • Leopold Timmermans  • Bari Wood