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Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Books

The Golden Fleece

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Last Updated: gallyangel

The Golden Fleece

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Alternate Title: Hercules, My Shipmate
Author: Robert Graves
Publisher: Seven Stories Press, 2017
Penguin Books, 2011
Cassell & Company, Ltd, 1944

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Book Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy
Sub-Genre Tags: Heroic Fantasy
Historical Fantasy
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The Golden Fleece was at one time the most sacred religious object of the ancient Greeks, and had been sent away as the result of a power struggle between the Greeks and earlier inhabitants of the Greek peninsula. In this, the original quest narrative, Jason leads a voyage of heroes, including his friend Hercules and many others, in his ship the Argo, to recapture the sacred Golden Fleece and bring it home. To do so he must travel across the whole of the ancient world, perform impossible tasks, and undergo betrayals and tragedies beyond comprehension or human endurance.


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