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H. P. Lovecraft's Favorite Weird Tales: Discover the Roots of Modern Horror!

Douglas A. Anderson

Expanded Edition!

H.P. Lovecraft's favorite horror stories, those that inspired and awed him -- with four additional stories from the original edition!

H.P. Lovecraft made lists of both literary and popular stories "having the greatest amount of truly cosmic horror and macabre convincingness." These lists of his favorite weird tales make for a truly landmark Lovecraftian anthology. We present Lovecraft's own favorites horror stories, including some well-known classics, alongside of a number of excellent rare tales by forgotten authors. Many of these stories are classics, inspiring several generations since of the world's best horror authors. Contributors include Edgar Allan Poe, Ambrose Bierce, Arthur Machen, Robert W. Chambers, M. R. James, Algernon Blackwood, M. P. Shiel, A. Merritt, Walter de la Mare, Paul Suter, M. L. Humphreys, H. F. Arnold, Everil Worrell, Arthur J. Burks, and John Martin Leahy. This is the anthology of favorite weird tales that Lovecraft himself hoped to compile!

This expanded edition features four additional stories not included in Lovecraft's original lists, culled from his later letters. Included are stories like the classic "Passing of a God" by Henry S. Whitehead, and some additional tales by acclaimed authors Robert E. Howard and Clark Ashton Smith.

"To understand why Lovecraft regarded these stories as the touchstone for greatness in the literature of supernatural horror is to understand the significance of the genre itself. The classic works included in this collection, along with Lovecraft's own best tales, both justify and represent the essence of this form of human expression." - Thomas Ligotti

The Crevasse

Dale Bailey
Nathan Ballingrud

This Shirley Jackson Award nominated short story originally appeared in the anthology Lovecraft Unbound: Twenty Stories (2009), edited by Ellen Datlow. It can also be found in the anthologies The Best Horror of the Year: Volume Two (2010), edited by Ellen Datlow, The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2010, edited by Paula Guran, and New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird (2011), also edited by Guran. The story is included in the Ballingrud collection North American Lake Monsters (2013).

Read or listen to the full story for free at Drabblecast.

The Imago Sequence and Other Stories

Laird Barron

To the long tradition of eldritch horror pioneered and refined by writers such as H.P. Lovecraft, Peter Straub, and Thomas Ligotti, comes Laird Barron, an author whose literary voice invokes the grotesque, the devilish, and the perverse with rare intensity and astonishing craftsmanship. Collected here for the first time are nine terrifying tales of cosmic horror, including the World Fantasy Award-nominated novella "The Imago Sequence," the International Horror Guild Award-nominated "Proboscis," and the never-before published "Procession of the Black Sloth." Together, these stories, each a masterstroke of craft and imaginative irony, form a shocking cycle of distorted evolution, encroaching chaos, and ravenous insectoid hive-minds hidden just beneath the seemingly benign surface of the Earth.

Table of Contents:

  • 1 - Old Virginia - (2003) - novelette
  • 19 - Shiva, Open Your Eye - (2001) - short story
  • 31 - Procession of the Black Sloth - novella
  • 77 - Bulldozer - (2004) - novelette
  • 101 - Proboscis - (2005) - novelette
  • 119 - Hallucigenia - (2006) - novella
  • 169 - Parallax - (2005) - short story
  • 189 - The Royal Zoo Is Closed - (2006) - short story
  • 199 - The Imago Sequence - (2005) - novella

American Elsewhere

Robert Jackson Bennett

Some places are too good to be true.

Under a pink moon, there is a perfect little town not found on any map.

In that town, there are quiet streets lined with pretty houses, houses that conceal the strangest things.

After a couple years of hard traveling, ex-cop Mona Bright inherits her long-dead mother's home in Wink, New Mexico. And the closer Mona gets to her mother's past, the more she understands that the people of Wink are very, very different...

From one of our most talented and original new literary voices comes the next great American supernatural novel: a work that explores the dark dimensions of the hometowns and the neighbors we thought we knew.

New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Ramsey Campbell


  • ix - Introduction (New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos) - essay by Ramsey Campbell
  • 3 - Crouch End - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Stephen King
  • 33 - The Star Pools - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by A. A. Attanasio
  • 73 - The Second Wish - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 101 - Dark Awakening - [Cthulhu Mythos] - shortstory by Frank Belknap Long
  • 115 - Shaft Number 247 - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Basil Copper
  • 145 - Black Man with a Horn - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by T. E. D. Klein
  • 187 - The Black Tome of Alsophocus - [Cthulhu Mythos] - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft and Martin S. Warnes
  • 197 - Than Curse the Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by David Drake
  • 223 - The Faces at Pine Dunes - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • 255 - Notes on Contributors (New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos) - essay by uncredited

Ring Shout

P. Djèlí Clark

In America, demons wear white hoods.

In 1915, The Birth of a Nation cast a spell across America, swelling the Klan's ranks and drinking deep from the darkest thoughts of white folk. All across the nation they ride, spreading fear and violence among the vulnerable. They plan to bring Hell to Earth. But even Ku Kluxes can die.

Standing in their way is Maryse Boudreaux and her fellow resistance fighters, a foul-mouthed sharpshooter and a Harlem Hellfighter. Armed with blade, bullet, and bomb, they hunt their hunters and send the Klan's demons straight to Hell. But something awful's brewing in Macon, and the war on Hell is about to heat up.

Can Maryse stop the Klan before it ends the world?

Cthulhu's Dark Cults: Ten Tales of Dark & Secretive Orders

David Conyers


  • viii - Introduction (Cthulhu's Dark Cults) - essay by David Conyers
  • 1 - The Eternal Chinaman - novelette by John Sunseri
  • 31 - Captains of Industry - novelette by John Goodrich
  • 57 - Perfect Skin - shortstory by David Witteveen
  • 71 - Covenant of Darkness - (2005) - shortstory by William Jones
  • 84 - The Whisper of Ancient Secrets - shortstory by Penelope Love
  • 103 - Old Ghost - shortstory by Peter A. Worthy
  • 122 - The Nature of Faith - novelette by Oscar Rios
  • 153 - The Devil's Diamonds - novelette by Cody Goodfellow
  • 174 - Requiem for the Burning God - novelette by Shane Jiraiya Cummings
  • 215 - Sister of the Sands - shortstory by David Conyers

Dead Sea

Tim Curran

When the crew of a lost freighter finds themselves trapped in a gruesome dimension--of sea monsters, ghost ships, and the undead--it is up to them to locate the U.S.S. Lancet and convince a nearly insane physicist to help them return home.

The Deep

Nick Cutter

From the acclaimed author of The Troop--which Stephen King raved "scared the hell out of me and I couldn't put it down.... old-school horror at its best"--comes this utterly terrifying novel where The Abyss meets The Shining.

A strange plague called the 'Gets is decimating humanity on a global scale. It causes people to forget--small things at first, like where they left their keys, then the not-so-small things, like how to drive or the letters of the alphabet. Their bodies forget how to function involuntarily. There is no cure.

But now, far below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, deep in the Mariana Trench, a heretofore-unknown substance hailed as "ambrosia"--a universal healer, from initial reports--has been discovered. It may just be the key to eradicating the 'Gets.

In order to study this phenomenon, a special research lab, the Trieste, has been built eight miles under the sea's surface. But when the station goes incommunicado, a brave few descend through the lightless fathoms in hopes of unraveling the mysteries lurking at those crushing depths...and perhaps to encounter an evil blacker than anything one could possibly imagine.

Lovecraft Unbound: Twenty Stories

Ellen Datlow

The stories are legendary, the characters unforgettable, the world horrible and disturbing. Howard Phillips Lovecraft may have been a writer for only a short time, but the creations he left behind after his death in 1935 have shaped modern horror more than any other author in the last two centuries: the shambling god Cthulhu, and the other deities of the Elder Things, the Outer Gods, and the Great Old Ones, and Herbert West, Reanimator, a doctor who unlocked the secrets of life and death at a terrible cost. In Lovecraft Unbound, more than twenty of today's most prominent writers of literature and dark fantasy tell stories set in or inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft.

Lovecraft's Monsters

Ellen Datlow

Prepare to meet the wicked progeny of the master of modern horror. In Lovecraft's Monsters, H. P. Lovecraft's most famous creations--Cthulhu, Shoggoths, Deep Ones, Elder Things, Yog-Sothoth, and more--appear in all their terrifying glory. Each story is a gripping new take on a classic Lovecraftian creature, and each is accompanied by a spectacular original illustration that captures the monsters' unique visage.

Contributors include such literary luminaries as Neil Gaiman, Joe R. Lansdale, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Karl Edward Wagner, Elizabeth Bear, and Nick Mamatas. The monsters are lovingly rendered in spectacular original art by World Fantasy Award–winning artist John Coulthart (The Steampunk Bible).

Legions of Lovecraft fans continue to visit his bizarre landscapes and encounter his unrelenting monsters. Now join them in their journey...if you dare.

Table of Contents:

  • Only the End of the World Again by Neil Gaiman
  • Bulldozer by Laird Barron
  • Red Goat Black Goat by Nadia Bulkin
  • The Same Deep Waters as You by Brian Hodge
  • A Quarter to Three by Kim Newman
  • The Dappled Thing by William Browning Spencer
  • Inelastic Collisions by Elizabeth Bear
  • Remnants by Fred Chappell
  • Love is Forbidden, We Croak & Howl by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • The Sect of the Idiot by Thomas Ligotti
  • Jar of Salts by Gemma Files
  • Black is the Pit From Pole to Pole by Howard Waldrop and Steven Utley
  • Waiting at the Crossroads Motel by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • I've Come to Talk with you Again by Karl Edward Wagner
  • The Bleeding Shadow by Joe R. Lansdale
  • That of Which We Speak When We Speak of the Unspeakable by Nick Mamatas
  • Haruspicy by Gemma Files
  • Children of the Fang by John Langan

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

August Derleth


  • vii - The Cthulhu Mythos - essay by August Derleth
  • 3 - The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 31 - The Return of the Sorcerer - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 45 - Ubbo-Sathla - [Hyperborea] - (1933) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 53 - The Black Stone - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1931) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 69 - The Hounds of Tindalos - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - shortstory by Frank Belknap Long
  • 83 - The Space-Eaters - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette by Frank Belknap Long
  • 111 - The Dweller in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1944) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 146 - Beyond the Threshold - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1941) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 170 - The Shambler from the Stars - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1935) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 179 - The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 201 - The Shadow from the Steeple - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1950) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 222 - Notebook Found in a Deserted House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1951) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 242 - The Salem Horror - [Michael Leigh] - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 259 - The Haunter of the Graveyard - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by J. Vernon Shea
  • 272 - Cold Print - [Cthulhu Mythos] - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell [as by J. Ramsey Campbell ]
  • 286 - The Sister City - [Cthulhu Mythos] - shortstory by Brian Lumley
  • 300 - Cement Surroundings - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 321 - The Deep Ones - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by James Wade
  • 351 - The Return of the Lloigor - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novella by Colin Wilson
  • 402 - Biographical (Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos) - shortfiction by uncredited

The Haunter of the Dark

H. P. Lovecraft
August Derleth

Here is a collection of the most famous stories of this unparalleled writer: The Rats in the Walls, PIckman's Model, The Colour out of Space, The Call of Cthulhu and The Haunter of the Dark, plus other tales you would be advised to read late at night if you hope for untroubled sleep....


  • The Colour out of Space
  • The Music of Eric Zann
  • The Outsider
  • The Rats in the Walls
  • The Call of Clthulhu
  • Pickman's Model
  • The Dunwich Horror
  • The Whisperer in Darkness
  • The Thing on the Doorstep
  • The Haunter of the Dark

The Shuttered Room and Other Tales of Horror

August Derleth
H. P. Lovecraft

Cross frontiers of fear into chill realms of terror

Strange and terrible experiences await you in this book. A mis-spawned, murderous abomination lurking in its shuttered prison, waiting for its chance to escape... a man's mind wrenched through aeons of time and imprisoned in an alien body... a "window" that looks out across the dimensions onto scenes of grotesque monstrosities about to break through into our occult experimenter trying to acheove reptilian longevity - and horribly succeeding: these and more stories from th eouter limits of horror are here. Each one will transport you into icy territories of unimaginable fear...

the century's greatest master of supernatural terror, left several stories unfinished at his untimely death. August Derleth, his friend and fellow writer, skillfully completed them. The stories in this volume are the result of this unique collaberation.


  • The Survivor
  • Wentworth's Day
  • The Peabody Heritage
  • The Gable Window
  • The Ancestor
  • The Shadow Out of Space
  • The Lamp of Alhazred
  • The Fisherman of Falcon Point
  • The Dark Brotherhood
  • The Shuttered Room

I, Cthulhu

Neil Gaiman

Short story originally published in Dagon #16, 1987. Full title of the story is: I, Cthulhu, or, What's A Tentacle-Faced Thing Like Me Doing In A Sunken City Like This (Latitude 47° 9' S, Longitude 126° 43' W)?

Read the full story for free at

Harrison Squared

Daryl Gregory

From award winning author Daryl Gregory, a thrilling and colorful Lovecraftian adventure of a teenage boy searching for his mother, and the macabre creatures he encounters.

Harrison Harrison--H2 to his mom--is a lonely teenager who's been terrified of the water ever since he was a toddler in California, when a huge sea creature capsized their boat, and his father vanished. One of the "sensitives" who are attuned to the supernatural world, Harrison and his mother have just moved to the worst possible place for a boy like him: Dunnsmouth, a Lovecraftian town perched on rocks above the Atlantic, where strange things go on by night, monsters lurk under the waves, and creepy teachers run the local high school. On Harrison's first day at school, his mother, a marine biologist, disappears at sea.

Harrison must attempt to solve the mystery of her accident, which puts him in conflict with a strange church, a knife-wielding killer, and the Deep Ones, fish-human hybrids that live in the bay. It will take all his resources--and an unusual host of allies--to defeat the danger and find his mother.

We Are All Completely Fine

Daryl Gregory

Nebula- and World Fantasy-nominated Novella

Harrison is the Monster Detective, a storybook hero. Now he's in his mid-thirties and spends most of his time not sleeping. Stan became a minor celebrity after being partially eaten by cannibals. Barbara is haunted by the messages carved upon her bones. Greta may or may not be a mass-murdering arsonist. And for some reason, Martin never takes off his sunglasses.

Unsurprisingly, no one believes their horrific tales until they are sought out by psychotherapist Dr. Jan Sayer. What happens when these questionably-sane outcasts join a support group? Together they must discover which monsters they face are within, and which are lurking in plain sight.

Cult of the Dead and Other Weird and Lovecraftian Tales

Lois H. Gresh

Some tales take us to the remote corners of the world, such as the Peru of "Cult of the Dead" or the Antarctica of "Devil's Bathtub." Like Lovecraft, Gresh fuses weirdness and science fiction in such tales as "Mandelbrot Mindrot" and "Willie the Protector." Lovecraft's "The Shadow over Innsmouth" has been a particularly fruitful source of inspiration for Gresh, as such tales as "Dreams of Death" and "Necrotic Cove" attest.

H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life

Michel Houellebecq

From the notorious, bestselling author of ATOMISED: a scholarly love letter on the hugely influential and reclusive literary horror writer H.P. Lovecraft

'Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a little fed up with the world.' In this prescient work, now with an introduction by Stephen King, Michel Houellebecq, the controversial and bestselling author of ATOMISED, focuses his considerable analytical skills on H.P. Lovecraft, one of the seminal horror writers of the early 20th century.

Houellebecq's insights into the craft of writing illuminate both Lovecraft and Houellebecq's own work. The two are kindred spirits, sharing a uniquely dark worldview. But even as he outlines Lovecraft's rejection of this loathsome world, it is Houellebecq's adulation for the author that drives this work and makes it a love song, infusing the writing with an energy and passion that characterises Houellebecq's new novel. This is indispensable reading for anyone interested in Lovecraft, Houellebecq, or the past and future of horror.

Swedish Cults

Anders Fager

Forget everything you think you know about Sweden. In Anders Fager's stories, Sweden is revealed as a place where dark and unimaginable things happen. Where deep in the woods bloody sacrifices are made to ancient and monstrous deities. Where two young people's road trip to visit their grandmother takes a turn for the bizarre and nightmarish. Where a woman's comfortable middle-class life is suddenly upended when her boyfriend develops a mysterious illness that leaves him with a constant erection and speaking in strange tongues. Where an avant garde artist discovers the veil that separates Stockholm from the shadowy city of Carcosa.

H. P. Lovecraft's Book of Horror

Stephen Jones

A best of the best anthology that Lovecraft himself appreciated and recommended.


  • 1 - Supernatural Horror in Literature - [Supernatural Horror in Literature] - (1927) - essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 66 - The Signalman - (1866) - shortstory by Charles Dickens
  • 78 - The House and the Brain - (1859) - novelette by Edward Bulwer-Lytton (variant of The Haunted and the Haunters; or, The House and the Brain)
  • 113 - The Body Snatcher - (1884) - shortstory by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • 130 - The Spider - (1915) - novelette by Hanns Heinz Ewers (trans. of Die Spinne 1908)
  • 151 - The Foot of the Mummy - (1882) - shortstory by Théophile Gautier (trans. of Le pied de momie 1840)
  • 161 - The Horla - [Le Horla - 2] - (1890) - novelette by Guy de Maupassant (trans. of Le Horla 1887)
  • 183 - The Fall of the House of Usher - (1839) - shortstory by Edgar Allan Poe
  • 202 - The Damned Thing - (1893) - shortstory by Ambrose Bierce
  • 211 - The Upper Berth - (1885) - novelette by F. Marion Crawford
  • 229 - The Yellow Sign - [The King In Yellow] - (1895) - novelette by Robert W. Chambers
  • 248 - The Shadows on the Wall - (1903) - shortstory by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman [as by Mary E. Wilkins]
  • 263 - The Dead Valley - (1895) - shortstory by Ralph Adams Cram
  • 271 - Fishhead - (1913) - shortstory by Irvin S. Cobb
  • 282 - Lukundoo - (1907) - shortstory by Edward Lucas White
  • 295 - The Double Shadow - [Poseidonis] - (1933) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 306 - The Mark of the Beast - (1890) - shortstory by Rudyard Kipling
  • 318 - Negotium Perambulans - (1922) - shortstory by E. F. Benson
  • 333 - Mrs. Lunt - (1926) - shortstory by Hugh Walpole [as by Sir Hugh Walpole]
  • 346 - The Hog - [Carnacki (William Hope Hodgson)] - (1947) - novelette by William Hope Hodgson
  • 385 - The Great God Pan - (1894) - novella by Arthur Machen
  • 434 - Count Magnus - (1904) - shortstory by M. R. James
  • 448 - Lovecraft and the 'Literature of Cosmic Fear' - (1993) - essay by Stephen Jones


Caroline Kepnes

Best friends in small-town New Hampshire, Jon and Chloe share a bond so intense that it borders on the mystical. But before Jon can declare his love for his soul mate, he is kidnapped, his plans for a normal life permanently dashed.

Four years later, Chloe has finally given up hope of ever seeing Jon again. Then, a few months before graduation, Jon reappears. But he is different now: bigger, stronger, and with no memory of the time he was gone. Jon wants to pick up where he and Chloe left off... until the horrifying instant he realizes that he possesses strange powers that pose a grave threat to everyone he cares for. Afraid of hurting Chloe, Jon runs away, embarking on a journey for answers.

Meanwhile, in Providence, Rhode Island, healthy college students and townies with no connection to one another are suddenly, inexplicably dropping dead. A troubled detective prone to unexplainable hunches, Charles "Eggs" DeBenedictus suspects there's a serial killer at work. But when he starts asking questions, Eggs is plunged into a whodunit worthy of his most outlandish obsessions.

In this dazzling new novel--and with an intense, mesmerizing voice--Caroline Kepnes makes keen and powerful observations about human connection and how love and identity can dangerously blur together.

Houses Under the Sea

Caitlín R. Kiernan

Table of Contents:

  • Lovecraft and I by Caitlin R. Kiernan
  • Valentia (1994)
  • So Runs the World Away
  • From Cabinet 34, Drawer 6
  • The Drowned Geologist (1898)
  • The Dead and the Moonstruck
  • Houses Under the Sea
  • Pickman's Other Model (1929)
  • The Thousand-and-Third Tale of Scheherazade
  • The Bone's Prayer
  • The Peril of Liberated Objects, or the Voyeur's Seduction
  • At the Gate of the Deeper Slumber
  • Fish Bride
  • The Alchemist's Daughter (A Fragment)
  • Hounwife
  • Tidal Forces
  • John Four
  • On the Reef
  • The Transition of Elizabeth Haskings
  • A Mountain Walked
  • Love is Forbidden, We Croak and Howl
  • Pushing the Sky Away (Death of a Blasphemer)
  • Black Ships Seen South of Heaven
  • Pickman's Madonna
  • The Peddler's Tale, or Isobel's Revenge
  • The Cats of River Street
  • M is for Mars

The Dandridge Cycle

  • A Redress for Andromeda (2001)
  • Nor the Demon Down Under the Sea (1957)
  • Study for The Witch House (2013)
  • Andromeda Among the Stones
  • Publication History and Acknowledgments

Tales of Pain and Wonder

Caitlín R. Kiernan

Through a cycle of interconnected narratives, Kiernan unflinchingly explores a surreal world where the fantastic and the mundane are never separated by more than the insubstantial thickness of a shadow. From the murderous backstreets of New Orleans to an abandoned shipyard of the Hudson River, from sun-weary Los Angeles to a maze of dank and forgotten tunnels beneath Manhattan, these stories present a landscape at once alien and undeniably familiar.

Including such acclaimed tales as "Estate" (selected for The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror), "Postcards from the King of Tides" (selected for The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror), "In the Water Works" (the basis of Kiernan's award-winning second novel, Threshold), and "Tears Seven Times Salt" (to be reprinted in The Century's Best Horror), Tales of Pain and Wonder is destined to stand as a modern classic of weird and supernatural fiction.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction: Pain, Wonder, and Caitlín R. Kiernan (Tales of Pain and Wonder) - essay by Douglas E. Winter
  • xi - Preface (Tales of Pain and Wonder) - essay
  • 1 - Anamorphosis - (1996) - novelette
  • 21 - To This Water (Johnstown, Pennsylvania 1889) - (1996) - novelette
  • 41 - Bela's Plot - (1997) - short story
  • 55 - Tears Seven Times Salt - (1996) - short story
  • 69 - Superheroes - (1997) - short story
  • 83 - Glass Coffin - [Salmagundi Desvernine] - (1999) - short story
  • 99 - Breakfast in the House of the Rising Sun - [Salmagundi Desvernine] - (1997) - novelette
  • 117 - Estate - (1997) - short story
  • 131 - The Last Child of Lir - (1997) - short story
  • 149 - A Story for Edward Gorey - (1997) - short story
  • 161 - Salammbô - (1999) - short story (variant of Salammbo)
  • 177 - Paedomorphosis - (1998) - short story
  • 191 - Postcards from the King of Tides - (1998) - short story
  • 211 - Rats Live on No Evil Star - (1999) - short story
  • 223 - Salmagundi - [Salmagundi Desvernine] - (1998) - short fiction
  • 235 - In the Water Works (Birmingham, Alabama 1888) - [Dancy Flammarion] - (2000) - short story
  • 249 - The Long Hall on the Top Floor - (1999) - short story
  • 261 - San Andreas - (2000) - short fiction
  • 279 - Angels You Can See Through - (2000) - short fiction
  • 289 - Lafayette - (2000) - short story
  • 305 - ...Between the Gargoyle Trees - [Salmagundi Desvernine] - (2000) - short fiction
  • 321 - Epilogue: Zelda Fitzgerald in Ballet Attire - (2000) - poem

West of Innsmouth: A Cthulhu Western

Hideyuki Kikuchi

Bounty hunter Shooter searches the badlands of 1880s Kansas for four outlaws-the "Dreams Made Flesh" minions born of the fleeting thoughts of Cthulhu-and manages to shoot one, but the outlaw's corpse vanishes to leave only mysteries: he shot bullet after bullet, but never reloaded, and his gun was icy cold.

In Dodge City he meets up with Bat Masterson, Doc Holiday, and Wyatt Earp, employing the powers of the Esoteric Order of Dagon to kill the four Dreams before they attract undue attention to the Church's own attempts to awaken the Master.

The shootout at the OK Corral will decide the victor-and possibly the fate of humanity.

A unique mash-up blending two of America's favorite literary genres-the western and the Cthulhu Mythos-with a dash of Japanese ninja for added zest, brought to life with the humor and bold imagination that made his Vampire Hunter D series such a success in English translation.


Stephen King

A dark and electrifying novel about addiction, fanaticism, and what might exist on the other side of life.

In a small New England town, over half a century ago, a shadow falls over a small boy playing with his toy soldiers. Jamie Morton looks up to see a striking man, the new minister. Charles Jacobs, along with his beautiful wife, will transform the local church. The men and boys are all a bit in love with Mrs. Jacobs; the women and girls feel the same about Reverend Jacobs--including Jamie's mother and beloved sister, Claire. With Jamie, the Reverend shares a deeper bond based on a secret obsession. When tragedy strikes the Jacobs family, this charismatic preacher curses God, mocks all religious belief, and is banished from the shocked town.

Jamie has demons of his own. Wed to his guitar from the age of thirteen, he plays in bands across the country, living the nomadic lifestyle of bar-band rock and roll while fleeing from his family's horrific loss. In his mid-thirties--addicted to heroin, stranded, desperate--Jamie meets Charles Jacobs again, with profound consequences for both men. Their bond becomes a pact beyond even the Devil's devising, and Jamie discovers that revival has many meanings.

This rich and disturbing novel spans five decades on its way to the most terrifying conclusion Stephen King has ever written. It's a masterpiece from King, in the great American tradition of Frank Norris, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allan Poe.

The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft
Leslie S. Klinger

From across strange aeons comes the long-awaited annotated edition of "the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale" (Stephen King).

"With an increasing distance from the twentieth century... the New England poet, author, essayist, and stunningly profuse epistolary Howard Phillips Lovecraft is beginning to emerge as one of that tumultuous period's most critically fascinating and yet enigmatic figures," writes Alan Moore in his introduction to The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft. Despite this nearly unprecedented posthumous trajectory, at the time of his death at the age of forty-six, Lovecraft's work had appeared only in dime-store magazines, ignored by the public and maligned by critics. Now well over a century after his birth, Lovecraft is increasingly being recognized as the foundation for American horror and science fiction, the source of "incalculable influence on succeeding generations of writers of horror fiction" (Joyce Carol Oates).

In this volume, Leslie S. Klinger reanimates Lovecraft with clarity and historical insight, charting the rise of the erstwhile pulp writer, whose rediscovery and reclamation into the literary canon can be compared only to that of Poe or Melville. Weaving together a broad base of existing scholarship with his own original insights, Klinger appends Lovecraft's uncanny oeuvre and Kafkaesque life story in a way that provides context and unlocks many of the secrets of his often cryptic body of work.

Over the course of his career, Lovecraft--"the Copernicus of the horror story" (Fritz Leiber)--made a marked departure from the gothic style of his predecessors that focused mostly on ghosts, ghouls, and witches, instead crafting a vast mythos in which humanity is but a blissfully unaware speck in a cosmos shared by vast and ancient alien beings. One of the progenitors of "weird fiction," Lovecraft wrote stories suggesting that we share not just our reality but our planet, and even a common ancestry, with unspeakable, godlike creatures just one accidental revelation away from emerging from their epoch of hibernation and extinguishing both our individual sanity and entire civilization.

Following his best-selling The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Leslie S. Klinger collects here twenty-two of Lovecraft's best, most chilling "Arkham" tales, including "The Call of Cthulhu," At the Mountains of Madness, "The Whisperer in Darkness," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," "The Colour Out of Space," and others. With nearly 300 illustrations, including full-color reproductions of the original artwork and covers from Weird Tales and Astounding Stories, and more than 1,000 annotations, this volume illuminates every dimension of H. P. Lovecraft and stirs the Great Old Ones in their millennia of sleep.

280 color illustrations

The Eater of Souls

Henry Kuttner

A five-minute tale of a strange entity on a distant world.

This short story appears in the collection, The Book of Iod: The Eater of Souls & Other Tales (1995), by Henry Kutner

Originally appeared in Weird Tales, January 1937 available free on Internet Archives.

The Salem Horror

Henry Kuttner

A ghastly horror from the witchcraft days of three centuries ago reared its dreadful form in the Witch Room of that old house in Derby Street.

This short story appears in the collections:

Originally appeared in Weird Tales, May 1937 available free on Internet Archives.

The Night Ocean

Paul La Farge

Marina Willett, M.D., has a problem. Her husband, Charlie, has become obsessed with H.P. Lovecraft, in particular with one episode in the legendary horror writer's life: In the summer of 1934, the "old gent" lived for two months with a gay teenage fan named Robert Barlow, at Barlow's family home in central Florida. What were the two of them up to? Were they friends--or something more? Just when Charlie thinks he's solved the puzzle, a new scandal erupts, and he disappears. The police say it's suicide. Marina is a psychiatrist, and she doesn't believe them.

A tour-de-force of storytelling, The Night Ocean follows the lives of some extraordinary people: Lovecraft, the most influential American horror writer of the 20th century, whose stories continue to win new acolytes, even as his racist views provoke new critics; Barlow, a seminal scholar of Mexican culture who killed himself after being blackmailed for his homosexuality (and who collaborated with Lovecraft on the beautiful story "The Night Ocean"); his student, future Beat writer William S. Burroughs; and L.C. Spinks, a kindly Canadian appliance salesman and science-fiction fan -- the only person who knows the origins of The Erotonomicon, purported to be the intimate diary of Lovecraft himself.

As a heartbroken Marina follows her missing husband's trail in an attempt to learn the truth, the novel moves across the decades and along the length of the continent, from a remote Ontario town, through New York and Florida to Mexico City. The Night Ocean is about love and deception -- about the way that stories earn our trust, and betray it.

The Fisherman

John Langan

In upstate New York, in the woods around Woodstock, Dutchman's Creek flows out of the Ashokan Reservoir. Steep-banked, fast-moving, it offers the promise of fine fishing, and of something more, a possibility too fantastic to be true. When Abe and Dan, two widowers who have found solace in each other's company and a shared passion for fishing, hear rumors of the Creek, and what might be found there, the remedy to both their losses, they dismiss it as just another fish story. Soon, though, the men find themselves drawn into a tale as deep and old as the Reservoir. It's a tale of dark pacts, of long-buried secrets, and of a mysterious figure known as Der Fisher: the Fisherman. It will bring Abe and Dan face to face with all that they have lost, and with the price they must pay to regain it.

The Ballad of Black Tom

Victor LaValle

Sturgeon and Hugo Award nominated novella.

People move to New York looking for magic and nothing will convince them it isn't there.

Charles Thomas Tester hustles to put food on the table, keep the roof over his father's head, from Harlem to Flushing Meadows to Red Hook. He knows what magic a suit can cast, the invisibility a guitar case can provide, and the curse written on his skin that attracts the eye of wealthy white folks and their cops. But when he delivers an occult tome to a reclusive sorceress in the heart of Queens, Tom opens a door to a deeper realm of magic, and earns the attention of things best left sleeping.

A storm that might swallow the world is building in Brooklyn. Will Black Tom live to see it break?

At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror

H. P. Lovecraft

A complete short novel, AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS is a tale of terror unilke any other. The Barren, windswept interior of the Antarctic plateau was lifeless--or so the expedition from Miskatonic University thought. Then they found the strange fossils of unheard-of creatures... and the carved stones tens of millions of years old... and, finally, the mind-blasting terror of the City of the Old Ones. Three additional strange tales, written as only H.P. Lovecraft can write, are also included in this macabre collection of the strange and the weird.

Table of Contents:

  • At the Mountains of Madness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novel
  • The Shunned House - (1928) - novelette
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1933) - novelette
  • The Statement of Randolph Carter - [Randolph Carter] - (1920) - short story

Beyond the Wall of Sleep

H. P. Lovecraft

Table of Contents:

  • By Way of Introduction (Beyond the Wall of Sleep) - essay by August Derleth and Donald Wandrei
  • Autobiography: Some Notes on a Nonentity - essay by H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Commonplace Book - (1938) - essay by H. P. Lovecraft (variant of Commonplace Book)
  • History and Chronology of the Necronomicon - short fiction (variant of History of the Necronomicon 1938)
  • Memory - (1923) - poem
  • What the Moon Brings -(1922) - poem
  • Nyarlathotep - (1920) - poem
  • Ex Oblivione - (1921) - poem
  • The Tree - (1921) - short story
  • The Other Gods - (1933) - short story
  • The Quest of Iranon - (1935) - short story
  • The Doom That Came to Sarnath - (1920) - short story
  • The White Ship - (1919) - short story
  • From Beyond - (1934) - short story
  • Beyond the Wall of Sleep - (1919) - short story
  • The Unnamable - (1925) - short story
  • The Hound - (1924) - short story
  • The Moon-Bog - (1926) - short story
  • The Evil Clergyman - (1939) - short story
  • Herbert West--Reanimator - (1922) - novelette (variant of Herbert West: Reanimator)
  • The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath - novella
  • The Case of Charles Dexter Ward - novel
  • The Crawling Chaos - (1921) - short story by Winifred V. Jackson and H. P. Lovecraft [as by H. P. Lovecraft and Elizabeth Berkeley ]
  • The Green Meadow - (1918) - short story by Winifred V. Jackson and H. P. Lovecraft [as by H. P. Lovecraft and Elizabeth Berkeley ]
  • The Curse of Yig - short story by H. P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop [as by Zealia Brown-Reed ]
  • The Horror in the Museum - (1933) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and Hazel Heald [as by Hazel Heald ]
  • Out of the Eons - (1935) - novelette by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Hazel Heald ]
  • The Mound - novella by H. P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop [as by Zealia Brown-Reed ]
  • The Diary of Alonzo Typer - (1938) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and William Lumley [as by William Lumley ]
  • The Challenge from Beyond - (1935) - short story by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long [as by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long, Jr. ]
  • In the Walls of Eryx - (1939) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling
  • Ibid - (1938) - short story
  • Sweet Ermengarde - short story
  • Providence - (1924) - poem
  • On a Grecian Colonnade in a Park - (1920) - poem
  • Old Christmas - (1918) - poem
  • New England Fallen - poem
  • On a New England Village Seen by Moonlight - (1915) - poem
  • Astrophobos - (1918) - poem
  • Sunset - (1917) - poem
  • A Year Off - poem
  • A Summer Sunset and Evening - (1937) - poem
  • To Mistress Sophia Simple, Queen of the Cinema - (1919) - poem
  • The Ancient Track - (1930) - poem
  • The Eidolon - (1918) - poem
  • The Nightmare Lake - (1919) - poem
  • The Outpost - (1930) - poem
  • The Rutted Road - (1917) - poem
  • The Wood - (1929) - poem
  • Hallowe'en in a Suburb - (1926) - poem
  • Primavera - (1925) - poem
  • October - (1920) - poem
  • To a Dreamer - (1921) - poem
  • Despair - (1919) - poem
  • Nemesis - (1918) - poem
  • Psychopompos - (1919) - poem
  • The Book - (1934) - poem
  • Pursuit - (1934) - poem
  • The Key - (1935) - poem
  • Recognition - (1936) - poem
  • Homecoming - (1935) - poem
  • The Lamp - (1931) - poem
  • Zaman's Hill - (1934) - poem
  • The Port - (1930) - poem
  • The Courtyard - (1930) - poem
  • The Pigeon-Flyers - poem
  • The Well - (1930) - poem
  • The Howler - (1932) - poem
  • Hesperia - (1930) - poem
  • Star-Winds - (1930) - poem
  • Antarktos - (1930) - poem
  • The Window - (1931) - poem
  • A Memory - poem
  • The Gardens of Yin - (1932) - poem
  • The Bells - (1930) - poem
  • Night-Gaunts - (1936) - poem
  • Nyarlathotep - (1931) - poem
  • Azathoth - (1931) - poem
  • Mirage - (1931) - poem
  • The Canal - (1932) - poem
  • The Familiars - (1930) - poem
  • The Elder Pharos - (1931) - poem
  • Expectancy - poem
  • Nostalgia - (1930) - poem
  • Background - (1930) - poem
  • The Dweller - (1930) - poem
  • Alienation - (1931) - poem
  • Harbour Whistles - (1930) - poem
  • Recapture - (1930) - poem
  • Evening Star - poem
  • Continuity - (1936) - poem
  • Yule Horror - (1926) - poem (variant of Festival 1925)
  • 408 - To Mr. Finlay, Upon His Drawing for Mr. Bloch's Tale, "The Faceless God" - (1937) - poem (variant of To Virgil Finlay: Upon His Drawing for Robert Bloch's Tale, "The Faceless God")
  • To Clark Ashton Smith, Esq., Upon His Phantastick Tales, Verses, Pictures, and Sculptures - (1938) - poem (variant of To Clark Ashton Smith)
  • Where Once Poe Walked - (1937) - poem
  • Christmas Greeting to Mrs. Phillips Gamwell--1925 - (1925) - poem
  • Brick Row - (1930) - poem
  • The Messenger - (1938) - poem
  • The Cthulhu Mythology: A Glossary - (1942) - essay by Francis T. Laney
  • An Appreciation of H. P. Lovecraft - essay by W. Paul Cook

H. P. Lovecraft Goes to the Movies

H. P. Lovecraft

With more than 100 movies based on his writing, H.P. Lovecraft ranks among the most adapted authors in history--along with Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King. His unnervingly scary tales appeal to both diehard fans of horror and readers with mainstream tastes, and H.P. Lovecraft Goes to the Movies presents the very best of his filmed stories. Additionally, this unique collection provides an enlightening historical introduction, short headnotes for each story calling out interesting trivia, and an appendix with credits for each screen version.


  • "The Colour out of Space": filmed twice, once as a vehicle for Boris Karloff called Die, Monster, Die!
  • "The Dunwich Horror," also filmed two times, once with Dean Stockwell "Pickman's Model" and "Cool Air": both for Rod Serling's Night Gallery TV program
  • "The Call of Cthulhu," which laid the foundation for the Cthulhu Mythos

Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft

Originally written for the pulp magazines of the 1920s and 1930s, H. P. Lovecraft's astonishing tales blend elements of horror, science fiction, and cosmic terror that are as powerful today as they were when they were first published. This tome brings together all of Lovecraft's harrowing stories, including the complete Cthulhu Mythos cycle, just the way they were first released. It will introduce a whole new generation of readers to Lovecraft's fiction, as well as attract those fans who want all his work in a single, definitive volume.

Table of Contents:

  • Map of Arkham, circa 1930 - (1970) - interior artwork by Gahan Wilson
  • Night-Gaunts - [Fungi from Yuggoth] - (1930) - poem
  • Dagon - (1919) - short story
  • The Statement of Randolph Carter - [Randolph Carter] - (1920) - short story
  • The Doom That Came to Sarnath - [Dream Cycle] - (1920) - short story
  • The Cats of Ulthar - [Dream Cycle] - (1920) - short story
  • The Nameless City - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1921) - short story
  • Herbert West--Reanimator - [Herbert West: Reanimator Universe] - (1922) - novelette
  • The Music of Erich Zann - [Erich Zann] - (1922) - short story
  • The Lurking Fear - (1928) - novelette
  • The Hound - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1924) - short story
  • The Rats in the Walls - (1924) - novelette
  • Under the Pyramids - (1924) - novelette
  • The Unnamable - [Randolph Carter] - (1925) - short story
  • In the Vault - (1925) - short story
  • The Outsider - [Dream Cycle] - (1926) - short story
  • The Horror at Red Hook - (1927) - novelette
  • The Colour Out of Space - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1927) - novelette
  • Pickman's Model - (1927) - short story
  • The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette
  • Cool Air - (1928) - short story
  • The Shunned House - (1928) - novelette
  • The Silver Key - [Randolph Carter] - (1929) - short story
  • The Dunwich Horror - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - novelette
  • The Whisperer in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - novella
  • The Strange High House in the Mist - [Dream Cycle] - (1931) - short story
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1933) - novelette
  • From Beyond - [Dream Cycle] - (1934) - short story by
  • Through the Gates of the Silver Key - [Randolph Carter] - (1934) - novelette
  • At the Mountains of Madness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novel
  • The Shadow Over Innsmouth - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • The Shadow Out of Time - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novella
  • The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • The Thing on the Doorstep - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1937) - novelette
  • The Case of Charles Dexter Ward - [Dream Cycle] - (1943) - novel
  • The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath - [Randolph Carter] - (1943) - novella
  • To a Dreamer - (1921) - poem
  • Afterword A Gentleman of Providence - essay by Stephen Jones
  • Primary Collaborations and Revisions - essay by uncredited

The Best of H. P. Lovecraft: Bloodcurdling Tales of Horror and the Macabre

H. P. Lovecraft

This is the collection that true fans of horror fiction have been waiting for: sixteen of H.P. Lovecraft's most horrifying visions, including Lovecraft's masterpiece, THE SHADOW OUT OF TIME--the shocking revelation of the mysterious forces that hold all mankind in their fearsome grip.

"I think it is beyond doubt that H.P. Lovecraft has yet to be surpassed as the Twentieth Century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale." Stephen King

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction: Heritage of Horror - (1982) - essay by Robert Bloch
  • The Rats in the Walls - (1924) - novelette
  • The Picture in the House - (1919) - short story
  • The Outsider - [Dream Cycle] - (1926) - short story
  • Pickman's Model - (1927) - short story
  • In the Vault - (1925) - short story
  • The Silver Key - [Randolph Carter] - (1929) - short story
  • The Music of Erich Zann - [Erich Zann] - (1922) - short story
  • The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette
  • The Dunwich Horror - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - novelette
  • The Whisperer in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - novella
  • The Colour Out of Space - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1927) - novelette
  • The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • The Thing on the Doorstep - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1937) - novelette
  • The Shadow Over Innsmouth - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1933) - novelette
  • The Shadow Out of Time - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novella

The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories

H. P. Lovecraft

A definitive collection of stories from the unrivaled master of twentieth-century horror in a Penguin Classics Deluxe edition with cover art by Travis Louie.

"I think it is beyond doubt that H. P. Lovecraft has yet to be surpassed as the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale." -Stephen King

Frequently imitated and widely influential, Howard Philips Lovecraft reinvented the horror genre in the 1920s, discarding ghosts and witches and instead envisioning mankind as a tiny outpost of dwindling sanity in a chaotic and malevolent universe. S. T. Joshi, Lovecraft's preeminent interpreter, presents a selection of the master's fiction, from the early tales of nightmares and madness such as "The Outsider" to the overpowering cosmic terror of "The Call of Cthulhu." More than just a collection of terrifying tales, this volume reveals the development of Lovecraft's mesmerizing narrative style and establishes him as a canonical- and visionary-American writer.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - (1999) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • Suggestions for Further Reading - (1999) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • A Note on the Text - (1999) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • Dagon - (1919)
  • The Statement of Randolph Carter - (1920)
  • Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family - (1987) - (variant of The White Ape 1920)
  • Celephaïs - (1922)
  • Nyarlathotep - (1920)
  • The Picture in the House - (1919)
  • The Outsider - (1926)
  • Herbert West--Reanimator - (1922)
  • The Hound - (1924)
  • The Rats in the Walls - (1924)
  • The Festival - (1925)
  • He - (1926)
  • Cool Air - (1928)
  • The Call of Cthulhu - (1928)
  • The Colour Out of Space - (1927)
  • The Whisperer in Darkness - (1931)
  • The Shadow Over Innsmouth - (1936)
  • The Haunter of the Dark - (1936)
  • Explanatory Notes - (1999) - essay by S. T. Joshi

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

H. P. Lovecraft

A nameless terror surges through centuries to engulf the soul of Charles Dexter Ward, a brilliant New England antiquarian. Evil spirits, malefic gods whose memory lives on in whispered legends and fear-stricken superstitions, still lurk in vile catacombs beneath the surface of a blighted land. Ward is driven to unleash these loathsome horrors upon a defenceless world, possessed by the demonic shade of his ancestor Joseph Curwen, a warlock steeped in the blackest arts of magic. Now Ward too must master these obscene rituals, and pay the price in blood. Human blood.

The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward remains the only full-length work of fiction by HP Lovecraft, the master of 20th century horror. It has inspired such classic horror films as Roger Corman's The Haunted Palace and Lucio Fulci's The Beyond.

The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft

The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft collects the author's novel, four novellas, and fifty-three short stories. Written between the years 1917 and 1935, this collection features Lovecraft's trademark fantastical creatures and supernatural thrills, as well as many horrific and cautionary science-fiction themes, that have influenced some of today's writers and filmmakers, including Stephen King, Alan Moore, F. Paul Wilson, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman. Included in this volume are The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," "At the Mountains of Madness," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," "The Colour Out of Space," "The Dunwich Horror," and many more hair-raising tales.

The Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft: Dreams of Terror and Death

H. P. Lovecraft

"[Lovecraft's] dream fantasy works are as terrifying and haunting as his tales of horror and the macabre. A master craftsman, Lovecraft brings compelling visions of nightmarish fear, invisible worlds and the demons of the unconscious. If one author truly represents the very best in American literary horror, it is H. P. Lovecraft."
--John Carpenter, Director of At the Mouth of Madness, Halloween, and Christine

This volume collects, for the first time, the entire Dream Cycle created by H. P. Lovecraft, the master of twentieth-century horror, including some of his most fantastic tales:

  • THE DOOM THAT CAME TO SARNATH--Hate, genocide, and a deadly curse consume the land of Mnar.
  • THE NAMELESS CITY--Death lies beneath the shifting sands, in a story linking the Dream Cycle with the legendary Cthulhu Mythos.
  • THE CATS OF ULTHAR--In Ulthar, no man may kill a cat... and woe unto any who tries.
  • THE DREAM QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH--The epic nightmare adventure with tendrils stretching throughout the entire Dream Cycle.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction: Concerning Dreams and Nightmares- (1995)- essay by Neil Gaiman
  • Azathoth- [Dream Cycle]- (1922)- short story
  • The Descendant- (1926)- short story
  • The Thing in the Moonlight- [Dream Cycle]- (1941)- short story
  • Polaris- [Dream Cycle]- (1920)- short story
  • Beyond the Wall of Sleep- (1919)- short story
  • The Doom That Came to Sarnath- [Dream Cycle]- (1920)- short story
  • The Statement of Randolph Carter- [Randolph Carter]- (1920)- short story
  • The Cats of Ulthar- [Dream Cycle]- (1920)- short story
  • Celephais- [Dream Cycle]- (1922)- short story
  • From Beyond- [Dream Cycle]- (1934)- short story
  • Nyarlathotep- [Dream Cycle]- (1920)- short fiction
  • The Nameless City- [Cthulhu Mythos]- (1921)- short story
  • The Other Gods- [Dream Cycle]- (1933)- short story
  • Ex Oblivione- [Dream Cycle]- (1921)- poem
  • The Quest of Iranon- [Dream Cycle]- (1935)- short story
  • The Hound- [Cthulhu Mythos]- (1924)- short story
  • Hypnos- [Dream Cycle]- (1922)- short story
  • What the Moon Brings- [Dream Cycle]- (1922)- poem
  • Pickman's Model- (1927)- short story
  • The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath- [Randolph Carter]- (1943)- novella
  • The Silver Key- [Randolph Carter]- (1929)- short story
  • The Strange High House in the Mist- [Dream Cycle]- (1931)- short story
  • The Case of Charles Dexter Ward- [Dream Cycle]- (1943)- novel
  • The Dreams in the Witch-House- [Cthulhu Mythos]- (1933)- novelette
  • Through the Gates of the Silver Key- [Randolph Carter]- (1934)- novelette

The Dunwich Horror and Others

H. P. Lovecraft

In the degenerate, unliked backwater of Dunwich, Wilbur Whately, a most unusual child, is born. Of unnatural parentage, he grows at an uncanny pace to an unsettling height, but the boy's arrival simply precedes that of a true horror: one of the Old Ones, that forces the people of the town to hole up by night.

The Dunwich Horror and Others contains the following tales:

The Fiction: Complete and Unabridged

H. P. Lovecraft

Virtually unknown and published only in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, H.P. Lovecraft is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors in his genre.

Lovecraft was master of the supernatural story, and this volume features almost every work of fiction Lovecraft wrote in his short life. Also included is a well-constructed forward, informative introductory paragraphs to each of the stories, and Lovecraft's famous essay, "Supernatural Horror in Literature".

The Horror in the Museum

H. P. Lovecraft

Some tales in this collection were inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, others he revised, two he co-authored--but all bear the mark of the master of primordial terror.

  • The Horror in the Museum -- Locked up for the night, a man will discover the difference between waxen grotesqueries and the real thing.
  • The Electric Executioner -- Aboard a train, a traveler must match wits with a murderous madman.
  • The Trap -- This mirror wants a great deal more than your reflection.
  • The Ghost - Eater--In an ancient woodland, the past comes to life with a bone-crunching vengeance.


Table of Contents:

  • Introduction - essay by Stephen Jones
  • Lovecraft's "Revisions" - (1970) - essay by August Derleth
  • Note on the Texts - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • The Green Meadow - (1918) - short story by Winifred V. Jackson and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Elizabeth Neville Berkeley and Lewis Theobald, Jr.]
  • The Last Test - (1928) - novella by Adolphe de Castro and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Adolphe de Castro]
  • The Electric Executioner - (1930) - novelette by Adolphe de Castro and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Adolphe de Castro]
  • The Curse of Yig - (1929) - short story by Zealia Bishop and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Zealia Bishop]
  • The Mound - (1940) - novelette by Zealia Bishop and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Zealia Bishop]
  • Medusa's Coil - (1939) - novelette by Zealia Bishop and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Zealia Bishop]
  • The Man of Stone - (1932) - short story by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Hazel Heald]
  • The Horror in the Museum - (1933) - novelette by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Hazel Heald]
  • Winged Death - (1934) - novelette by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Hazel Heald]
  • Out of the Aeons - (1989) - novelette by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft (variant of Out of the Eons 1935) [as by Hazel Heald]
  • The Horror in the Burying-Ground - (1937) - short story by Hazel Heald and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Hazel Heald]
  • The Diary of Alonzo Typer - (1938) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and William Lumley [as by William Lumley]
  • The Horror at Martin's Beach - (1923) - short story by Sonia Greene and H. P. Lovecraft (variant of The Invisible Monster) [as by Sonia H. Greene]
  • Ashes - (1924) - short story by C. M. Eddy, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft [as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.]
  • The Ghost-Eater - (1924) - short story by C. M. Eddy, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft [as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.]
  • The Loved Dead - (1924) - short story by C. M. Eddy, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft [as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.]
  • Deaf, Dumb and Blind - (1925) - short story by C. M. Eddy, Jr. and H. P. Lovecraft [as by C. M. Eddy, Jr.]
  • Two Black Bottles - (1927) - short story by H. P. Lovecraft and Wilfred Blanch Talman [as by Wilfred Blanch Talman]
  • The Trap - [Gerald Canevin] - (1932) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and Henry S. Whitehead [as by Henry S. Whitehead]
  • The Tree on the Hill - (1934) - short story by Duane W. Rimel
  • The Disinterment - (1935) - short story by H. P. Lovecraft and Duane W. Rimel [as by Duane W. Rimel]
  • "Till A' the Seas" - (1935) - short story by R. H. Barlow and H. P. Lovecraft (variant of "Till All the Seas") [as by R. H. Barlow]
  • The Night Ocean - (1936) - short story by R. H. Barlow and H. P. Lovecraft [as by R. H. Barlow]
  • The Crawling Chaos - (1921) - short story by Winifred V. Jackson and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Elizabeth Neville Berkeley and Lewis Theobald, Jr.]

The Lurking Fear

H. P. Lovecraft

This short story originally appeared in Home Brew in 1923. It has been anthologized many times, and can also be found in the collection The Lurking Fear and Other Stories.

It was the basis for the 1994 movie Lurking Fear.

The Lurking Fear and Other Stories

H. P. Lovecraft

Twelve soul-chilling stories by the master of horror will leave you shivering in your boots and afraid to go out in the night. Only H.P. Lovecraft can send your heart racing faster than it's ever gone before. And here are the stories to prove it.

Table of Contents:

  • The Lurking Fear - (1923)
  • The Colour Out of Space - (1927)
  • The Nameless City - (1921)
  • Pickman's Model - (1927)
  • Arthur Jermyn - (1935) - (variant of The White Ape 1920)
  • The Unnamable - (1925)
  • The Call of Cthulhu - (1928)
  • The Moon-Bog - (1926)
  • Cool Air - (1928)
  • The Hound - (1924)
  • The Shunned House - (1928)

The Outsider and Others

H. P. Lovecraft


  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Outsider - essay by August Derleth and Donald Wandrei
  • 3 - Dagon - (1919) - shortstory
  • 7 - Polaris - [Dream Cycle] - (1920) - shortstory
  • 10 - Celephais - [Dream Cycle] - (1922) - shortstory (variant of Celephaïs)
  • 14 - Hypnos - [Dream Cycle] - (1922) - shortstory
  • 19 - The Cats of Ulthar - [Dream Cycle] - (1920) - shortstory
  • 22 - The Strange High House in the Mist - [Dream Cycle] - (1931) - shortstory
  • 28 - The Statement of Randolph Carter - [Randolph Carter] - (1920) - shortstory
  • 32 - The Silver Key - [Randolph Carter] - (1929) - shortstory
  • 40 - Through the Gates of the Silver Key - [Randolph Carter] - (1934) - novelette and E. Hoffmann Price [as ]
  • 63 - The Outsider - [Dream Cycle] - (1926) - shortstory
  • 67 - The Music of Erich Zann - (1922) - shortstory
  • 73 - The Rats in the Walls - (1924) - novelette
  • 86 - Cool Air - (1928) - shortstory
  • 92 - He - (1926) - shortstory
  • 99 - The Horror at Red Hook - (1927) - novelette
  • 113 - The Temple - (1925) - shortstory
  • 121 - Arthur Jermyn - (1935) - shortstory (variant of The White Ape 1920)
  • 127 - The Picture in the House - (1919) - shortstory
  • 132 - The Festival - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1925) - shortstory
  • 138 - The Terrible Old Man - (1921) - shortstory
  • 140 - The Tomb - (1922) - shortstory
  • 147 - The Shunned House - (1928) - novelette
  • 164 - In the Vault - (1925) - shortstory
  • 170 - Pickman's Model - (1927) - shortstory
  • 179 - The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • 194 - The Dreams in the Witch-House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1933) - novelette
  • 217 - The Thing on the Doorstep - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1937) - novelette
  • 234 - The Nameless City - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1921) - shortstory
  • 242 - The Lurking Fear - (1923) - shortstory
  • 255 - The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette
  • 274 - The Colour Out of Space - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1927) - novelette
  • 292 - The Dunwich Horror - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - novelette
  • 319 - The Whisperer in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - novella
  • 359 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette
  • 400 - The Shadow Out of Time - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novella
  • 442 - At the Mountains of Madness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novel
  • 507 - Supernatural Horror in Literature - [Supernatural Horror in Literature] - (1927) - essay

The Terrible Old Man

H. P. Lovecraft

In "The Terrible Old Man," the inhabitants of Kingsport are harboring a strange, secret person... or is he a person at all?

This story was originally published in The Tryout, July 1921. It has been printed many times. It was collected in The Outsider and Others (1939) and The Dunwich Horror and Others (1984) as well as a great many other Lovecraft compilations.

Read the full story for free at

The Transition of H. P. Lovecraft: The Road to Madness

H. P. Lovecraft

One of the most influential practitioners of American horror, H.P. Lovecraft inspired the work of Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Clive Barker. As he perfected his mastery of the macabre, his works developed from seminal fragments into acknowledged masterpieces of terror. This volume traces his chilling career and includes:

  • Imprisoned With the Pharaohs -- Houdini seeks to reveal the demons that inhabit the Egyptian night.
  • At the Mountains of Madness -- An unsuspecting expedition uncovers a city of untold terror, buried beneath an Antarctic wasteland.
  • Herbert West: Reanimator -- Mad experiments yield hideous results in this, the inspiration for the cult film Re-Animator.
  • Cool Air -- An icy apartment hides secrets no man dares unlock.
  • The Terrible Old Man -- The intruders seek a fortune but find only death!


Table of Contents:

  • Introduction: The Man Who Loved His Craft - (1996) - essay by Barbara Hambly
  • Early Tales - (1996) - essay by uncredited
  • The Beast in the Cave - (1918) - short story
  • The Alchemist - (1916) - short story
  • Poetry and the Gods - (1920) - short story by Anna Helen Crofts and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Street - (1920) - short story
  • The Transition of Juan Romero - (1919) - short story
  • The Book - (1938) - short fiction
  • Dagon - (1919) - short story
  • The Tomb - (1922) - short story
  • Memory - (1923) - poem
  • The White Ship - [Dream Cycle] - (1919) - short story
  • Arthur Jermyn - (1935) - short story
  • The Temple - (1925) - short story
  • The Terrible Old Man - (1921) - short story
  • The Crawling Chaos - (1921) - short story by Winifred V. Jackson and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Tree - (1921) - short story
  • The Moon-Bog - (1926) - short story
  • Herbert West: Reanimator - [Herbert West: Reanimator Universe] - (1922) - novelette
  • The Lurking Fear - (1928) - novelette
  • The Festival - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1925) - short story
  • The Unnamable - [Randolph Carter] - (1925) - short story
  • Imprisoned with the Pharaohs - (1924) - novelette
  • The Shunned House - (1928) - novelette
  • He - (1926) - short story
  • The Horror at Red Hook - (1927) - novelette
  • Cool Air - (1928) - short story
  • Nathicana - (1927) - poem
  • At the Mountains of Madness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novel
  • In the Walls of Eryx - (1939) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Sterling
  • The Evil Clergyman - (1939) - short story

The Doom That Came to Dunwich

Richard A. Lupoff

"Did you know that DNA extracted from a laboratory mouse and injected into the cells of a common fruit fly has produced eyes on the legs of that fly? Eyes, young miss, eyes. Think of what you've just read."

Lovecraftian stories are the bread and butter of the true horror fan.

During his lifetime, Lovecraft himself encouraged other writers to develop stories in the vein we now call Lovecraftian: horror, based around the idea that Earth had been colonized by malign aliens in the remote past, long before mankind arose and became civilized, who eventually became worshipped and feared as evil Gods by their human servitors.

Eventually these aliens had been "banished" to another dimensional limbo by a benign Elder Race, but might one day return to reclaim the Earth "when the stars are right."

That deep seated unease threads through this collection of Richard. A Lupoff's short stories that seem to share a common universe.


  • 5 - Introduction (The Doom That Came to Dunwich) - essay by Philip Harbottle
  • 11 - Acknowledgements (The Doom That Came to Dunwich) - essay by uncredited
  • 13 - The Doom That Came to Dunwich - (1996) - short story
  • 32 - The Secret of the Sahara - (2005) - novelette
  • 58 - The Turret - (1995) - novelette
  • 89 - The Peltonville Horror - (2004) - short fiction
  • 105 - The Devil's Hop Yard - (1978) - novelette
  • 121 - Documents in the Case of Elizabeth Akeley - (1982) - novelette
  • 160 - Brackish Waters - (2005) - novelette
  • 189 - The Adventure of the Voorish Sign - (2003) - novelette
  • 214 - Nothing Personal - (2010) - short story

Your Favorite Band Cannot Save You

Scotto Moore

I was home alone on a Saturday night when I experienced the most beautiful piece of music I had ever heard in my life.

Beautiful Remorse is the hot new band on the scene, releasing one track a day for ten days straight. Each track has a mysterious name and a strangely powerful effect on the band's fans.

A curious music blogger decides to investigate the phenomenon up close by following Beautiful Remorse on tour across Texas and Kansas, realizing along the way that the band’s lead singer, is hiding an incredible, impossible secret.

She Walks in Shadows

Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Paula R. Stiles

They emerge from the shadows, to claim the night.... Women from around the world delve into Lovecraftian depths, penning and illustrating a variety of Weird horrors. The pale and secretive Lavinia wanders through the woods, Asenath is a precocious teenager with an attitude, and the Ancient Egyptian pharaoh Nitocris has found a new body in distant America. And do you have time to hear a word from our beloved mother Shub-Niggurath? Defiant, destructive, terrifying, and harrowing, the women in She Walks in Shadows are monsters and mothers, heroes and devourers. Observe them in all their glory. Iä! Iä!

Table of Contents:

  • "Bitter Perfume" by Laura Blackwell
  • "Violet is the Color of Your Energy" by Nadia Bulkin
  • "Body to Body to Body" by Selena Chambers
  • "Magna Mater" by Arinn Dembo
  • "De Deabus Minoribus Exterioris Theomagicae" by Jilly Dreadful
  • "Hairwork" by Gemma Files
  • "The Head of T'la-yub" by Nelly Geraldine García-Rosas (translated by Silvia Moreno-Garcia)
  • "Bring the Moon to Me" by Amelia Gorman
  • "Chosen" by Lyndsey Holder
  • "Eight Seconds" by Pandora Hope
  • "Cthulhu of the Dead Sea" by Inkeri Kontro
  • "Turn out the Light" by Penelope Love
  • "The Adventurer's Wife" by Premee Mohamed
  • "Notes Found in a Decommissioned Asylum, December 1961" by Sharon Mock
  • "The Eye of Juno" by Eugenie Mora
  • "Ammutseba Rising" by Ann K. Schwader
  • "Cypress God" by Rodopi Sisamis
  • "Lavinia's Wood" by Angela Slatter
  • "The Opera Singer" by Priya Sridhar
  • "Provenance" by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
  • "The Thing in The Cheerleading Squad" by Molly Tanzer
  • "Lockbox" by E. Catherine Tobler
  • "When She Quickens" by Mary Turzillo
  • "Shub-Niggurath's Witnesses" by Valerie Valdes
  • "Queen of a New America" by Wendy N. Wagner

Hasty for the Dark: Selected Horrors

Adam Nevill

These selected terrors range from the speculative to supernatural horror, encompass the infernal and the occult, and include stories inspired by H. P. Lovecraft, Robert Aickman and Ramsey Campbell.

Hasty for the Dark is the second short story collection from the award-winning and widely appreciated British writer of horror fiction, Adam L. G. Nevill. The author's best horror stories from 2009 to 2015 are collected here for the first time.

The hardest journeys in life and death are taken underground.
No blackmail is as ghastly as extortion from angels.
A swift reckoning often travels in handheld luggage.
Once considered inhumane and now derelict, this zoo may not be as empty as assumed.
A bad marriage, a killer couple, and part of a wider movement.
No sign of life aboard an abandoned freighter, but what is left below deck tells a strange story.
The origin of our species is not what we think.
In destitution, the future for revolution and mass murder is so bright.
Your memories may not be your own, and your life nothing more than a ritual that will compel you to perform an atrocity...

Table of Contents:

  • On All London Underground Lines - (2010) - short fiction
  • The Angels of London - (2013) - novelette
  • Always in Our Hearts - (2013) - short fiction
  • Eumenides (The Benevolent Ladies) - (2017) - short story
  • The Days of Our Lives - (2016) - short story
  • Hippocampus - (2015) - short story
  • Call the Name - (2015) - short fiction
  • White Light, White Heat - (2016) - short fiction
  • Little Black Lamb - (2017) - short story

Some Will Not Sleep: Selected Horrors

Adam Nevill

In ghastly harmony with the nightmarish visions of the award-winning writer's novels, these stories blend a lifelong appreciation of horror culture with the grotesque fascinations and childlike terrors that are the author's own. Winner of the British Fantasy Award for Best Collection, 2017.

Adam Nevill's best early horror stories are collected here for the first time.

A bestial face appears at windows in the night.
In the big white house on the hill angels are said to appear.
A forgotten tenant in an isolated building becomes addicted to milk.
A strange goddess is worshipped by a home-invading disciple.
The least remembered gods still haunt the oldest forests.
Cannibalism occurs in high society at the end of the world.
The sainted undead follow their prophet to the Great Dead Sea.
A confused and vengeful presence occupies the home of a first-time buyer...

The Children of Cthulhu: Chilling New Tales Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft

John Pelan

Descend to the depths of primal horror with this chilling collection of original stories drawn from H. P. Lovecraft's shocking, terrifying, and eerily prescient Cthulhu Mythos. In twenty-one dark visions, a host of outstanding contemporary writers tap into our innermost fears, with tales set in a misbegotten new world that could have been spawned only by the master of the macabre himself, H. P. Lovecraft.


  • vii - Introduction: The Call of Lovecraft - essay by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams
  • 1 - Details - shortstory by China Miéville
  • 21 - Visitation - shortstory by James Robert Smith
  • 33 - The Invisible Empire - novelette by James Van Pelt
  • 57 - A Victorian Pot Dresser - novelette by L. H. Maynard and M. P. N. Sims
  • 85 - The Cabin in the Woods - novelette by Richard Laymon
  • 109 - The Stuff of the Stars, Leaking - shortstory by Tim Lebbon
  • 125 - Sour Places - shortstory by Mark Chadbourn
  • 141 - Meet Me on the Other Side - shortstory by Yvonne Navarro
  • 161 - That's the Story of My Life - shortstory by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams
  • 181 - Long Meg and Her Daughters - novella by Paul Finch
  • 243 - A Fatal Exception Has Occurred At ... - shortstory by Alan Dean Foster
  • 261 - Dark of the Moon - shortstory by James S. Dorr
  • 275 - Red Clay - shortstory by Michael Reaves [as by J. Michael Reaves ]
  • 291 - Principles and Parameters - novelette by Meredith L. Patterson
  • 325 - Are You Loathsome Tonight? - (1998) - shortstory by Poppy Z. Brite
  • 331 - The Serenade of Starlight - shortstory by W. H. Pugmire (variant of Serenade of Starlight) [as by W. H. Pugmire, Esq. ]
  • 345 - Outside - shortstory by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • 355 - Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea - [Dandridge Cycle] - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 371 - A Spectacle of a Man - shortstory by Weston Ochse
  • 389 - The Firebrand Symphony - (2001) - novelette by Brian Hodge
  • 437 - Teeth - novelette by Matt Cardin
  • 463 - Notes on the Contributors (Children of Cthulhu: Chilling New Tales Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft) - essay by John Pelan and Benjamin Adams

Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos

Robert M. Price

When H. P. Lovecraft first introduced his macabre universe in the pages of Weird Tales magazine, the response was electrifying. Gifted writers--among them his closest peers--added sinister new elements to the fear-drenched landscape. Here are some of the most famous original stories from the pulp era that played a pivotal role in reflecting the master's dark vision.


  • Fane of the Black Pharaoh - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • Introduction (Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos) - (1992) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • Ithaqua - (1941) - shortstory by August Derleth
  • Music of the Stars - (1943) - shortstory by Duane W. Rimel
  • Preface (Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos) - (1992) - essay by Robert Bloch
  • Spawn of the Green Abyss - (1946) - novelette by C. Hall Thompson
  • The Abyss - (1941) - shortstory by Robert A. W. Lowndes
  • The Aquarium - (1962) - shortstory by Carl Jacobi
  • The Bells of Horror - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • The Guardian of the Book - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Hasse
  • The Horror Out of Lovecraft - (1969) - shortstory by Donald A. Wollheim
  • The House of the Worm - (1933) - novelette by Mearle Prout
  • The Invaders - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • The Lair of the Star-Spawn - (1932) - novelette by August Derleth and Mark Schorer
  • The Lord of Illusion - (1982) - shortstory by E. Hoffmann Price
  • The Scourge of B'Moth - (1929) - novelette by Bertram Russell
  • The Seven Geases - [Hyperborea] - (1934) - novelette by Clark Ashton Smith
  • The Thing on the Roof - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1932) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • The Thing That Walked on the Wind - (1933) - shortstory by August Derleth
  • The Warder of Knowledge - (1992) - shortstory by Richard F. Searight
  • To Arkham and the Stars - (1966) - shortstory by Fritz Leiber
  • The Fire of Asshurbanipal (alternative version) - (1972) - novelette by Robert E. Howard

The New Lovecraft Circle

Robert M. Price

H. P. Lovecraft was the eerily prescient genius who first electrified readers in Weird Tales magazine. His tales changed the face of horror forever and inspired the bloodcurdling offerings of a new generation. These brilliant dark visionaries forge grisly trails through previously uncharted realms of mortal terror.


  • ix - Preface (The New Lovecraft Circle) - essay by Ramsey Campbell
  • xi - Introduction (The New Lovecraft Circle) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 - The Plain of Sound - (1964) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 14 - The Stone on the Island - (1964) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 25 - The Statement of One John Gibson - (1984) - shortstory by Brian Lumley
  • 43 - Demoniacal - (1972) - shortstory by David Sutton
  • 51 - The Kiss of Bugg-Shash - (1978) - shortstory by Brian Lumley
  • 67 - The Slitherer from the Slime - (1958) - shortstory by Lin Carter and Dave Foley [as by H. P. Lowcraft]
  • 75 - The Doom of Yakthoob - [The Book of Episodes - 1] - (1971) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 77 - The Fishers from Outside - (1988) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 91 - The Keeper of the Flame - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 95 - Dead Giveaway - (1976) - shortstory by J. Vernon Shea
  • 112 - Those Who Wait - novelette by James Wade
  • 136 - The Keeper of Dark Point - (1967) - novelette by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby]
  • 164 - The Black Mirror - novelette by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 190 - I've Come to Talk with You Again - (1995) - shortstory by Karl Edward Wagner
  • 195 - The Howler in the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1984) - novelette by Richard L. Tierney
  • 220 - The Horror on the Beach - (1976) - novelette by Alan Dean Foster
  • 242 - The Whisperers - (1977) - shortstory by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 257 - Lights! Camera! Shub-Niggurath! - novelette by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 287 - Saucers from Yaddith - (1984) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 303 - Vastarien - (1987) - shortstory by Thomas Ligotti
  • 316 - The Madness Out of Space - (1982) - novelette by Peter Cannon [as by Peter H. Cannon ]
  • 347 - Aliah Warden - (1985) - shortstory by Roger Johnson
  • 355 - The Last Supper - (1981) - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 359 - The Church at Garlock's Bend - (1987) - shortstory by David Kaufman
  • 372 - The Spheres Beyond Sound - (1987) - shortfiction by Stephen Mark Rainey [as by Mark Rainey]

The Grimscribe's Puppets

Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.

Thomas Ligotti is beyond doubt one of the Grandmasters of Weird Fiction. In The Grimscribe's Puppets, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., has commissioned both new and established talents in the world of weird fiction and horror to contribute all new tales that pay homage to Ligotti and celebrate his eerie and essential nightmares. Poppy Z. Brite once asked, "Are you out there, Thomas Ligotti?" This anthology proves not only is he alive and well, but his extraordinary illuminations have proven to be a visionary and fertile source of inspiration for some of today's most accomplished authors.

Table of Contents:

  • Livia Llewellyn "Furnace"
  • Daniel Mills "The Lord Came at Twilight"
  • Michael Cisco "The Secrets of the Universe"
  • Kaaron Warren "The Human Moth"
  • Joel Lane "Basement Angels"
  • Darrell Schweitzer "No Signal"
  • Robin Spriggs "THE XENAMBULIST: A Fable in Four Acts"
  • Nicole Cushing "The Company Town"
  • Cody Goodfellow "The Man Who Escaped This Story"
  • Michael Kelly "Pieces of Blackness"
  • Eddie M. Angerhuber "The Blue Star"
  • Jon Padgett "20 Simple Steps to Ventriloquism"
  • Robert M. Price "The Holiness of Desolation"
  • Michael Griffin "Diamond Dust"
  • Richard Gavin "After the Final"
  • Scott Nicolay "Eyes Exchange Bank"
  • Simon Strantzas "By Invisible Hands"
  • Paul Tremblay "Where We Will All Be"
  • Allyson Bird "Gailestis"
  • Jeffrey Thomas "The Prosthesis"
  • John Langan "Into the Darkness, Fearlessly"
  • Gemma Files "Oubliette"

Cthulhu's Reign

Darrell Schweitzer

Some of the darkest hints in all of H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos relate to what will happen after the Old Ones return and take over the earth. What happens when Cthulhu is unleashed upon the world? What happens when the other Old Ones, long since banished from our universe, break through and descend from the stars? What would the reign of Cthulhu be like on a totally transformed planet where mankind is no longer the master? Find out in these exciting, brand-new stories.


  • 1 - Introduction (Cthulhu's Reign) - essay by Darrell Schweitzer
  • 8 - The Walker in the Cemetery - novelette by Ian Watson
  • 37 - Sanctuary - shortstory by Don Webb
  • 56 - Her Acres of Pastoral Playground - shortstory by Mike Allen
  • 73 - Spherical Trigonometry - shortstory by Ken Asamatsu
  • 91 - What Brings the Void - novelette by Will Murray
  • 112 - The New Pauline Corpus - shortstory by Matt Cardin
  • 128 - Ghost Dancing - shortstory by Darrell Schweitzer
  • 139 - This Is How the World Ends - shortstory by John R. Fultz
  • 150 - The Shallows - novelette by John Langan
  • 176 - Such Bright and Risen Madness in Our Names - shortstory by Jay Lake
  • 184 - The Seals of New R'lyeh - shortstory by Gregory Frost
  • 200 - The Holocaust of Ecstasy - shortstory by Brian Stableford
  • 218 - Vastation - shortstory by Laird Barron
  • 236 - Nothing Personal - shortstory by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 247 - Remnants - novella by Fred Chappell
  • 303 - About the Authors (Cthulhu's Reign) - essay by uncredited
  • 309 - About the Editor (Cthulhu's Reign) - essay by uncredited

Resume with Monsters

William Browning Spencer

Philip Kenan does not appear to be the most reliable narrator. Obsessed with H. P. Lovecraft's Great Old Ones, he keeps malign cosmic entities at bay by constantly revising his novel, The Despicable Quest. While Philip's preoccupied with the monsters lurking behind every cubicle at his dead-end job, his exasperated girlfriend flees — heading straight into the horror that lies at the heart of the corporate world.

William Browning Spencer's imaginative update on Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos offers a witty and wicked satire of office culture. This macabre masterpiece from one of America's foremost cult authors won the 1995 International Horror Critics Guild Award for Best Novel.

"If Woody Allen had ever written a Cthulhu Mythos novel, it might have come out like this." —The New York Review of Science Fiction

"An explosive story of menace, suspense, mystery, and love. Don't miss it." — Roger Zelazny

Author William Browning Spencer is "a brilliant writer of fantasy who's also a very considerable serious novelist." — Kirkus Reviews

Mr. X

Peter Straub

Every year on his birthday, Ned Dunstan is cursed with visions of horror committed by a savage figure he calls "Mr. X." This year, Ned's visions will become flesh and blood.

A dreadful premonition brings Ned home to find his mother on her deathbed. She reveals the never-before-disclosed name of his father and warns him of grave danger. Driven by a desperate sense of need, Ned explores his dark past and the astonishing legacy of his kin. Accused of violent crimes he has not committed and pursued by a shadowy twin, Ned enters a hidden world of ominous mysteries, where he must confront his deepest nightmares....

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Richard Thomas

With a foreword by Brian Evenson.

In this new collection, Richard Thomas has crafted fourteen stories that push the boundaries of dark fiction in an intoxicating, piercing blend of fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Equally provocative and profound, each story is masterfully woven with transgressive themes that burrow beneath the skin.

  • A poker game yields a strange prize that haunts one man, his game of chance now turned into a life-or-death coin flip.
  • A set of twins find they have mysterious new powers when an asteroid crashes in a field near their house, and the decisions they make create an uneasy balance.
  • A fantasy world is filled with one man's desire to feel whole again, finally finding love, only to have the shocking truth of his life exposed in an appalling twist.
  • A father and son work slave labor in a brave new world run by aliens and mount a rebellion that may end up freeing them all.
  • A clown takes off his make-up in a gloomy basement to reveal something more horrifying under the white, tacky skin.

Powerful and haunting, Thomas' transportive collection dares you to examine what lies in the darkest, most twisted corners of human existence and not be transformed by what you find.

The Kraken Sea

E. Catherine Tobler

Fifteen-year-old Jackson is different from the other children at the foundling hospital. Scales sometimes cover his arms. Tentacles coil just below his skin. Despite this Jackson tries to fit in with the other children. He tries to be normal for Sister Jerome Grace and the priests. But when a woman asks for a boy like him, all that changes. His name is pinned to his jacket and an orphan train whisks him across the country to Macquarie's.

At Macquarie's, Jackson finds a home unlike any he could have imagined. The bronze lions outside the doors eat whomever they deem unfit to enter, the hallways and rooms shift and change at will, and Cressida--the woman who adopted him--assures him he no longer has to hide what he is. But new freedoms hide dark secrets. There are territories, allegiances, and a kraken in the basement that eats shadows.

As Jackson learns more about the new world he's living in and about who he is, he has to decide who he will stand with: Cressida, the woman who gave him a home and a purpose, or Mae, the black-eyed lion tamer with a past as enigmatic as his own. The Kraken Sea is a fast paced adventure full of mystery, Fates, and writhing tentacles just below the surface, and in the middle of it all is a boy searching for himself.

Cthulhu 2000: A Lovecraftian Anthology

Jim Turner

In Cthulhu 2000, a host of horror and fantasy's top authors captures the spirit of supreme supernatural storyteller H. P. Lovecraft--with eighteen chilling contemporary tales that would have made the master proud.


  • Cthulhu 2000 - essay by Jim Turner
  • The Barrens - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1989) - novella by F. Paul Wilson
  • Pickman's Modem - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1992) - shortstory by Lawrence Watt-Evans
  • Shaft Number 247 - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1980) - novelette by Basil Copper
  • His Mouth Will Taste of Wormwood - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - shortstory by Poppy Z. Brite
  • The Adder - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1989) - shortstory by Fred Chappell
  • Fat Face - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1987) - novelette by Michael Shea
  • The Big Fish - [The Diogenes Club] - (1993) - novelette by Kim Newman
  • "I Had Vacantly Crumpled It into My Pocket ... But By God, Eliot, It Was a Photograph from Life!" - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1964) - shortstory by Joanna Russ
  • H.P.L. - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - novelette by Gahan Wilson
  • The Unthinkable - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1991) - shortstory by Bruce Sterling
  • Black Man with a Horn - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1980) - novelette by T. E. D. Klein
  • Love's Eldritch Ichor - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - novelette by Esther M. Friesner
  • The Last Feast of Harlequin - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - novelette by Thomas Ligotti
  • The Shadow on the Doorstep - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1986) - shortstory by James P. Blaylock
  • Lord of the Land - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - novelette by Gene Wolfe
  • The Faces at Pine Dunes - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1980) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • On the Slab - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1981) - shortstory by Harlan Ellison
  • 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1985) - novella by Roger Zelazny

Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos: Golden Anniversary Anthology

Jim Turner


  • ix - Iä! Iä! Cthulhu Fhtagn! - essay by Jim Turner [as by James Turner (I) ]
  • 3 - The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 33 - The Return of the Sorcerer - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 48 - Ubbo-Sathla - [Hyperborea] - (1933) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 56 - The Black Stone - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1931) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 74 - The Hounds of Tindalos - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - shortstory by Frank Belknap Long
  • 88 - The Space-Eaters - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette by Frank Belknap Long
  • 116 - The Dweller in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1944) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 153 - Beyond the Threshold - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1941) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 177 - The Shambler from the Stars - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1935) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 187 - The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 211 - The Shadow from the Steeple - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1950) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 231 - Notebook Found in a Deserted House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1951) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 250 - The Salem Horror - [Michael Leigh] - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 267 - The Terror from the Depths - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1976) - novelette by Fritz Leiber
  • 313 - Rising with Surtsey - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1971) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 343 - Cold Print - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1969) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 359 - The Return of the Lloigor - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1969) - novella by Colin Wilson
  • 410 - My Boat - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1976) - shortstory by Joanna Russ
  • 427 - Sticks - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1974) - novelette by Karl Edward Wagner
  • 449 - The Freshman - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1979) - shortstory by Philip José Farmer
  • 468 - Jerusalem's Lot - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1978) - novelette by Stephen King
  • 503 - Discovery of the Ghooric Zone - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1977) - shortstory by Richard A. Lupoff (variant of Discovery of the Ghooric Zone - March 15, 2337)

The Web of Easter Island

Donald Wandrei

The Web of Easter Island was first written in 1932 under the title Dead Titans, Waken!. The manuscript was rejected by several publishers including Harper & Brothers, but was eventually revised and published by Arkham House. It is loosely related to the Cthulhu Mythos (it is dedicated to H. P. Lovecraft) and follows the exploits of Carter E. Graham from England to Easter Island, where ancient horror is discovered and combated.

Dead Titans, Waken! has been edited for publication by S.T. Joshi and was to have been issued during the 1990s by Fedogan and Bremer, however, it was finally published by Centipede Press in a limited edition of 300 copies in March 2012.

The Mind Parasites

Colin Wilson

The story is about Professor Gilbert Austin's conflict with the Tsathogguans, invisible mind parasites that menace the most brilliant people on earth.

A Dreamer and a Visionary: H. P. Lovecraft in His Time

S. T. Joshi

H. P. Lovecraft has come to be recognized as the leading author of supernatural fiction in the twentieth century. But how did a man who died in poverty, with no book of his stories published in his lifetime, become such an icon in horror literature?

S. T. Joshi, the leading authority on Lovecraft, traces in detail the course of Lovecraft's life and shows how Lovecraft was engaged in the political, economic, social and intellectual currents of his time.

Wrath of N'kai

Arkham Horror: Book 1

Josh Reynolds

An international thief of esoteric artifacts stumbles onto a nightmarish cult in 1920s New England...

Countess Alessandra Zorzi, international adventurer and thief, arrives in Arkham pursuing an ancient body freshly exhumed from a mound in Oklahoma, of curious provenance and peculiar characteristics. But before she can steal it, another party beats her to it. During the resulting gunfight at the Miskatonic Museum, the countess makes eye contact with the petrified corpse and begins an adventure of discovery outside her wildest experiences. Now, caught between her mysterious client, the police, and a society of necrophagic connoisseurs, she finds herself on the trail of a resurrected mummy as well as the star-born terror gestating within it.

The Last Ritual

Arkham Horror: Book 2

S. A. Sidor

A mad surrealist's art threatens to rip open the fabric of reality, in this twisted tale of eldritch horror and conspiracy...

Aspiring painter Alden Oakes is invited to join a mysterious art commune in Arkham: the New Colony. When celebrated Spanish surrealist Juan Hugo Balthazarr visits the colony, Alden and the other artists quickly fall under his charismatic spell. Balthazarr throws a string of decadent parties for Arkham's social elite, conjuring arcane illusions which blur the boundaries between nightmare and reality. Only slowly does Alden come to suspect that Balthazarr's mock rituals are intended to break through those walls and free what lies beyond. Alden must act, but it might already be too late to save himself, let alone Arkham.

Mask of Silver

Arkham Horror: Book 3

Rosemary Jones

A stunning return to Arkham Horror when a movie director shoots his silent horror masterpiece in eerie Arkham, capturing crawling nightmares instead of moving pictures, in this chilling novel of creeping dread...

Hollywood make-up artist and costumier, Jeany Lin, travels to Arkham to work on the new "nightmare movie" by enigmatic director Sydney Fitzmaurice. The star is her sister, Renee Love, Sydney's collaborator and lover. Desperate to outdo the thrills and terror of Lon Chaney's popular pictures, Sydney prepares occult-infused dream sequences for Love and her co-stars to perform. But there's more than mere imagery at play as the cast suffer recurring nightmares, accidents, and impossible waking visions. When events take a sinister turn and people start dying on set, it's up to Jeany to unmask the monsters before Sydney's obsessions doom them all.

Litany of Dreams

Arkham Horror: Book 4

Ari Marmell

Dark incantations expose the minds of Miskatonic University students to supernatural horrors...

The mysterious disappearance of a gifted student at Miskatonic University spurs his troubled roommate, Elliot Raslo, into an investigation of his own. But Elliot already struggles against the maddening allure of a ceaseless chant that only he can hear... When Elliot's search converges with that of a Greenland Inuk's hunt for a stolen relic, they are left with yet more questions. Could there be a connection between Elliot's litany and the broken stone stele covered in antediluvian writings that had obsessed his friend? Learning the answers will draw them into the heart of a devilish plot to rebirth an ancient horror.

Cult of the Spider Queen

Arkham Horror: Book 6

S. A. Sidor

An ancient horror deep in the Amazon jungle spins a web of nightmares to ensnare adventurers, explorers, and their souls, in this skin-crawling Arkham Horror novel of cosmic dread.

When Arkham Advertiser reporter Andy van Nortwick receives a mysterious film reel in the mail, with a simple note: "Maude Brion is very much alive!", he steps onto a path which will lead him to the brink of madness. Brion, the famous actress and film director, vanished a year ago on an ill-fated expedition into the Amazon rainforest, delving into the legend of the Spider Queen. Thrilled by the prospect of his big break, Nortwick swings the funds to launch a rescue mission. He gathers a team of explorers and a keen folklorist to bring back Brion and cement his reputation. But deep in the Amazon jungle, the boundaries between intrepid adventurers, dreamers, and deranged fanatics blur inside a web of terror.

The Deadly Grimoire

Arkham Horror: Book 7

Rosemary Jones

A daring actress and a barnstorming pilot team up to save the world from supernatural disaster in this uncanny pulp adventure set in the world of Arkham Horror...

Betsy Baxter is the plucky stunt-actor star of the 1920s serial adventure, The Flapper Detective. While researching a wing-walking scene, she meets the fearless Winifred Habbamock and discovers a shared background of eerie encounters and eldritch phenomena. For years, Betsy has been investigating the disappearance of an old friend during the horror-struck filming of The Mask of Silver, when she learns of his reappearance in Arkham, she and Winifred hit the road to investigate. But Arkham is full of mysteries and danger. Betsy will need all her skills, and new allies, to prevent an otherworldly cataclysm from consuming her and all of Arkham.

In the Coil of the Labyrinth

Arkham Horror: Book 8

David Annandale

Professor Miranda Ventham is having bad dreams -- nothing new in 1920s Arkham -- but hers are horrifying glimpses of a dark future. Now seriously ill, she books herself into the new sanatorium, Stroud Institute. With luck, the town's eldritch taint won't reach her there. And yet the nightmares worsen. With the aid of her friend, parapsychologist Agatha Crane, they delve into the background of the sanatorium's enigmatic director, Donovan Stroud. Plagued by doubts, delusions, and terrifying visions, Miranda must unravel the shrouded history of the Strouds before she is trapped in a labyrinthine nightmare. Something sinister lurks at its heart, and it longs to be set free.

Secrets in Scarlet

Arkham Horror: Book 9

Charlotte Llewelyn-Wells

A secret organization ruthlessly seeks power over supernatural terrors in this globe-trotting anthology of arcane mystery and adventure...

Beyond our world lies another, one full of paranormal forces and eldritch horrors, and once that membrane has been pierced, life can never be the same again. In every corner of the globe, persons unknown are seizing objects of extreme supernatural power. They declare themselves defenders of humanity, fighting off the darkness which presses against the veil shrouding our reality from the unknowable. But do their claims of altruism ring true? And should they be permitted to wield such power? From the world of Arkham Horror comes an exciting new anthology that delves into new mysteries.


  • 7 - The Man in the Bubble - short story by David Annandale
  • 29 - City of Waking Dreams - novelette by Davide Mana
  • 73 - Brother Bound - novelette by Jason Fischer
  • 107 - Honor Among Thieves - novelette by Carrie Harris
  • 147 - A Forty Grain Weight of Nephrite - novelette by Steven Philip Jones
  • 189 - Strange Things Done - novelette by Lisa Smedman
  • 233 - In Art, Truth - novelette by James Fadeley
  • 277 - Crossing Stars - novelette by M. J. Newman
  • 325 - The Red and the Black - short story by Josh Reynolds

Shadow of Pnath

Arkham Horror: Book 10

Josh Reynolds

An expert thief outwits foes old and new to defeat a sinister summoning, in this hair-raising noir-thriller from the bestselling world of Arkham Horror...

Adventuress Countess Alessandra Zorzi has a new vocation: reacquiring the occult artifacts she stole to put into the safer hands of Miskatonic University. With her new apprentice, Pepper Kelly, Zorzi tracks the infamous Zanthu Tablets to Paris. But the city is rife with spies and the countess has many enemies. When Pepper is kidnapped, it becomes clear that someone is out for revenge. Zorzi must rescue her apprentice, find the tablets, and prevent an old enemy from summoning an army of vengeful ghouls from the depths of the catacombs. Stealing relics is a lot harder the second time around...

Lair of the Crystal Fang

Arkham Horror: Book 11

S. A. Sidor

When a mysterious killer haunts Arkham, three struggling investigators must confront the eldritch horrors of their past...

In the swirling sewers beneath Arkham, excavators uncover a crystalline formation that hints at dark events from the city's past. As the discovery makes headlines, so too does a series of bizarre murders. With no leads, the Arkham police are always one step behind. Acting on a hunch, down-on-his luck former journalist Andy Van Nortwick reunites with adventurer Jake Williams and struggling filmmaker Maude Brion to unearth the truth. The trio know of the supernatural horrors that lurk beyond this world, and the reality haunts them. But time is running out and between them they must face their nightmares before the city of Arkham is lost to blood and chaos.

The Ravening Deep

Arkham Horror: Book 12

Tim Pratt

A nightmarish power unleashed from the depths infiltrates Arkham...

When dissolute fisherman Abel Davenport discovers an ancient temple in the deep ocean, he under the influence of a long dead god. In his attempts to restore the god's cult, Abel unleashes a plague of twisted doppelgangers on Arkham. Horrified by the consequences, Davenport realizes that he alone cannot stop the monsters from resurrecting the Ancient One. Sometimes the only way to end one cult is to start another... Teaming up with redeemed cultist Diana Stanley and notorious thief Ruby Standish is the first step. The second is convincing Carl Sanford, the powerful leader of Arkham's Silver Twilight Lodge, to join their cause. Together they might be the only hope of averting a cataclysmic eldritch invasion.

The Bootlegger's Dance

Arkham Horror: Book 13

Rosemary Jones

Christmas comes to Arkham Horror in this action-packed eldritch adventure full of secret whispers, haunted streets, and a lost actor falling through time

Raquel Malone Gutierrez is running away, although she won't admit that to herself. Suffering from hearing loss after an illness, the former music teacher wants to find a way to retain her independence, but only a wealthy relative offers any hope of that. Put to work in her aunt Nova's Kingsport dance hall, Raquel stumbles upon a mystery when her new hearing aids begin picking up conversations that no one else can hear. As Christmas draws closer, Raquel realizes the voice comes from a hunted man lost in time. Now she must do everything she can to free him before the monsters chasing him can catch up and break through.

Song of Carcosa

Arkham Horror: Book 14

Josh Reynolds

Countess Alessandra Zorzi, reformed thief and acquirer of occult artifacts, faces her greatest challenge yet as she searches for an elusive artist in possession of the powerful Zanthu Tablet; the only thing that can stop the strange psychic malaise afflicting Alessandra's assistant, Pepper.

The countess's quest takes her to the crooked heart of Venice, where an eerie organization is planning a grand performance that will engulf the city in chaos. As Pepper slips into an inescapable alien world, Alessandra must defeat powerful forces to save her friend. One wrong move could bring the curtain down on them all.

Herald of Ruin

Arkham Horror: Book 15

Tim Pratt

Carl Sanford's mastery of the Silver Twilight Lodge gives him unbridled power and influence, but unforeseen turmoil is coming to Arkham... A new occult curiosity shop in the city, opened by newcomer Randall Tillinghast, draws Sanford's ire, challenging his formerly unrivalled authority. Sanford expects to crush the newcomer like an ant and take what he wants from the wreckage, but Randall Tillinghast isn't quite as humble and harmless as he seems. In possession of an array of magical artifacts, Tillinghast begins to subvert Sanford's reputation in more ways than one, forcing Carl Sanford to call all the monsters and magic at his disposal to stop him. Will it be enough?

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

Ballantine Adult Fantasy: Book 15

H. P. Lovecraft

Collection of early Lovecraft stories inspired by Lord Dunsany.

Table of Contents:

  • About The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath and H. P. Lovecraft: Through the Gates of Deeper Slumber - essay by Lin Carter
  • The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath - (1943) - novella
  • Celephais - (1922) - shortstory
  • The Silver Key - (1929) - shortstory
  • Through the Gates of the Silver Key - (1934) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price
  • The White Ship - (1919) - shortstory
  • The Strange High House in the Mist - (1931) - shortstory
  • Postscript About The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath and H. P. Lovecraft - (1966) - poem by Lin Carter

Beneath the Rising

Beneath the Rising: Book 1

Premee Mohamed


Nick Prasad has always enjoyed a quiet life in the shadow of his best friend, child prodigy and technological genius Joanna 'Johnny' Chambers. But all that is about to end.

When Johnny invents a clean reactor that could eliminate fossil fuels and change the world, she awakens primal, evil Ancient Ones set on subjugating humanity.

From the oldest library in the world to the ruins of Nineveh, hunted at every turn, they will need to trust each other completely to survive...

A Broken Darkness

Beneath the Rising: Book 2

Premee Mohamed

It's been a year and a half since the Anomaly, when They tried to force their way into the world from the shapeless void.

Nick Prasad is piecing his life together, and has joined the secretive Ssarati Society to help monitor threats to humanity - including his former friend Johnny.

Right on cue, the unveiling of Johnny's latest experiment sees more portals opened to Them, leaving her protesting her innocence even as the two of them are thrown together to fight the darkness once more...

The Void Ascendant

Beneath the Rising: Book 3

Premee Mohamed


Seven years ago, the last survivor of Earth crashed through uncountable dimensions to a strange new world. Nick Prasad found shelter, and a living, as a prophet for the ruling family--servants of the Ancient Ones who destroyed his home.

Now, he's been offered a chance to rid the multiverse of the Ancient Ones, past and present and forever, although he'll have to betray his new masters to do it.

The first step is jailbreaking a god--and that's the easy part...

Bird Box

Bird Box: Book 1

Josh Malerman

Written with the narrative tension of The Road and the exquisite terror of classic Stephen King, Bird Box is a propulsive, edge-of-your-seat horror thriller, set in an apocalyptic near-future world--a masterpiece of suspense from the brilliantly imaginative Josh Malerman.

Something is out there...

Something terrifying that must not be seen. One glimpse and a person is driven to deadly violence. No one knows what it is or where it came from.

Five years after it began, a handful of scattered survivors remain, including Malorie and her two young children. Living in an abandoned house near the river, she has dreamed of fleeing to a place where they might be safe. Now, that the boy and girl are four, it is time to go. But the journey ahead will be terrifying: twenty miles downriver in a rowboat--blindfolded--with nothing to rely on but her wits and the children's trained ears. One wrong choice and they will die. And something is following them. But is it man, animal, or monster?

Engulfed in darkness, surrounded by sounds both familiar and frightening, Malorie embarks on a harrowing odyssey--a trip that takes her into an unseen world and back into the past, to the companions who once saved her. Under the guidance of the stalwart Tom, a motely group of strangers banded together against the unseen terror, creating order from the chaos. But when supplies ran low, they were forced to venture outside--and confront the ultimate question: in a world gone mad, who can really be trusted?

Interweaving past and present, Josh Malerman's breathtaking debut is a horrific and gripping snapshot of a world unraveled that will have you racing to the final page.

Black Wings of Cthulhu: 21 Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 1

S. T. Joshi


  • Introduction - (2010) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • Pickman's Other Model (1929) - (2008) - novelette by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • Desert Dreams - (2010) - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • Engravings - (2010) - shortstory by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
  • Copping Squid - (2009) - novelette by Michael Shea
  • Passing Spirits - (2010) - shortstory by Sam Gafford
  • The Broadsword - (2010) - novella by Laird Barron
  • Usurped - (2010) - novelette by William Browning Spencer
  • Denker's Book - (2010) - shortstory by David J. Schow
  • Inhabitants of Wraithwood - (2010) - novelette by W. H. Pugmire
  • The Dome - (2010) - shortstory by Mollie L. Burleson
  • Rotterdam - (2010) - shortstory by Nicholas Royle
  • Tempting Providence - (2010) - novelette by Jonathan Thomas
  • Howling in the Dark - (2010) - shortstory by Darrell Schweitzer
  • The Truth About Pickman - (2010) - shortstory by Brian Stableford
  • Tunnels - (2010) - shortstory by Philip Haldeman
  • The Correspondence of Cameron Thaddeus Nash - (2010) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • Violence, Child of Trust - (2010) - shortstory by Michael Cisco
  • Lesser Demons - (2010) - novelette by Norman Partridge
  • An Eldritch Matter - (2010) - shortstory by Adam Niswander
  • Substitutions - (2010) - novelette by Michael Marshall Smith
  • Susie - (2010) - shortstory by Jason Van Hollander

Black Wings of Cthulhu 2: 18 Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 2

S. T. Joshi


  • 7 - Introduction: "Black Wings of Cthulhu 2" - (2012) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • 11 - When Death Wakes Me to Myself - (2012) - shortfiction by John Shirley
  • 45 - View - (2012) - shortfiction by Tom Fletcher
  • 61 - Houndwife - (2012) - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 85 - King of Cat Swamp - (2012) - shortfiction by Jonathan Thomas
  • 107 - Dead Media - (2012) - shortfiction by Nick Mamatas
  • 125 - The Abject - (2012) - shortfiction by Richard Gavin
  • 149 - Dahlias - (2012) - shortfiction by Melanie Tem
  • 159 - Bloom - (2012) - shortfiction by John Langan
  • 195 - And the Sea Gave Up the Dead - (2012) - shortfiction by Jason C. Eckhardt
  • 213 - Casting Call - (2012) - shortfiction by Don Webb
  • 231 - The Clockwork King, the Queen of Glass, and the Man with the Hundred Knives - (2012) - shortfiction by Darrell Schweitzer
  • 251 - The Other Man - (2012) - shortfiction by Nicholas Royle
  • 263 - Waiting at the Crossroads Motel - (2012) - shortfiction by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • 275 - The Wilcox Remainder - (2012) - shortfiction by Brian Evenson
  • 291 - Correlated Discontents - (2012) - shortfiction by Rick Dakan
  • 317 - The Skinless Face - (2012) - shortfiction by Donald Tyson
  • 353 - The History of a Letter - (2012) - shortstory by Jason V Brock
  • 369 - Appointed - (2012) - shortfiction by Chet Williamson

Black Wings of Cthulhu 3: 17 Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 3

S. T. Joshi


  • China Holiday - (2014) - novelette by Peter Cannon
  • Dimply Dolly Doofy - (2014) - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • Down Black Staircases - (2014) - novelette by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
  • Further Beyond - (2014) - novella by Brian Stableford
  • Hotel del Lago - (2014) - shortstory by Mollie L. Burleson
  • Houdini Fish - (2014) - novelette by Jonathan Thomas
  • Introduction (Black Wings of Cthulhu 3) - (2014) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • Necrotic Cove - (2014) - shortstory by Lois H. Gresh [as by Lois Gresh ]
  • One Tree Hill (The World as Cataclysm) - (2013) - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • Spiderwebs in the Dark - (2014) - novelette by Darrell Schweitzer
  • The Hag Stone - (2014) - novelette by Richard Gavin
  • The Man with the Horn - (2014) - shortstory by Jason V Brock
  • The Megalith Plague - (2014) - shortstory by Don Webb
  • The Turn of the Tide - (2014) - shortstory by Mark Howard Jones
  • Thistle's Find - (2014) - shortstory by Simon Strantzas
  • Underneath an Arkham Moon - (2014) - shortstory by Jessica Amanda Salmonson and W. H. Pugmire
  • Waller - (2014) - novella by Donald Tyson
  • Weltschmerz - (2014) - novelette by Sam Gafford

Black Wings of Cthulhu 4: 17 New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 4

S. T. Joshi


  • A Prism of Darkness - (2015) - shortfiction by Darrell Schweitzer
  • Black Ships Seen South of Heaven - (2015) - shortfiction by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • Broken Sleep - (2015) - shortfiction by Cody Goodfellow
  • Contact - (2015) - shortfiction by John Pelan and Stephen Mark Rainey
  • Cult of the Dead - (2015) - shortfiction by Lois H. Gresh
  • Dark Redeemer - (2015) - shortfiction by Will Murray
  • Fear Lurks Atop Tempest Mount - (2015) - shortfiction by Charles Lovecraft
  • Half Lost in Shadow - (2015) - shortstory by W. H. Pugmire
  • In the Event of Death - (2015) - shortfiction by Simon Strantzas
  • Night of the Piper - (2015) - shortfiction by Ann K. Schwader
  • Revival - (2015) - shortfiction by Stephen Woodworth
  • Sealed by the Moon - (2015) - shortfiction by Gary Fry
  • The Dark Sea Within - (2015) - shortfiction by Jason V Brock
  • The Rasping Absence - (2015) - shortfiction by Richard Gavin
  • The Wall of Asshur-sin - (2015) - shortfiction by Donald Tyson
  • Trophy - (2015) - shortfiction by Melanie Tem
  • We Are Made of Stars - (2015) - shortfiction by Jonathan Thomas

Black Wings of Cthulhu 6: Twenty-One New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 6

S. T. Joshi

Volume 6 in the successful and critically acclaimed series of Lovecraftian horror anthologies by the most prominent acolytes of the horror master.

From claustrophobic fear in isolated New England towns to terrifying threats that span the infinite cosmos, the tales herein are fuelled by H. P. Lovecraft's creations. While his horrors originate in a vast cosmos outside of space and time, the terrors they bring strike ordinary humans caught up in conflicts far beyond their control.


  • Introduction - essay by S. T. Joshi (2017)
  • Pothunters - (2017) - novelette by Ann K. Schwader
  • The Girl in the Attic - (2017) - short story by Darrell Schweitzer
  • The Once and Future Waite - (2017) - novelette by Jonathan Thomas
  • Oude Goden - (2017) - short story by Lynne Jamneck
  • Carnivorous - (2017) - short story by William F. Nolan
  • On a Dreamland's Moon - (2017) - poem by Ashley Dioses
  • Teshtigo Creek - (2017) - short story by Aaron Bittner
  • Ex Libris - (2012) - novelette by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • You Shadows That in Darkness Dwell - (2017) - short story by Mark Howard Jones
  • The Ballad of Asenath Waite - (2017) - poem by Adam Bolivar
  • The Visitor - (2017) - short story by Nancy Kilpatrick
  • The Gaunt - (2017) - short story by Tom Lynch
  • Missing at the Morgue - (2017) - short story by Donald Tyson
  • The Shard - (2017) - short story by Don Webb
  • The Mystery of the Cursed Cottage - (2017) - short story by David Hambling
  • To Court the Night - (2017) - poem by K. A. Opperman
  • To Move Beneath Autumnal Oaks - (2017) - short story by W. H. Pugmire
  • Mister Ainsley - (2017) - short story by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • Satiety - (2017) - short story by Jason V Brock
  • Provenance Unknown - (2017) - novelette by Stephen Woodworth
  • The Well - (2017) - poem by D. L. Myers

Black Wings VII: New Tales of Lovecraftian Horror

Black Wings of Cthulhu: Book 7

S. T. Joshi

This seventh volume of S. T. Joshi's acclaimed Black Wings series features an international cast of contributors who use the work of H. P. Lovecraft as a springboard for powerful and thought-provoking tales that probe the terrors and uncertainties of life in the twenty-first century.

Lovecraft was a devotee of science, but he recognised that science's role in human life is ambiguous. In this volume, Katherine Kerestman, Steve Rasnic Tem, and Donald Tyson probe the sense of human insignificance that science brings in its wake. Lovecraft knew that realism of setting fostered his signature contribution of cosmicism. Stories by Donald R. Burleson, Nancy Kilpatrick, Geoffrey Reiter, and Aditya Dwarkesh take us from the frozen realm of Antarctica to the sweltering heat of Calcutta; from ancient New England to the remote stretches of Pennsylvania. Tales by David Hambling and Mark Howard Jones tease out weirdness even in the familiar locales of Great Britain.


  • Introduction -- S. T. Joshi
  • The Resonances -- Ramsey Campbell
  • Er Lasst Sich Nicht Lesen -- Steven Woodworth
  • How Curwen Got His Hundred Years -- Jonathan Thomas
  • The Pit of G'narrh -- Donald R. Burleson
  • Open Adoption -- Ann K. Schwader
  • The Lime Kiln -- Geoffrey Reiter
  • Father Thames -- David Hambling
  • Who Killed Augustus Bourbaki? -- Aditya Dwarkesh
  • Can We Keep Him? -- Darrell Schweitzer
  • The Things We Do Not See -- Steve Rasnic Tem
  • Global Warming -- Katherine Kerestman
  • A Very Old Song Mark -- Howard Jones
  • Deception Island -- Nancy Kilpatrick
  • And The Devil Hath Power -- John Shirley
  • The Amber Toad -- Donald Tyson
  • An Elemental Infestation -- Mark Samuels
  • With Eyes Opened -- Ngo Binh Anh Khoa

The Wreck of the 'Charles Dexter Ward'

Boojum: Book 3

Sarah Monette
Elizabeth Bear

This novelette originally appeared in two installments in audio format at Drablecast, Augusts/September 2012. It can also be found in the anthologies The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirtieth Annual Collection (2013), edited by Gardner Dozois, and New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird (2015), edited by Paula Guran.

Listen to the full story for free at Drabblecast - Part 1 - Part 2.

The Book of Cthulhu

Book of Cthulhu: Book 1

Ross E. Lockhart

The Cthulhu Mythos is one of the 20th century''s most singularly recognizable literary creations. Initially created by H. P. Lovecraft and a group of his amorphous contemporaries (the so-called "Lovecraft Circle"), The Cthulhu Mythos story cycle has taken on a convoluted, cyclopean life of its own. Some of the most prodigious writers of the 20th century, and some of the most astounding writers of the 21st century have planted their seeds in this fertile soil. The Book of Cthulhu harvests the weirdest and most corpulent crop of these modern mythos tales. From weird fiction masters to enigmatic rising stars, The Book of Cthulhu demonstrates how Mythos fiction has been a major cultural meme throughout the 20th century, and how this type of story is still salient, and terribly powerful today.


  • Introduction (The Book of Cthulhu) - essay by Ross E. Lockhart
  • Andromeda Among the Stones - [Dandridge Cycle] - (2002) - novelette by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • The Tugging - (1976) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • A Colder War - (2000) - novelette by Charles Stross
  • The Unthinkable - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1991) - shortstory by Bruce Sterling
  • Flash Frame - (2011) - shortstory by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • Some Buried Memory - shortfiction by W. H. Pugmire
  • The Infernal History of the Ivybridge Twins - (2011) - shortstory by Molly Tanzer
  • Fat Face - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1987) - novelette by Michael Shea
  • Shoggoths in Bloom - (2008) - shortstory by Elizabeth Bear
  • Black Man with a Horn - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1980) - novelette by T. E. D. Klein
  • Than Curse the Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1980) - novelette by David Drake
  • Jeroboam Henley's Debt - (1982) - shortstory by Charles R. Saunders
  • Nethescurial - (1991) - shortstory by Thomas Ligotti
  • Calamari Curls - (2006) - shortstory by Kage Baker
  • Jihad Over Innsmouth - (2007) - shortstory by Edward R. Morris [as by Edward Morris ]
  • Bad Sushi - (2007) - novelette by Cherie Priest
  • The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife - shortfiction by John Hornor Jacobs
  • The Doom That Came to Innsmouth - (1999) - shortstory by Brian McNaughton
  • Lost Stars - (2003) - shortstory by Ann K. Schwader
  • The Oram County Whoosit - (2008) - novelette by Steve Duffy
  • The Crawling Sky - [Reverend Jedidiah Mercer] - (2009) - novelette by Joe R. Lansdale
  • The Fairground Horror - (1976) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • Cinderlands - (2010) - shortstory by Tim Pratt
  • Lord of the Land - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1990) - novelette by Gene Wolfe
  • To Live and Die in Arkham - (2010) - shortfiction by Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.
  • The Shallows - (2010) - novelette by John Langan
  • The Men from Porlock - shortfiction by Laird Barron

The Book of Cthulhu 2

Book of Cthulhu: Book 2

Ross E. Lockhart

When Night Shade Books unleashed The Book of Cthulhu onto an unsuspecting world, it was critically acclaimed as "the ultimate Cthulhu anthology" and "a 'must read' for fans of Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos," The Book of Cthulhu went where no collection of mythos tales had gone before: to the very edge of madness... and beyond.

For nearly a century, H. P. Lovecraft's tales of malevolent Great Old Ones existing beyond the dimensions of this world, beyond the borders of sanity, have captured and held the imaginations of writers and aficionados of the dark, the macabre, the fantastic, and the horrible. Now, because you demanded more, anthologist Ross E. Lockhart has risked all to dive back into the Cthulhu canon, combing through mind-shattering manuscripts and moldering tomes to bring you The Book of Cthulhu II, with even more tales of tentacles, terror, and madness.

Featuring monstrous stories by many of weird fiction's brightest lights, The Book of Cthulhu II brings you even more tales inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's greatest creation: The Cthulhu mythos.

This year, the stars are right...


  • Introduction - essay by Ross E. Lockhart
  • Shoggoth's Old Peculiar - (1998) - shortstory by Neil Gaiman
  • Nor the Demons Down Under the Sea (1957) - (2002) - shortfiction by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • This Is How the World Ends - (2010) - shortstory by John R. Fultz
  • The Drowning at Lake Henpin - shortfiction by Paul Tobin
  • The Ocean and All Its Devices - (1994) - novelette by William Browning Spencer
  • Take Your Daughters to Work - (2007) - shortstory by Livia Llewellyn
  • The Big Fish - (1993) - novelette by Kim Newman
  • Rapture of the Deep - (2009) - shortstory by Cody Goodfellow
  • Once More, from the Top - (2001) - shortstory by Adam Scott Glancy
  • The Hour of the Tortoise - shortfiction by Molly Tanzer
  • I Only Am Escaped Alone to Tell Thee - shortstory by Christopher Reynaga
  • Objects from the Gilman-Waite Collection - (2003) - shortstory by Ann K. Schwader
  • Of Melei, of Ulthar - (2009) - shortstory by Gord Sellar
  • A Gentleman from Mexico - (2007) - shortstory by Mark Samuels
  • The Hands That Reek and Smoke - (2008) - shortfiction by W. H. Pugmire
  • Akropolis - (2007) - shortstory by Matt Wallace
  • Boojum - (2008) - shortstory by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
  • The Nyarlathotep Event - (2011) - shortfiction by Jonathan Wood
  • The Black Brat of Dunwich - (1997) - shortstory by Stanley C. Sargent
  • The Terror from the Depths - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1976) - novelette by Fritz Leiber
  • Black Hill - (2011) - shortstory by Orrin Grey
  • The God of Dark Laughter - (2001) - shortstory by Michael Chabon
  • Sticks - (1974) - novelette by Karl Edward Wagner
  • Hand of Glory - shortfiction by Laird Barron

The Hastur Cycle: Second Revised Edition

Call of Cthulhu: Book 1

Robert M. Price


  • The Hastur Cycle: Second Revised Edition - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • vii - The Mythology of Hastur - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • vii - Carcosa - (1969) - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 1 - Haïta the Shepherd - (1891) - shortstory by Ambrose Bierce
  • 7 - An Inhabitant of Carcosa - (1886) - shortstory by Ambrose Bierce
  • 11 - The Repairer of Reputations - [The King In Yellow] - (1895) - novelette by Robert W. Chambers
  • 38 - The Yellow Sign - [The King In Yellow] - (1895) - novelette by Robert W. Chambers
  • 54 - The River of Night's Dreaming - (1981) - novella by Karl Edward Wagner
  • 84 - More Light - (1970) - novelette by James Blish
  • 113 - The Novel of the Black Seal - (1895) - novelette by Arthur Machen (variant of Novel of the Black Seal)
  • 145 - The Whisperer in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - novella by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 199 - Documents in the Case of Elizabeth Akeley - (1982) - novelette by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 233 - The Mine on Yuggoth - (1964) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 244 - Planetfall on Yuggoth - (1972) - shortstory by James Wade
  • 248 - The Return of Hastur - (1939) - novelette by August Derleth [as by August W. Derleth ]
  • 271 - The Feaster from Afar - (1976) - shortstory by Joseph Payne Brennan
  • 283 - Black Lotus - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 20] - (1965) - poem by Lin Carter
  • 283 - The Unspeakable - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 21] - (1965) - poem by Lin Carter
  • 284 - Carcosa - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 22] - (1961) - poem by Lin Carter
  • 284 - The Candidate - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 23] - (1965) - poem by Lin Carter
  • 285 - Carcosa Story about Hali - (1989) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 288 - King in Yellow: A Tragedy in Verse - (1993) - shortstory by Lin Carter and Robert M. Price [as by Lin Carter]

Singers of Strange Songs: A Celebration of Brian Lumley

Call of Cthulhu: Book 2

Scott David Aniolowski


  • Singers of Strange Songs: A Celebration of Brian Lumley - interior artwork by Allen Koszowski
  • ix - Introduction: The Caller of the Black and the Lord of the Worms - essay by Scott David Aniolowski
  • 1 - City Out of Time - (1977) - poem by Brian Lumley
  • 2 - Cement Surroundings - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1969) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 21 - Bad Soil - shortstory by Don D'Ammassa
  • 34 - The Temple of Yig - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 43 - Not to Force the Rhymes - novelette by Benjamin Adams
  • 69 - In His Daughter's Darkling Womb - novelette by Tina L. Jens
  • 94 - The Reliable Vacuum Company - shortstory by James Robert Smith
  • 107 - The Nullity of Choice - shortstory by John Tynes
  • 118 - Where I Go, Mi-Go - shortstory by Lois H. Gresh
  • 135 - Subway Accident - shortstory by Gregory Nicoll
  • 140 - The High Rollers - shortstory by James Robert Smith and Benjamin Adams
  • 158 - A Forty Share in Innsmouth - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 168 - Shudder Wyrm - novelette by Stephen Mark Rainey
  • 187 - Spaghetti - (1985) - novella by Brian Lumley

The Scroll of Thoth: Simon Magus and the Great Old Ones

Call of Cthulhu: Book 3

Richard L. Tierney


  • The Scroll of Thoth - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • ix - Introduction: Sword of the Avatar - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - The Sword of Spartacus - [Simon of Gitta] - (1978) - novelette
  • 18 - The Fire of Mazda - [Simon of Gitta] - (1984) - novelette
  • 55 - The Seed of the Star-God - [Simon of Gitta] - (1984) - novelette
  • 92 - The Blade of the Slayer - [Simon of Gitta] - (1986) - shortstory
  • 112 - The Soul of Kephri - [Simon of Gitta] - (1984) - novelette
  • 149 - The Ring of Set - [Simon of Gitta] - (1977) - novelette
  • 172 - The Worm of Urakhu - [Simon of Gitta] - (1988) - novelette
  • 208 - Curse of the Crocodile - [Simon of Gitta] - (1987) - shortstory
  • 227 - The Treasure of Horemkhu - [Simon of Gitta] - (1987) - novelette
  • 262 - The Scroll of Thoth - [Simon of Gitta] - (1977) - novelette
  • 277 - The Dragons of Mons Fractus - [Simon of Gitta] - (1984) - novelette
  • 313 - The Pillars of Melkarth - [Simon of Gitta] - (1990) - novella

The Innsmouth Cycle: The Taint of the Deep Ones

Call of Cthulhu: Book 4

Robert M. Price


  • The Innsmouth Cycle: The Taint of the Deep Ones - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • vii - Introduction: Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny - essay by Robert M. Price
  • xv -  The Innsmouth Look - interior artwork by David T. Pudelwitts
  • 1 - Of Yoharneth-Lahai - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory by Lord Dunsany
  • 3 - The Harbor-Master - (1899) - novelette by Robert W. Chambers
  • 24 - Fishhead - (1913) - shortstory by Irvin S. Cobb
  • 34 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 88 - The Deep Ones - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1969) - novelette by James Wade
  • 120 - A Darker Shadow Over Innsmouth - (1969) - shortstory by James Wade
  • 125 - The Innsmouth Head - (1975) - shortstory by Franklyn Searight
  • 142 - Innsmouth Gold - (1986) - shortstory by Henry J. Vester, III
  • 165 - Custos Sanctorum - (1987) - shortstory by Roger Johnson
  • 178 - Rapture in Black - (1988) - shortstory by Stephen Mark Rainey
  • 189 - Live Bait - (1996) - shortstory by Stanley C. Sargent
  • 206 - Devil Reef - shortstory by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 224 - The Transition of Zadok Allen - (1995) - shortstory by Robert M. Price [as by Lewis Theobald, III ]
  • 230 - Shadow Over Innsmouth - (1942) - poem by Virginia Anderson
  • 231 - Innsmouth--Dread City by the Sea - (1950) - poem by R. Flavie Carson
  • 232 - After Innsmouth - (1990) - poem by Ann K. Schwader

The Complete Pegana: All the Tales Pertaining to the Realm of Pegana

Call of Cthulhu: Book 5

Lord Dunsany


  • vii - Introduction (The Complete Pegana) - (1998) - essay by S. T. Joshi
  • 1 - The Gods of Pegana - [Pegana] - (1905) - collection
  • 7 - The Gods of Pegana - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 8 - Of Skarl the Drummer - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 9 - Of the Making of the Worlds - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 11 - Of the Game of the Gods - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 13 - The Chaunt of the Gods - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 14 - The Sayings of Kib - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 15 - Concerning Sish - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 17 - The Sayings of Slid - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 20 - The Deeds of Mung - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 22 - The Chaunt of the Priests - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 23 - The Sayings of Limpang-Tung - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 25 - Of Yoharneth-Lahai - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 26 - Of Roon, the God of Going - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 30 - The Revolt of the Home Gods - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 33 - Of Dorozhand - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 35 - The Eye in the Waste - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 37 - Of the Thing That Is Neither God Nor Beast - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 40 - Yonath the Prophet - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 42 - Yug the Prophet - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 43 - Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 44 - Kabok the Prophet - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 46 - Of the Calamity That Befel Yun-Ilara by the Sea - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 48 - Of How the Gods Whelmed Sidith - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 51 - Of How Imbaun Became High Prophet in Aradec - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 54 - Of How Imbaun Met Zodrak - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 57 - Pegana - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 60 - The Sayings of Imbaun - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 62 - Of How Imbaun Spake of Death to the King - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 63 - Of Ood - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 64 - The River - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 67 - The Bird of Doom and the End - [Pegana] - (1905) - shortstory
  • 69 - Time and the Gods - (1906) - collection
  • 73 - Time and the Gods - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 77 - The Coming of the Sea - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 82 - A Legend of the Dawn - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 89 - The Vengeance of Men - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 93 - When the Gods Slept - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 100 - The King That Was Not - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 103 - The Cave of Kai - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 109 - The Sorrow of Search - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 116 - The Men of Yarnith - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 123 - For the Honour of the Gods - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 127 - Night and Morning - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 130 - Usury - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 133 - Mlideen - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 135 - The Secret of the Gods - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 138 - The South Wind - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 141 - In the Land of Time - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 150 - The Relenting of Sarnidac - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 155 - The Jest of the Gods - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory
  • 156 - The Dreams of a Prophet - [Pegana] - (1906) - shortstory (variant of The Dreams of the Prophet)
  • 159 - The Journey of the King - [Pegana] - (1906) - novelette
  • 195 - Beyond the Fields We Know - [Pegana] - (1919) - essay
  • 199 - Idle Days on the Yann - [Beyond the Fields We Know - 1] - (1910) - shortstory
  • 217 - A Shop in Go-by Street - [Beyond the Fields We Know - 2] - (1912) - shortstory
  • 225 - The Avenger of Perdóndaris - [Beyond the Fields We Know - 3] - (1912) - shortstory

Encyclopedia Cthulhiana, 2nd Edition: A Guide to Lovecraftian Horror

Call of Cthulhu: Book 6

Daniel Harms


  • Encyclopedia Cthulhiana: Second Edition - (1998) - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • Encyclopedia Cthulhiana: Second Edition - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • Encyclopedia Cthulhiana: Second Edition - interior artwork by M. Wayne Miller
  • vii - Foreword to the First Edition (Encyclopedia Cthulhiana: Second Edition) - essay by Daniel Harms
  • 363 - Appendix A: History of the Necronomicon - essay by Daniel Harms (variant of Appendix A: Chronology of the History of the Necronomicon 1994)
  • 376 - Appendix B: Locations of the Necronomicon - (1994) - essay by Daniel Harms
  • 382 - Appendix C: Contents of the Necronomicon - essay by Daniel Harms (variant of Appendix C: Some Contents of the Necronomicon 1994)
  • 385 - Appendix D: Timeline of the Cthulhu Mythos - essay by Shannon Appel
  • 407 - Bibliography (Encyclopedia Cthulhiana) - (1994) - essay by Daniel Harms

The Ithaqua Cycle: The Wind-Walker of the Icy Wastes

Call of Cthulhu: Book 7

Robert M. Price


  • The Ithaqua Cycle - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • ix - Ghost Riders in the Sky - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - About "The Wendigo" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 2 - The Wendigo - (1910) - novella by Algernon Blackwood
  • 40 - About "The Thing from Outside" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 41 - The Thing from Outside - (1923) - shortstory by George Allan England (variant of The Thing From--"Outside")
  • 57 - About "The Thing That Walked on the Wind" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 58 - The Thing That Walked on the Wind - (1933) - shortstory by August Derleth
  • 68 - About "The Snow-Thing" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 69 - The Snow-Thing - (1941) - shortstory by August Derleth (variant of Ithaqua)
  • 80 - About "Beyond the Threshold" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 81 - Beyond the Threshold - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1941) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 102 - About "Born of the Winds" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 103 - Born of the Winds - (1975) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 145 - About "Spawn of the North" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 146 - Spawn of the North - (1975) - shortstory by George C. Diezel, II and Gordon Linzner
  • 161 - About "They Only Come Out at Night" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 162 - They Only Come Out at Night - (1975) - shortstory by Randy Medoff
  • 169 - About "Footsteps in the Sky" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 170 - Footsteps in the Sky - (1986) - shortstory by Pierre Comtois
  • 187 - About "Jendick's Swamp" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 188 - Jendick's Swamp - (1987) - shortstory by Joseph Payne Brennan
  • 200 - About "The Wind Has Teeth" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 201 - The Wind Has Teeth - (1990) - novelette by G. Warlock Vance and Scott H. Urban
  • 219 - About "Stalker of the Wild Wind" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 220 - Stalker of the Wild Wind - (1993) - shortstory by Stephen Mark Rainey [as by Stephen M. Rainey ]
  • 234 - The Country of the Wind - (1994) - shortstory by Pierre Comtois
  • 234 - About "The Country of the Wind" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 244 - About "Wrath of the Wind-Walker" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 245 - Wrath of the Wind-Walker - shortstory by James Ambuehl

Nightmare's Disciple

Call of Cthulhu: Book 8

Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.

In this original novel of Mythos mystery and horror, a serial killer is terrorizing Schenectady. NY. Detective Chrisopher James Stewart must follow the trail of mutilated bodies and solve the enigmatic clues before the murderer strikes again.

Here is a wealth of terror and exuberant scenes, a detailed Cthulhu Mythos novel of the present day. In it H. P. Lovecraft is more prophet than anyone dares to dream.

The Antarktos Cycle

Call of Cthulhu: Book 9

Robert M. Price


  • ix - Introduction: Lovecraft's Cosmic History - (1999) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - Antarktos - [Fungi from Yuggoth - 15] - (1930) - poem by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 3 - The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - [Pym - 1] - (1838) - novel by Edgar Allan Poe
  • 141 - The Sphinx of the Ice Fields (excerpt) - (1975) - shortfiction by Jules Verne
  • 165 - The Greatest Adventure - (1929) - novel by John Taine
  • 305 - At the Mountains of Madness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novel by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 393 - The Tomb of the Old Ones - (1999) - novella by Colin Wilson
  • 489 - At the Mountains of Murkiness - (1940) - shortstory by Arthur C. Clarke
  • 498 - The Thing from Another World - (1938) - novella by John W. Campbell, Jr.
  • 547 - The Brooding City - (1990) - shortstory by John S. Glasby
  • 562 - The Dreaming City - (1987) - shortstory by Roger Johnson

Tales Out of Innsmouth: New Stories of the Children of Dagon

Call of Cthulhu: Book 10

Robert M. Price


  • Tales Out of Innsmouth: New Stories of the Children of Dagon - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • vii - The One That Got Away - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - About "The Weird Shadow Over Innsmouth" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 2 - The Weird Shadow Over Innsmouth - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and John S. Glasby
  • 52 - About "Understudy" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 53 - Understudy - (1997) - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 62 - About "The Doom That Came to Innsmouth" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 63 - The Doom That Came to Innsmouth - shortstory by Brian McNaughton
  • 88 - About "Return to Y'ha-nthlei" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 89 - Return to Y'ha-nthlei - (1997) - shortstory by John S. Glasby
  • 106 - About "The Old Ones' Signs" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 107 - The Old Ones' Signs - shortstory by Pierre Comtois
  • 131 - About "Fleas of the Dragon" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 132 - Fleas of the Dragon - [Teddy London] - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 173 - About "Mail Order Bride" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 174 - Mail Order Bride - shortstory by Ann K. Schwader
  • 190 - About "The Idol" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 191 - The Idol - shortstory by Scott David Aniolowski
  • 205 - About "The Guardian of the Pit" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 206 - The Guardian of the Pit - (1996) - shortstory by Franklyn Searight
  • 221 - About "Trust Me" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 222 - Trust Me - shortstory by Stanley C. Sargent
  • 228 - About "Just a Tad Beyond Innsmouth" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 229 - Just a Tad Beyond Innsmouth - (1997) - shortstory by Stanley C. Sargent
  • 241 - About "The Deep End" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 242 - The Deep End - shortstory by Gregory Luce
  • 269 - About "It Was the Day of the Deep One" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 270 - It Was the Day of the Deep One - (1997) - shortstory by Peter Cannon [as by Peter H. Cannon]

The Three Impostors

Call of Cthulhu: Book 12

Arthur Machen

Arthur Machen (1863-1947), popular Welsh writer of the bizarre and fantastic, created some of the finest horror stories ever written. On the surface, everything appears normal and cheerful in this bustling suburb of neatly laid out homes and well-trimmed hedges. But nothing is really as it seems. For in this world of impostors, conspiracies combine with dark forces to veil a once-ordinary London neighborhood in a cloud of mystery and fear.

A masterpiece of Gothic horror and suspense that inspired such writers as H. P. Lovecraft, The Three Impostors is Machen's famous collection of "weird tales" — a string of shocking short stories woven together with a fine narrative thread. Rich with terror, adventure, satire, deception, and dreamlike fantasy, it is a classic of occult literature written by a stylistic master.

Song of Cthulhu: Tales of the Spheres Beyond Sound

Call of Cthulhu: Book 13

Stephen Mark Rainey

Like any eclectic catalog of dark music, this volume of stories explores many levels of emotion, each writer composing his own unique movement to the symphony. Here, you will find a wide range of voices, some spinning tales of pure, deep dread, much as might be found in the most successful works of HPL himself. Others venture into territory that the Old Gent would never have imagined, or wanted to imagine... There's even a touch of whimsy to be found, yet always mingled with the strain of darkness like that faced by Erich Zann in his gatrret in the rue d'Auseil.


  • Song of Cthulhu: Tales of the Spheres Beyond Sound - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • xiii - Introduction (Song of Cthulhu: Tales of the Spheres Beyond Sound) - essay by Stephen Mark Rainey
  • 1 - The Music of Erich Zann - (1922) - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 8 - The Dark Beauty of Unheard Horrors - (1992) - essay by Thomas Ligotti
  • 14 - In the Rue d'Auseil - shortstory by Fred Chappell
  • 19 - The Plain of Sound - (1964) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell [as by J. Ramsey Campbell ]
  • 29 - The Last Show at Verdi's Supper Club - (1992) - shortstory by Stephen Mark Rainey
  • 37 - Water Music for the Tillers of Soil - (1999) - shortstory by Tom Piccirilli
  • 49 - Shallow Fathoms - shortstory by M. Christian
  • 57 - How Nyarlathotep Rocked Our World - shortstory by Gregory Nicoll
  • 69 - Listen - shortstory by James Robert Smith
  • 75 - Mud - (2000) - shortstory by Brian McNaughton
  • 88 - Paedomorphosis - (1998) - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 99 - Intruders - shortstory by Hugh B. Cave
  • 111 - Chant - shortstory by Robert Weinberg
  • 121 - Ghoul's Tale: A Narrative from the Necronomicon Transcribed from the Dee Edition - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 126 - The Next Big Thing - shortstory by Rob Suggs
  • 141 - The Flautists - shortstory by Edward P. Berglund
  • 148 - Fall from Grace - shortstory by D. F. Lewis
  • 154 - Drums - novelette by William R. Trotter
  • 181 - The Enchanting of Lila Woods - shortstory by E. A. Lustig
  • 201 - Yog-Sothoth, Superstar - shortstory by Thomas F. Monteleone

Nameless Cults: The Cthulhu Mythos Fiction of Robert E. Howard

Call of Cthulhu: Book 14

Robert E. Howard


  • xiii - Introduction: Raven, Son of Morn (Nameless Cults: The Cthulhu Mythos Fiction of Robert E. Howard) - (2001) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - The Black Stone - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1931) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 17 - Worms of the Earth - [Bran Mak Morn] - (1932) - novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 44 - The Little People - (1970) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 50 - People of the Dark - (1932) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 66 - The Children of the Night - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1931) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 80 - The Thing on the Roof - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1932) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 90 - The Abbey (fragment) - (1975) - shortfiction by Robert E. Howard
  • 99 - The Fire of Asshurbanipal - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1936) - novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 119 - The Door to the World - (1977) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard and Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. [as by Robert E. Howard and Joseph S. Pulver ]
  • 139 - The Hoofed Thing - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1970) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard (variant of Usurp the Night)
  • 156 - Dig Me No Grave - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1937) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 168 - The House in the Oaks - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1971) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard and August Derleth
  • 184 - The Black Bear Bites - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1974) - shortstory by Robert E. Howard
  • 196 - The Shadow Kingdom - [Kull of Valusia] - (1929) - novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 221 - The Gods of Bal-Sagoth - [Turlogh O'Brien] - (1931) - novelette by Robert E. Howard
  • 252 - Skull-Face - [Steve Harrison] - (1929) - novella by Robert E. Howard
  • 323 - Black Eons - [James Allison] - (1985) - novelette by Robert E. Howard and Robert M. Price
  • 340 - The Challenge from Beyond (Part 1 of 5) - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Challenge from Beyond) [as by C. L. Moore ]
  • 343 - The Challenge from Beyond (Part 2 of 5) - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Challenge from Beyond) [as by A. Merritt ]
  • 344 - The Challenge from Beyond (Part 3 of 5) - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Challenge from Beyond) [as by H. P. Lovecraft ]
  • 350 - The Challenge from Beyond (Part 4 of 5) - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Challenge from Beyond) [as by Robert E. Howard ]
  • 352 - The Challenge from Beyond (Part 5 of 5) - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long (variant of The Challenge from Beyond) [as by Frank Belknap Long, Jr.]

The Book of Eibon

Call of Cthulhu: Book 15

Robert M. Price


  • xi - Ultima Thule and Mhu Thulan (map) - interior artwork by Laurence J. Cornford
  • xvii - The Ebony Book: Introduction to The Book of Eibon - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 - About "History and Chronology of The Book of Eibon" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 4 - History and Chronology of The Book of Eibon - shortfiction by Lin Carter (variant of History & Chronology of the Book of Eibon 1984)
  • 9 - About "The Life of Eibon" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 10 - The Life of Eibon According to Cyron of Varaad - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 20 - About "Eibon Saith" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 21 - Eibon Saith; or, The Apophthegmata of Eibon - (1997) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 27 - About "The Double Tower" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 28 - The Double Tower: The History of Zloigm the Necromancer - (1973) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Double Tower) [as by Lin Carter ]
  • 34 - About "The Devouring of S'lithik Hhai" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 35 - The Devouring of S'lithik Hhai: The History of X'hyl the Apothecary - (1998) - shortstory by John R. Fultz (variant of The Devouring of S'lithik Hhai)
  • 43 - About "The Scroll of Morloc" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 45 - The Scroll of Morloc: The History of the Shaman Yhemog - (1975) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Scroll of Morloc) [as by Lin Carter ]
  • 53 - About "The Descent into the Abyss" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 55 - The Descent into the Abyss: The History of the Sorcerer Haon-Dor - (1981) - novelette by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Descent Into the Abyss 1980) [as by Lin Carter ]
  • 65 - About "The Secret in the Parchment" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 66 - The Secret in the Parchment: The History of the Thaumaturge Ptomeron - (1988) - shortstory by Lin Carter (variant of The Secret in the Parchment)
  • 72 - About "The Face from Below" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 74 - The Face from Below: The History of Pnom the Exoercist - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 81 - About "The Sphinx of Abormis" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 82 - The Sphinx of Abormis: The History of the Wizard Hormagor - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 88 - About "The Alkahest" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 89 - The Alkahest: The History of Enoycla the Alchemist - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 96 - About "The Coming of the White Worm" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 97 - The Coming of the White Worm: The History of Evagh the Warlock (Chapter IX of The Book of Eibon) - [Hyperborea] - (1941) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith (variant of The Coming of the White Worm)
  • 115 - About "The Light from the Pole" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 117 - The Light from the Pole: The History of Pharazyn the Enchanter - (1981) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Light From the Pole 1980)
  • 130 - About "The Stairs in the Crypt" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 131 - The Stairs in the Crypt: The History of the Necromancer Avalzaunt - (1976) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Stairs in the Crypt)
  • 141 - About "The Feaster from the Stars" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 143 - The Feaster from the Stars: The History of Yzduggor the Eremite - (1984) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter (variant of The Feaster from the Stars) [as by Lin Carter ]
  • 150 - About "The Green Decay" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 151 - The Green Decay: The History of Nabulus the Wonder-Worker - (1997) - shortstory by Robert M. Price (variant of The Green Decay)
  • 159 - About "The Utmost Abomination" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 161 - The Utmost Abomination - (1973) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Lin Carter
  • 171 - About "Uttressor" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 172 - Uttressor - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith and Laurence J. Cornford and Richard L. Tierney
  • 184 - About "Annotations for the Book of Night" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 185 - Annotations for the Book of Night - (1997) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 191 - About "The Burrower Beneath" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 193 - The Burrower Beneath - (1997) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 199 - About "In the Vale of Pnath" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 200 - In the Vale of Pnath - (1975) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 205 - About "Shaggai" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 206 - Shaggai - (1971) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 211 - About "The Haunting of Uthnor" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 212 - The Haunting of Uthnor - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 218 - About "The Offspring of the Tomb" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 219 - The Offspring of the Tomb - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 227 - About "The Demon of the Ring" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 229 - The Demon of the Ring - shortstory by Laurence J. Cornford
  • 235 - About "The Door to Saturn" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 236 - The Door to Saturn - [Hyperborea] - (1932) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 257 - About "Payrus of the Dark Wisdom" by Lin Carter - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 258 - The Unbegotten Source - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 1] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 261 - The Polar Ones - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 2] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 263 - The Elder Beings - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 3] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 264 - The Great Race of Yith - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 4] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 265 - The City of the Archives - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 5] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 266 - The Coming of Cthulhu - [Papyrus of the Dark Wisdom - 6] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 273 - About "Psalms of the Silent" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 274 - Petition: To Tsathoggua - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 276 - To Atlach-Nacha - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 277 - The Prayer of Yzduggor the Apostate - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 278 - Prayer to Lord Yok-Zothoth - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 279 - The Appeasement of Ghizguth - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 280 - The Summoning of Pharol - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 281 - The Unresponding Gods (from the Fragementary "Genealogies of Pnom" Preserved by the Wizard Eibon) - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 283 - The House of Haon-Dor - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 284 - The Dark Sorcerer - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 285 - The Contemplative God - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 286 - The Door to Cykranosh; or, Eibon's Lament - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 287 - Hyperborea; or, Eibon's Prophecy - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 288 - The Minions of Zstylzhemgni - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 289 - Ycnágnnissz - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 290 - Ubbo-Sathla - poem by Michael Fantina
  • 290 - Ubbo-Sathla - interior artwork by Jason C. Eckhardt
  • 291 - Azathoth - poem by Michael Fantina
  • 292 - Tsathoggua

The Necronomicon: The Blasphemous Tome of the Mad Arab

Call of Cthulhu: Book 16

Robert M. Price


  • The Necronomicon: Selected Stories and Essays Concerning the Blasphemous Tome of the Mad Arab - (1996) - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • The Necronomicon: Selected Stories and Essays Concerning the Blasphemous Tome of the Mad Arab: Second Edition, Expanded and Corrected - (2002) - interior artwork by Andy Hopp
  • ix - The Figure in the Flying Carpet - (1996) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 4 - The Terrible Parchment - (1937) - shortstory by Manly Wade Wellman
  • 12 - Dr. Xander's Cottage - (1941) - shortstory by Martin D. Brown
  • 16 - The Mantle of Graag - (1941) - shortstory by Robert A. W. Lowndes and Henry Dockweiller and Frederik Pohl [as by Robert A. W. Lowndes and Henry Dockweiller and Frederick Pohl ]
  • 25 - Settler's Wall - (1968) - novelette by Robert A. W. Lowndes (variant of The Long Wall 1942)
  • 54 - The Howler in the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1984) - novelette by Richard L. Tierney
  • 90 - Demons of Cthulhu - (1959) - shortstory by Robert Silverberg
  • 106 - The Castle in the Window - (1968) - shortstory by Steffan B. Aletti
  • 119 - Concerning the Forthcoming Inexpensive Paperback Translation of the Necronomicon of Abdul Alhazred - (1992) - novelette by John Brunner
  • 155 - The Adder - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1989) - shortstory by Fred Chappell
  • 185 - Preface to the Al-Azif - (1996) - shortstory by L. Sprague de Camp (variant of Preface (Al Azif) 1973)
  • 192 - John Dee's Necronomicon: A Fragment - (1996) - shortstory by Frank Belknap Long
  • 197 - Introitus (The Necronomicon: The Dee Translation) - [The Necronomicon: The Dee Translation] - (1989) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 197 - The Doom of Yakthoob - [The Book of Episodes - 1] - (1971) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 200 - The Thing Under Memphis - [The Book of Episodes - 2] - (1984) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 204 - In the City of Pillars - [The Book of Episodes - 3] - (1974) - shortstory by Lin Carter (variant of The City of Pillars)
  • 209 - The Vault Beneath the Mosque - [The Book of Episodes - 5] - (1985) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 213 - Mnomquah - [The Book of Episodes - 6] - (1985) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 221 - The Madness Out of Time - [The Book of Episodes - 7] - (1986) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 229 - Dreams of the Black Lotus - [The Book of Episodes - 8] - (1987) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 236 - The Shadow from the Stars - [The Book of Episodes - 9] - (1988) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 242 - The Transition of Abdul Alhazred - [The Book of Episodes - 10] - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 248 - Of the Powers of the Sorcerer - [The Book of Preparations - 1] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 249 - Of that Which Is Needful to Sorcery - [The Book of Preparations - 2] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 250 - Of the Old Ones and the Favors They Bestow - [The Book of Preparations - 3] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 252 - Of the Times and Seasons to Be Observed - [The Book of Preparations - 4] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 254 - Of the Powers of the Moon - [The Book of Preparations - 5] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 255 - Concerning Them from Outside - [The Book of Preparations - 6] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 257 - The Punishment of the Old Ones - [The Book of Preparations - 7] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 259 - Of that Which Is Foretold of Their Return - [The Book of Preparations - 8] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 260 - The Liers-in-Wait - [The Book of Preparations - 9] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 261 - Of the Worlds Beyond this World, and the Modes of Travel - [The Book of the Gates - 1] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 263 - Of Foul Necromancy - [The Book of the Gates - 2] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 265 - The Peril that Lurketh Beyond Time - [The Book of the Gates - 3] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 266 - Those that Aid the Unnamable Devourers - [The Book of the Gates - 4] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 267 - Of Tindalos, and the Hounds Thereof - [The Book of the Gates - 5] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 269 - If Thou Wouldst Raise the Dead - [The Book of the Gates - 6] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 270 - To Send Back Down that Which Thou Hast Called Up - [The Book of the Gates - 7] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 271 - Of the Signs of Hnaa - [The Book of the Gates - 8] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 273 - Of the Dream-Gates - [The Book of the Gates - 9] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 274 - Of Koth, and the Sign of Koth - [The Book of the Gates - 10] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 275 - The Ritual of the Silver Key - [The Book of the Gates - 11] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 277 - 'Umr At-Tawil - [The Book of the Gates - 12] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 279 - Of Opening the Door to Yog-Sothoth - [The Book of the Gates - 13] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 281 - Of Them from Outside and Their Spawn - [The Book of the Gates - 15] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 281 - The Ninth Verse that Summoneth Yog-Sothoth - [The Book of the Gates - 14] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 283 - Somewhat of the Gates that Open to Beyond - [The Book of the Gates - 16] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 285 - Of Leng and the Mysteries Thereof - [The Book of the Gates - 17] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 286 - Of the Coming-Hence of the Old Ones - [The Book of the Gates - 18] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 289 - The Openers of the Way - [The Book of the Gates - 19] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 290 - Of Calling Up that Which Thou Canst Not Put Down - [The Book of Dismissals - 1] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 292 - Of the Several Modes to Enforce the Dismissal - [The Book of Dismissals - 2] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 294 - Of Ib, and the Vengeance Thereof - [The Book of Dismissals - 3] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 297 - Of the Five-Pointed Star Carven of Grey Stone - [The Book of Dismissals - 4] - (1990) - shortfiction by Lin Carter
  • 301 - The Sussex Manuscript - (1989) - novelette by Fred L. Pelton
  • 351 - Why Abdul Al Hazred Went Mad - (1950) - shortstory by D. R. Smith
  • 361 - History of the Necronomicon (An Outline) - (1938) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft (variant of History of the Necronomicon)
  • 367 - Necronomicon - shortstory by Robert C. Culp
  • 383 - The Saga of Abdul Alhazred - novelette by Stephen T. Larkin
  • 416 - The Life of the Master - (1996) - interior artwork by David T. Pudelwitts [as by David Pudelwitts ]
  • 416 - The Life of the Master (A Biography of Abdul Alhazred by His Student, El-Rashi) - (1984) - shortstory by David T. St. Albans
  • 434 - A Critical Commentary on the Necronomicon - (1988) - novella by Robert M. Price

The Tsathoggua Cycle: Terror Tales of the Toad God

Call of Cthulhu: Book 19

Robert M. Price


  • xi - Bat/rachian: Introduction to the Tsathoggua Cycle - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 2 - About "From the Parchments of Pnom" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 - From the Parchments of Pnom - (1997) - essay by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 8 - About "The Seven Geases" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 9 - The Seven Geases - [Hyperborea] - (1934) - novelette by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 33 - About "The Testament of Athammaus" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 34 - The Testament of Athammaus - [Hyperborea] - (1932) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 56 - About "The Tale of Satampra Zeiros" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 57 - The Tale of Satampra Zeiros - [Satampra Zeiros] - (1931) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 71 - About "The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 72 - The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles - [Satampra Zeiros] - (1958) - shortstory by Clark Ashton Smith (variant of The Theft of Thirty-nine Girdles)
  • 84 - About "Shadow of the Sleeping God" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 85 - The Shadow of the Sleeping God - (1998) - shortstory by James Ambuehl
  • 99 - About "The Curse of the Toad" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 100 - The Curse of the Toad - (1978) - shortstory by Terry Dale and Loay Hall
  • 100 - About "Dark Swamp" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 109 - Dark Swamp - (1983) - shortstory by James Arthur Anderson [as by James Anderson ]
  • 118 - About "The Old One" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 119 - The Old One - (1989) - novelette by John S. Glasby
  • 148 - About "The Oracle of Sàdoqua" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 149 - The Oracle of Sàdoqua - (1989) - shortstory by Ron Hilger
  • 165 - About "Horror Show" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 166 - Horror Show - (1997) - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 176 - About "The Tale of Toad Loop" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 177 - The Tale of Toad Loop - (1998) - shortstory by Stanley C. Sargent
  • 193 - About "The Crawling Kingdom" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 194 - The Crawling Kingdom - (1996) - shortstory by Rod Heather
  • 206 - About "The Resurrection of Kzadool-Ra" - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 207 - The Resurrection of Kzadool-Ra - (1987) - shortstory by Henry J. Vester, III

Arkham Tales: Legends of the Haunted City

Call of Cthulhu: Book 20

William Jones


  • vii - Introduction to Arkham Tales - essay by William Jones
  • 1 - Mysterious Dan's Legacy - shortstory by Matthew Baugh
  • 19 - Vaughn's Diary - shortstory by Robert Vaughn
  • 36 - The Orb - shortstory by Tony Campbell
  • 54 - The Nether Collection - shortstory by Cody Goodfellow
  • 74 - Worms - shortstory by Pat Harrigan
  • 91 - They Thrive in Darkness - shortstory by Ron Shiflet
  • 108 - What Sorrows May Come - shortstory by Lee Clark Zumpe
  • 125 - Arkham Pets - shortstory by James Ambuehl
  • 130 - Small Ghost - shortstory by Michael Minnis
  • 148 - Burnt Tea - shortstory by Michael Dziesinski
  • 165 - Arkham Rain - shortstory by John Goodrich
  • 183 - Regrowth - shortstory by David Conyers
  • 199 - The Idea of Fear - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 212 - Disconnected - shortstory by Brian M. Sammons
  • 237 - The Lady in the Grove - shortstory by Scott Lette
  • 253 - On Leave to Arkham - shortstory by Bill Bilstad
  • 272 - Geometry of the Soul - shortstory by Jason Andrew

The Spiraling Worm: Man vs. the Cthulhu Mythos

Call of Cthulhu: Book 21

John Sunseri
David Conyers


  • 5 - Introduction (The Spiraling Worm) - essay by C. J. Henderson
  • 8 - Made of Meat - [Harrison Peel - 1] - (2005) - shortstory by David Conyers
  • 27 - To What Green Altar - [Harrison Peel - 2] - novelette by John Sunseri
  • 67 - Impossible Object - [Harrison Peel - 3] - (2005) - shortstory by David Conyers
  • 87 - False Containment - [Harrison Peel - 4] - (2005) - novelette by David Conyers
  • 120 - Resurgence - [Harrison Peel - 5] - novelette by John Sunseri
  • 163 - Weapon Grade - [Harrison Peel - 6] - novella by David Conyers
  • 206 - The Spiraling Worm - [Harrison Peel - 7] - novella by David Conyers and John Sunseri
  • 309 - Afterword (The Spiraling Worm) - essay by David Conyers and John Sunseri
  • 315 - About the Authors (The Spiraling Worm) - essay by uncredited

Frontier Cthulhu: Ancient Horrors in the New World

Call of Cthulhu: Book 22

William Jones


  • 9 - The Long Road Home - shortstory by Paul Melniczek
  • 23 - In Waters Black the Lost Ones Sleep - novelette by Angeline Hawkes
  • 49 - Where Men Had Seldom Trod - novelette by Lee Clark Zumpe
  • 77 - Something to Hold the Door Closed - shortstory by Lon Prater
  • 89 - Terror from Middle Island - shortstory by Durant Haire and Stephen Mark Rainey
  • 105 - Children of the Mountain - shortstory by Stewart Sternberg
  • 117 - They Who Dwell Below - shortstory by William Jones
  • 133 - Wagon Train for the Star - shortstory by Scott Lette
  • 149 - Incident at Dagon Wells - shortstory by Ron Shiflet
  • 165 - Ahiga and the Machine - shortstory by Robert J. Santa
  • 177 - The Dead Man's Hand - shortstory by Jason Andrew
  • 189 - Jedediah Smith and the Undying Chinaman - shortstory by Charles P. Zaglanis
  • 205 - Snake Oil - shortfiction by Matthew Baugh
  • 221 - Cemetery, Nevada - novelette by Tim Curran
  • 251 - The Rider of the Dark - (2004) - shortstory by Darrell Schweitzer

The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson: Horriplicating Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Call of Cthulhu: Book 23

William Jones


  • 11 - Author's Note (The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson) - essay
  • 15 - Foreword (The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson) - shortfiction
  • 19 - Feasters of the Dark - (2003) - shortstory
  • 35 - The Transgression of Effram Harris - (2004) - shortstory
  • 45 - Shadow of the Past - novelette
  • 75 - The Whispering Dead - novelette
  • 103 - The Haunted Horror - shortstory
  • 115 - Harami - (2004) - shortstory
  • 129 - The Missing Curiosity - novelette
  • 159 - The Mysterious Millionaire - novelette
  • 191 - An Ancient Summoning - shortstory
  • 217 - Through the Eye of a Needle - (2006) - shortstory
  • 237 - Afterword (The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson) - shortfiction

The Klarkash-Ton Cycle: Clark Ashton Smith's Cthulhu Mythos Fiction

Call of Cthulhu: Book 24

Clark Ashton Smith


  • v - Introduction to The Klarkash-Ton Cycle - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - The Ghoul - (1934) - shortstory
  • 8 - A Rendering from the Arabic - shortstory
  • 25 - The Hunters from Beyond - (1932) - shortstory
  • 44 - The Vaults of Abomi - shortstory
  • 67 - The Nameless Offspring - (1932) - novelette
  • 88 - Ubbo-Sathla - [Hyperborea] - (1933) - shortstory
  • 98 - The Werewolf of Averoigne - [Averoigne] - (1984) - shortstory
  • 115 - The Eidolon of the Blind - shortfiction
  • 133 - Vulthoom - [Mars (Clark Ashton Smith)] - (1935) - novelette
  • 162 - The Treader of the Dust - (1935) - shortstory
  • 172 - The Infernal Star - (1989) - novelette
  • 203 - Story Intros (The Klarkash-Ton Cycle) - essay by Robert M. Price

Mysteries of the Worm: Early Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos

Call of Cthulhu: Book 25

Robert Bloch


  • Mysteries of the Worm - interior artwork by Steven Gilberts
  • 2 - The Secret in the Tomb - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 - The Secret in the Tomb - (1935) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 9 - The Suicide in the Study - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 10 - The Suicide in the Study - (1935) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 15 - The Shambler from the Stars - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 16 - The Shambler from the Stars - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1935) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 24 - The Faceless God - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 25 - The Faceless God - (1936) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 39 - The Grinning Ghoul - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 40 - The Grinning Ghoul - (1936) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 49 - The Opener of the Way - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 50 - The Opener of the Way - (1936) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 62 - The Dark Demon - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 63 - The Dark Demon - (1936) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 72 - The Brood of Bubastis - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 73 - The Brood of Bubastis - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 85 - The Mannikin - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 86 - The Mannikin - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 100 - The Creeper in the Crypt - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 101 - The Creeper in the Crypt - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 110 - The Secret of Sebek - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 111 - The Secret of Sebek - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 125 - Fane of the Black Pharaoh - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 126 - Fane of the Black Pharaoh - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 141 - The Eyes of the Mummy - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 142 - The Eyes of the Mummy - (1938) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 154 - The Sorcerer's Jewel - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 155 - The Sorcerer's Jewel - (1939) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 169 - Black Bargain - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 170 - Black Bargain - (1942) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 185 - The Unspeakable Betrothal - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 186 - The Unspeakable Betrothal - (1949) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 198 - The Shadow from the Steeple - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 199 - The Shadow from the Steeple - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1950) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 217 - Notebook Found in a Deserted House - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 218 - Notebook Found in a Deserted House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1951) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 236 - Terror in Cut-Throat Cove - (1993) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 237 - Terror in Cut-Throat Cove - (1958) - novelette by Robert Bloch
  • 269 - Philtre Tip - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 270 - Philtre Tip - (1961) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 276 - Afterword (Mysteries of the Worm) - (1981) - essay by Robert Bloch
  • 280 - Demon-Dreaded Lore: Robert Bloch's Contribution to the Cthulhu Mythos - (1993) - essay by Lin Carter (variant of Demon-Dreaded Lore 1981)

The Yith Cycle: Lovecraftian Tales of the Great Race

Call of Cthulhu: Book 26

Robert M. Price

The Yith Cycle: Lovecratian Tales of the Great Race and Time Travel


  1. 7 - Emanations from Yith - essay by Robert M. Price
  2. 13 - John Taine, "The Purple Sapphire" - essay by Robert M. Price
  3. 14 - The Purple Sapphire - (1924) - novel by John Taine
  4. 197 - Duane W. Rimel, "Dreams of Yith" - essay by Robert M. Price
  5. 198 - The Dreams of Yid - poem by Duane W. Rimel
  6. 199 - Dreams of Yith - (1934) - poem by Duane W. Rimel and H. P. Lovecraft [as by Duane W. Rimel ]
  7. 203 - Duane W. Rimel, "The Jewels of Charlotte" - essay by Robert M. Price
  8. 204 - The Jewels of Charlotte - (1935) - shortstory by Duane W. Rimel
  9. 211 - Richard F. Searight, "The Sealed Casket" - essay by Robert M. Price
  10. 212 - The Sealed Casket - (1935) - shortstory by Richard F. Searight
  11. 219 - Richard F. Searight, "The Warder of Knowledge" - essay by Robert M. Price
  12. 220 - The Warder of Knowledge - (1992) - shortstory by Richard F. Searight
  13. 233 - H. P. Lovecraft, "The Shadow Out of Time" - essay by Robert M. Price
  14. 235 - The Shadow Out of Time - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novella by H. P. Lovecraft
  15. 294 - H. P. Lovecraft, "The Challenge from Beyond - essay by Robert M. Price
  16. 295 - The Challenge from Beyond - [Cthulhu Mythos Tales] - (1935) - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft and C. L. Moore and A. Merritt and Robert E. Howard and Frank Belknap Long [as by H. P. Lovecraft ]
  17. 302 - August W. Derleth, "The Shadow Out of Space" - essay by Robert M. Price
  18. 303 - The Shadow Out of Space - (1957) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth [as by August W. Derleth ]
  19. 321 - August W. Derleth, "The Dark Brotherhood" - essay by Robert M. Price
  20. 322 - The Dark Brotherhood - (1966) - shortfiction by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth [as by August W. Derleth ]
  21. 345 - Alan D. Gullette, Walter C. de Bill, Jr., and Ted C. Pons "The Horror from Yith' - essay by Robert M. Price
  22. 346 - The Horror from Yith, Part I: The Shadow from Yith - (1973) - shortfiction by Alan Gullette [as by Alan D. Gullette ]
  23. 361 - The Horror from Yith, Part II: The Horror from Yith - (1974) - shortfiction by Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
  24. 377 - The Horror from Yith, Part III: Beneath the Dunes - (1975) - shortfiction by Ted C. Pons
  25. 387 - Walter C. DeBill Jr., "The Changeling" - essay by Robert M. Price
  26. 388 - The Changeling - (2002) - shortfiction by Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
  27. 424 - P. Schyuler Miller, "The Sands of Time - essay by Robert M. Price
  28. 425 - The Sands of Time - [Sands of Time - 1] - (1937) - novella by P. Schuyler Miller
  29. 453 - Richard L. Tierney, "Countdown for Kalara" - essay by Robert M. Price
  30. 454 - Countdown for Kalara - (1980) - novelette by Richard L. Tierney
  31. 503 - Wilum Hopfrog Pugmire, "The Winds of Yith" - essay by Robert M. Price
  32. 504 - The Winds of Yith - (1987) - shortfiction by W. H. Pugmire

Eldritch Evolutions: 26 Weird Science Fiction, Dark Fantasy and Horror Stories

Call of Cthulhu: Book 27

Lois H. Gresh


  • 9 - Underlying Darkness - essay
  • 11 - Introduction (Eldritch Evolutions) - essay by Robert Weinberg
  • 14 - Snip My Suckers - (1995) - shortstory
  • 21 - Psychomidew Love - shortstory (variant of Psychomildew Love 1995)
  • 29 - Soleman - shortstory (variant of Sole Man 1996)
  • 48 - Where I Go, Mi-Go - (1997) - shortstory
  • 69 - Mandelbrot Moldrot - (1996) - novelette
  • 89 - Cafebabe - (1993) - shortstory
  • 104 - Digital Pistil - (1994) - shortstory
  • 114 - Let Me Make You Suffer - (1995) - shortstory
  • 127 - Little Whorehouse of Horrors - (1998) - shortstory
  • 138 - Watch Me If You Can - (1993) - shortstory
  • 152 - Algorithms & Nasal Structures - (1998) - shortstory
  • 166 - Debutante Ball - shortstory
  • 173 - Smokestack Snout Neurology - shortstory
  • 184 - The Battle of BatBrew Bulge - shortstory
  • 195 - Underground Pipeline - shortstory
  • 209 - Instant Gratification - (1994) - shortstory
  • 221 - Lust of the Giant Sloth - shortstory
  • 235 - AnOde to Thee: (or: Surfing Those Tubular Waves) - (1994) - shortstory (variant of AnOde to Thee, Or: Surfing Those Tubular Waves 1993)
  • 239 - Geisha Black - shortstory
  • 250 - Skinhead Bonehead - shortstory
  • 262 - Wee Sweet Girlies - shortstory
  • 275 - Julia Brainchild - (2010) - shortstory
  • 290 - There's No Place Like Void - (2011) - shortstory
  • 306 - Showdown at Red Hook - shortstory
  • 320 - Scourge of the Old Ones - (2011) - shortstory
  • 332 - The Lagoon of Insane Plants - (2011) - shortstory

Undead & Unbound: Unexpected Tales from Beyond the Grave

Call of Cthulhu: Book 28

Brian M. Sammons


  • 6 - Introduction (Undead & Unbound) - essay by Brian M. Sammons and David Conyers
  • 9 - Blind Item - shortstory by Cody Goodfellow
  • 25 - Dead Baby Keychain Blues - shortstory by Gary McMahon
  • 37 - A Personal Apocalypse - shortstory by Mercedes M. Yardley
  • 51 - The Unexpected - shortstory by Mark Allan Gunnells
  • 63 - Incarnate - shortstory by David Dunwoody
  • 83 - Marionettes - shortstory by Robert Neilson
  • 103 - Undead Night of the Undeadest Undead - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 121 - I Am Legion - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 127 - When Dark Things Sleep - shortstory by Damien Walters Grintalis
  • 137 - Descanse En Paz - shortstory by William Meikle
  • 149 - Thunder in Old Kilpatrick - shortstory by Gustavo Bondoni
  • 163 - Phallus Incarnate - shortstory by Glynn Barrass [as by Glynn Owen Barrass ]
  • 177 - Wreckers - shortstory by Tom Lynch
  • 187 - Scavenger - shortstory by Oscar Rios
  • 199 - In the House of Millions of Years - shortstory by John Goodrich
  • 209 - Romero 2.0 - shortstory by Brian M. Sammons and David Conyers
  • 229 - Mother Blood - shortstory by Scott David Aniolowski
  • 247 - The Unforgiving Court - shortstory by David Schembri
  • 271 - North of the Arctic Circle - shortstory by Peter Rawlik
  • 276 - Contributor Biographies (Undead & Unbound) - essay by uncredited

Eldritch Chrome: Unquiet Tales of a Mythos-Haunted Future

Call of Cthulhu: Book 29

Brian M. Sammons
Glynn Owen Barrass


  • 6 - Introduction (Eldritch Chrome) - essay by Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Barrass [as by Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Owen Barrass]
  • 9 - Obsolete, Absolute - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 16 - The Place that Cannot Be - shortstory by D. L. Snell
  • 30 - The Battle of Arkham - shortstory by Peter Rawlik
  • 40 - The Wurms In the Grid - shortstory by Nickolas Cook
  • 56 - SymbiOS - shortstory by William Meikle
  • 64 - Playgrounds of Angolaland - shortstory by David Conyers
  • 83 - Sonar City - shortstory by Sam Stone
  • 99 - The Blowfly Manifesto - shortstory by Tim Curran
  • 117 - Flesh & Scales - shortstory by Ran Cartwright
  • 130 - Inlibration - shortstory by Michael Tice
  • 140 - Hope Abandoned - shortstory by Tom Lynch
  • 152 - Immune - shortstory by Terrie Leigh Relf
  • 167 - Real Gone - shortstory by David Dunwoody
  • 182 - CL3ANS3 - shortstory by Carrie Cuinn
  • 192 - Dreams of Death - shortstory by Lois H. Gresh [as by Lois Gresh]
  • 203 - The Gauntlet - shortstory by Glynn Barrass and Brian M. Sammons [as by Glynn Owen Barrass and Brian M. Sammons]
  • 224 - Indifference - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 246 - Open Minded - shortstory by Jeffrey Thomas
  • 263 - Contributor Biographies - essay by uncredited

Steampunk Cthulhu: Mythos Terror in the Age of Steam

Call of Cthulhu: Book 31

Brian M. Sammons


  • 6 - Introduction (Steampunk Cthulhu) - essay by Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Barrass [as by Brian M. Sammons and Glynn Owen Barrass ]
  • 10 - Those Above - shortstory by Jeffrey Thomas
  • 30 - The Blackwold Horror - shortstory by Adam Bolivar
  • 40 - No Hand to Turn the Key - shortstory by Carrie Cuinn
  • 56 - The Reverend Mr. Goodworks & the Yeggs of Yig - shortstory by Edward M. Erdelac
  • 78 - Carnacki--The Island of Doctor Munroe - [Carnacki (William Meikle)] - shortstory by William Meikle
  • 92 - Pain Wears No Mask - shortstory by John Goodrich
  • 106 - Before the Least of These Stars - shortstory by Lee Clark Zumpe
  • 130 - The Promised Messiah - shortstory by D. J. Tyrer
  • 142 - Unfathomable - shortstory by Christine Morgan
  • 169 - The Flower - shortstory by Christopher M. Geeson
  • 181 - Tentacular Spectacular - shortstory by Thana Niveau
  • 198 - Fall of an Empire - shortstory by Glynn Barrass and Brian M. Sammons [as by Glynn Owen Barrass and Brian M. Sammons ]
  • 220 - The Baying of the Hounds - shortstory by Leigh Kimmel
  • 232 - Mr. Brass & the City of Devils - shortstory by Josh Reynolds
  • 247 - The Source - shortstory by D. L. Snell
  • 271 - Happy Birthday, Dear Cthulhu - shortstory by Robert Neilson
  • 291 - The Strange Company - shortstory by Peter Rawlik [as by Pete Rawlik]

Atomic-Age Cthulhu: Tales of Mythos Horror in the 1950s

Call of Cthulhu: Book 32

Glynn Owen Barrass
Brian M. Sammons

THE DECADE OF THE 1950s: while many places in the world are still recovering from the horrors of the Second World War, it is a good time for America. The economy and industry are roaring, the middle class is exploding, and everyone can own their own home. The nation is filled with pride after a hard-won victory. The future never seemed brighter, and yet...

...never before have we faced a global threat as dire as the atomic bomb. Humanity has always waged war, but now we can eradicate all life on the planet. Educational films promise survival of a nuclear blast. In movies, the classic monsters of the 30s and 40s are replaced by horrors spawned of the atom.

Enemies are everywhere, and there are dangers in our midst: devilish rock n roll, morally corrupt books, and sinister comic books corrupt the minds of our youth.

The dreaded Red Menace of Communism is poised to overthrow our government and strip-away all of our personal freedoms. Their comrades are everywhere and could be anyone, including your neighbor, your friend, or a member of your family. There are godless Communists spreading across the globe, and they must be stopped by any means necessary!

So here you have the world of Atomic-Age Cthulhu, bringing Lovecraftian horror to the postwar Golden Age.


  • Bad Reception - short story by Jeffrey Thomas
  • Unamerican - short fiction by Cody Goodfellow
  • Fallout - [Cthulhu Mythos short fiction] - short story by Sam Stone (variant of Fall Out)
  • Eldritch Lunch - short fiction by Adam Bolivar
  • Little Curly - short fiction by Neil Baker
  • The Day the Music Died - short fiction by Charles Christian
  • The Terror That Came to Dounreay - short fiction by William Meikle
  • The Romeo Transference - short fiction by Josh Reynolds
  • It Came to Modesto - short fiction by Edward M. Erdelac [as by Ed Erdelac]
  • Within the Image of the Divine - short fiction by Bear Weiter
  • Yellow Is the Color of the Future - short fiction by Jason Andrew
  • Fears Realized - short fiction by Tom Lynch
  • Professor Patriot and the Doom That Came to Niceville - short fiction by Christine Morgan
  • Rose-Colored Glasses - short fiction by Michael Szymanski
  • The Preserved Ones - short fiction by Christopher M. Geeson
  • Putnam's Monster - short fiction by Scott T. Goudsward
  • Operation Switch - [Cthulhu Mythos short fiction] - short fiction by Peter Rawlik [as by Pete Rawlik]
  • Names on the Black List - short fiction by Robert M. Price
  • The End of the Golden Age - short fiction by Glynn Owen Barrass and Brian M. Sammons

Cthulhu's Heirs: New Cthulhu Mythos Fiction

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 3

Thomas M. K. Stratman

Stratman describes the tales as "more than 20 writers' visions into the landscape of Lovecraft Country."


  • "Watch the Whiskers Sprout" by D. F. Lewis
  • "The Death Watch" by Hugh B. Cave
  • "The Return of the White Ship: The Quest for Cathuria" by Arthur William & Lloyd Breach
  • "Kadath/the Vision and the Journey" by t. Winter-Damon
  • "The Franklyn Paragraphs" by Ramsey Campbell
  • "Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock" by Robert M. Price
  • "1968 RPI" by Joe Murphy
  • "Those of the Air" by Darrell Schweitzer and Jason van Hollander
  • "Mr. Skin" by Victor Milán
  • "Just Say No" by Gregory Nicoll
  • "The Scourge" by Charles M. Saplak
  • "Pickman's Legacy" by Gordon Linzner
  • "Of Dark Things & Midnight Places" by David Niall Wilson
  • "The Likeness" by Dan Perez
  • "An Early Frost" by Scott David Aniolowski
  • "Scene: A Room" by Craig Anthony
  • "The Seven Cities of Gold" by Crispin Burnham
  • "Shadows of Her Dreams" by Cary G. Osborne
  • "The Herald" by Daniel M. Burrello
  • "Typo" by Michael D. Winkle
  • "Star Bright, Star Byte" by Marella Sands

The Shub-Niggurath Cycle: Tales of the Black Goat with a Thousand Young

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 4

Robert M. Price


  • The Shub-Niggurath Cycle: Tales of the Black Goat With a Thousand Young - interior artwork by Dreyfus
  • xi - Introduction (Shub-Niggurath Cycle) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 3 - The Horn of Vapula - (1932) - shortstory by Lewis Spence
  • 13 - The Demoniac Goat - (1947) - novelette by M. P. Dare
  • 31 - The Ghostly Goat of Glaramara - (1979) - shortstory by J. S. Leatherbarrow
  • 41 - The Moon-Lens - (1964) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 55 - The Ring of the Hyades - (1989) - novelette by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 81 - A Thousand Young - (1989) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 95 - The Seed of the Star-God - [Simon of Gitta] - (1984) - novelette by Richard L. Tierney
  • 131 - Harold's Blues - (1976) - shortstory by Glen Singer
  • 143 - Dreams in the House of Weir - (1980) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 159 - Visions from Yaddith - (1988) - poem by Lin Carter
  • 163 - Prey of the Goat - shortstory by Margaret L. Carter [as by M. L. Carter ]
  • 177 - Sabbath of the Black Goat - shortstory by Stephen Mark Rainey [as by Stephen M. Rainey ]
  • 187 - The Curate of Temphill - (1993) - shortstory by Robert M. Price and Peter Cannon [as by Robert M. Price and Peter H. Cannon]
  • 201 - Grossie - shortstory by David Kaufman
  • 213 - To Clear the Earth - shortstory by Will Murray

The Azathoth Cycle: Tales of the Blind Idiot God

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 6

Robert M. Price


  • The Azathoth Cycle - interior artwork by Dreyfus
  • v - The Mad God: An Introduction to The Azathoth Cycle - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - Azathoth - poem by Edward Pickman Derby
  • 9 - Azathoth in Arkham - shortstory by Peter Cannon
  • 20 - The Revenge of Azathoth - shortstory by Peter Cannon
  • 31 - The Pit of the Shoggoths - novelette by Stephen Mark Rainey [as by Stephen M. Rainey ]
  • 50 - Hydra - [Azathoth] - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 64 - The Madness Out of Time - [The Book of Episodes - 7] - (1986) - shortstory by Lin Carter
  • 71 - The Insects from Shaggai - (1964) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • 93 - The Sect of the Idiot - [Azathoth] - (1988) - shortstory by Thomas Ligotti
  • 103 - The Throne of Achamoth - [Simon of Gitta] - (1985) - novelette by Richard L. Tierney and Robert M. Price
  • 129 - The Last Night of Earth - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 135 - The Daemon-Sultan - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 144 - Idiot Savant - novelette by C. J. Henderson
  • 168 - The Space of Madness - [Azathoth] - (1993) - shortstory by Stephen Studach
  • 178 - The Nameless Tower - novelette by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 197 - The Plague Jar - novelette by Allen Mackey
  • 223 - The Old Ones' Promise of Eternal Life - essay by Robert M. Price [as by Robert M. Price, Ph.D.]

The Book of Iod: The Eater of Souls & Other Tales

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 7

Henry Kuttner


  • The Book of Iod - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • v - The Khut-N'hah Mythos - (1995) - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - The Secret of Kralitz - (1936) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 11 - The Eater of Souls - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 17 - The Salem Horror - [Michael Leigh] - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 37 - The Black Kiss - [Michael Leigh] - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner and Robert Bloch
  • 59 - The Jest of Droom-Avista - (1937) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 65 - Spawn of Dagon - [Elak] - (1938) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 85 - The Invaders - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 105 - The Frog - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 125 - Hydra - [Azathoth] - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 143 - Bells of Horror - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner (variant of The Bells of Horror)
  • 161 - The Hunt - (1939) - shortstory by Henry Kuttner
  • 179 - Beneath the Tombstone - (1984) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 189 - Dead of Night - [Anton Zarnak] - (1988) - shortstory by Lin Carter

Made in Goatswood: New Tales of Horror in the Severn Valley

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 8

Scott David Aniolowski


  • Made in Goatswood - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • ii - Made in Goatswood (frontispiece) - interior artwork by Allen Koszowski
  • vi - Needing Ghosts and Ancient Images - essay by Scott David Aniolowski
  • xi - The Severn River Valley (map) - interior artwork by J. Todd Kingrea
  • 1 - A Priestess of Nodens - shortstory by A. A. Attanasio
  • 9 - Ghost Lake - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 21 - Beauty - shortstory by Fred Behrendt
  • 35 - Unseen - shortstory by Penelope Love
  • 51 - Fortunes - shortstory by Keith Herber [as by Keith 'Doc' Herber ]
  • 57 - Cross My Heart, Hope to Die - shortstory by J. Todd Kingrea
  • 75 - I Dream of Wires - shortstory by Scott David Aniolowski
  • 91 - The Turret - novelette by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 125 - The Second Effort - shortstory by John Tynes
  • 131 - The Queen - shortstory by Diane Sammarco
  • 143 - The Undercliffe Sentences - shortstory by Peter Cannon
  • 161 - The Awakening - shortstory by Gary Sumpter
  • 175 - Random Access - shortstory by Michael G. Szymanski
  • 189 - Free the Old Ones - novelette by C. J. Henderson
  • 211 - The Music of the Spheres - shortstory by Kevin A. Ross
  • 223 - Growing Pains - shortstory by Richard Watts
  • 233 - The Beard of Byatis - novelette by Robert M. Price
  • 255 - The Horror Under Warrendown - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell

The Dunwich Cycle: Where the Old Gods Wait

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 9

Robert M. Price


  • The Dunwich Cycle: Where the Old Gods Wait - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • ix - What Roodmas Horror - essay by Robert M. Price
  • xiii -  The Dunwich Cycle: Where the Old Gods Wait (frontispiece) - interior artwork by Allen Koszowski
  • 1 - The Great God Pan - (1894) - novella by Arthur Machen
  • 48 - The White People - (1904) - novelette by Arthur Machen
  • 82 - The Dunwich Horror - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1929) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 122 - The Shuttered Room - (1959) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth [as by August W. Derleth ]
  • 153 - The Round Tower (Being the Narrative of Armitage Harper) - (1990) - novelette by Robert M. Price
  • 177 - The Devil's Hop Yard - (1978) - novelette by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 192 - The Road to Dunwich - (1973) - shortstory by Ben P. Indick [as by Ben Indick ]
  • 203 - The Tree-House - (1995) - shortstory by W. H. Pugmire and Robert M. Price
  • 216 - You Can't Take It With You - [Teddy London] - (1987) - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 236 - Wilbur Whateley Waiting - (1987) - shortstory by Robert M. Price

The Cthulhu Cycle: Thirteen Tentacles of Terror

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 11

Robert M. Price


  • The Cthulhu Cycle: Thirteen Tentacles of Terror - interior artwork by Earl Geier
  • vii - The Other Name of Azathoth - essay by Robert M. Price
  • vii - The Kraken - (1830) - poem by Lord Alfred Tennyson [as by Alfred Lord Tennyson]
  • xvii - Cthulhu as drawn by H. P. Lovecraft - interior artwork by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 2 - A Shop in Go-by Street - [Beyond the Fields We Know - 2] - (1912) - shortstory by Lord Dunsany
  • 10 - Count Magnus - (1904) - shortstory by M. R. James
  • 24 - The Call of Cthulhu - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1928) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 54 - The Black Island - [The Trail of Cthulhu - 5] - (1952) - novelette by August Derleth [as by August W. Derleth]
  • 88 - Some Notes Concerning a Green Box - (1971) - shortstory by Alan Dean Foster
  • 98 - Patiently Waiting - [Inspector Legrasse] - (1996) - novelette by C. J. Henderson
  • 136 - The Sign of Kutullu - (1974) - shortstory by David C. Smith
  • 142 - Recrudescence - (1988) - novelette by Leonard Carpenter
  • 184 - Rude Awakening - (1995) - shortstory by Will Murray
  • 198 - The Eye of Hlu-Hlu - (1993) - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 214 - Black Fire - (1995) - shortstory by Will Murray
  • 226 - In the Light of the Lamp - (1993) - shortstory by Steven Paulsen
  • 240 - Zombies from R'lyeh - (1994) - novelette by Pierre Comtois

The Xothic Legend Cycle: The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 13

Lin Carter


  • The Xothic Legend Cycle: The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • vii - Xothic Romance: Terrors Out of Time - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - The Red Offering - shortfiction
  • 6 - The Dweller in the Tomb - (1971) - shortstory
  • 17 - The Thing in the Pit - (1980) - shortstory
  • 27 - Out of the Ages - (1975) - novelette
  • 49 - The Horror in the Gallery - shortfiction
  • 95 - The Winfield Heritance - (1981) - novelette
  • 116 - Perchance to Dream - [Anton Zarnak] - (1988) - shortstory
  • 127 - Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods - (1988) - shortstory
  • 146 - Editor's Note (Dreams from R'lyeh: A Sonnet Cycle) - [Dreams from R'lyeh] - (1975) - shortfiction
  • 149 - Arkham - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 2] - (1964) - poem
  • 149 - Remembrances - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 1] - (1964) - poem
  • 150 - The Festival - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 3] - (1964) - poem
  • 150 - The Old Wood - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 4] - (1964) - poem
  • 151 - The Locked Attic - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 5] - (1964) - poem
  • 151 - The Shunned Church - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 6] - (1964) - poem
  • 152 - The Last Ritual - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 7] - (1964) - poem
  • 152 - The Library - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 8] - (1965) - poem
  • 153 - Black Thirst - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 9] - (1971) - poem
  • 153 - The Elder Age - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 10] - (1968) - poem
  • 154 - Lost R'lyeh - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 11] - (1966) - poem
  • 154 - Unknown Kadath - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 12] - (1966) - poem
  • 155 - Abdul Alhazred - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 13] - (1966) - poem
  • 155 - Hyperborea - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 14] - (1968) - poem
  • 156 - The Book of Eibon - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 15] - (1968) - poem
  • 156 - Tsathoggua - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 16] - (1965) - poem
  • 157 - Black Zimbabwe - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 17] - (1975) - poem
  • 157 - The Return - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 18] - (1966) - poem
  • 158 - Black Lotus - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 20] - (1965) - poem
  • 158 - The Sabbat - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 19] - (1961) - poem
  • 159 - Carcosa - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 22] - (1961) - poem
  • 159 - The Unspeakable - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 21] - (1965) - poem
  • 160 - The Candidate - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 23] - (1965) - poem
  • 160 - The Dream-Daemon - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 24] - (1961) - poem
  • 161 - Dark Yuggoth - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 25] - (1961) - poem
  • 161 - The Silver Key - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 26] - (1966) - poem
  • 162 - Spawn of the Black Goat - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 28] - (1968) - poem
  • 162 - The Peaks Beyond Throk - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 27] - (1968) - poem
  • 163 - Beyond - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 29] - (1968) - poem
  • 163 - The Accursed - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 30] - (1968) - poem
  • 164 - The Million Favored Ones - [Dreams from R'lyeh - 31] - (1968) - poem
  • 165 - Something in the Moonlight - (1980) - novelette
  • 179 - The Fishers from Outside - (1988) - shortstory
  • 194 - Behind the Mask - (1987) - shortstory
  • 209 - The Strange Doom of Enos Harker - shortfiction with Robert M. Price
  • 219 - The Soul of the Devil-Bought - [Anton Zarnak] - shortfiction by Robert M. Price
  • 234 - The Bell in the Tower - (1989) - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft and Lin Carter

The Nyarlarthotep Cycle: The God of a Thousand Forms

Cthulhu Cycle: Book 14

Robert M. Price


  • The Nyarlathotep Cycle: The God of a Thousand Forms - interior artwork by Dave Carson
  • vii - Introduction: The Theology of Nyarlathotep - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 1 - Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet - [Pegana] - shortstory by Lord Dunsany [as by Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Lord Dunsany]
  • 3 - The Sorrow of Search - [Pegana] - shortstory by Lord Dunsany [as by Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Lord Dunsany]
  • 9 - Nyarlathotep - [Dream Cycle] - (1920) - poem by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 14 - Three Poems - essay by Robert M. Price
  • 15 - The Second Coming - (1920) - poem by William Butler Yeats
  • 16 - Silence Falls on Mecca's Walls - (1987) - poem by Robert E. Howard
  • 17 - Nyarlathotep - [Fungi from Yuggoth - 21] - (1931) - poem by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 18 - The Dreams in the Witch House - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1933) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft (variant of The Dreams in the Witch-House)
  • 49 - The Haunter of the Dark - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 69 - The Dweller in Darkness - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1944) - novelette by August Derleth
  • 101 - The Titan in the Crypt - (1963) - shortstory by J. G. Warner
  • 114 - Fane of the Black Pharaoh - (1937) - shortstory by Robert Bloch
  • 129 - Curse of the Black Pharaoh - novella by Lin Carter
  • 201 - The Curse of Nephren-Ka - shortstory by John Cockcroft
  • 206 - The Temple of Nephren-Ka - shortstory by Philip J. Rahman and Glenn Rahman [as by Glenn A. Rahman and Philip J. Rahman]
  • 215 - The Papyrus of Nephren-Ka - shortstory by Robert C. Culp
  • 224 - The Snout in the Alcove - (1977) - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 233 - The Contemplative Sphinx - (1989) - poem by Richard L. Tierney
  • 235 - Ech-Pi-El's Ægypt - poem by Ann K. Schwader
  • 237 - The Elder Lords - poem by Ann K. Schwader
  • 238 - The Tomb of Nephren-Ka - poem by Ann K. Schwader
  • 239 - Lord of the Dead - poem by Ann K. Schwader
  • 239 - Dream-Gates - poem by Ann K. Schwader

At the Mountains of Madness

Cthulhu Mythos

H. P. Lovecraft

One of Lovecraft's longest works, this novella was turned into a graphic novel by British artist I. N. J. Culbard in 2010 (more on his work later). At the Mountains of Madness owes much of its creeping melancholy to not only Lovecraft's fascination with polar exploration, but also to the legacy of polar exploration in fiction, from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein to Edgar Allan Poe's The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. Told in the first-person by Miskatonic geologist Dr. William Dyer, At the Mountains of Madness details a scientific expedition to Antarctica that unearths the ancient and ruined city of the Elder Things of the Necronomicon.

This Novel was originally serialized in 1936 February, March and April issues of Astounding Stories. It has been anthologized many times, including the anthology Foundations of Fear: An Exploration of Horror, edited by David G. Hartwell, and has also been included in a myriad of collections, including the collections Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains of Madness and Other Tales of Terror and The The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories.

At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft is available free on the Internet.

The Call of Cthulhu

Cthulhu Mythos

H. P. Lovecraft

This short story originally appeared in Weird Tales in 1928. It has been anthologized many times, including the anthology The Dark Descent, edited by David G. Hartwell, and has also been included in a myriad of collections, including the collections The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories and The Dunwich Horror and Others.

It was the basis for the 2005 featurette The Call of Cthulhu.

The February 1928 issue of Weird Tales containing "The Call of Cthulhu" is available free on Internet Archives.

The Dunwich Horror

Cthulhu Mythos

H. P. Lovecraft

Set in the rural wilderness of western Massachusetts, "The Dunwich Horror" follows one Wilbur Whateley, the bastard offspring of a family devoted to worshipping to "Great Old Ones" and to studying the Necronomicon, Lovecraft's fictional grimoire full of forsaken lore and magic. Whateley is ultimately defeated by Professor Warren Rice and Dr. Francis Morgan, two representatives of Lovecraft's many scholarly protagonists. "The Dunwich Horror" is notable not only for its use of anachronistic Yankee dialects, but also its numerous references to the fictional Miskatonic University and the superstition surrounding whip-poor-wills.

This short story originally appeared in Weird Tales in 1929. It has been anthologized many times, including the anthology Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, edited by Phyllis Fraser and Herbert A. Wise, and has also been included in a myriad of collections, including the collections Necronomicon: The Best Weird Tales of H.P. Lovecraft and The Dunwich Horror and Others.

The Dunwich Horror is the basis for several films of the same name.

The April 1929 issue of Weird Tales containing "The Dunwich Horror" is available free on Internet Archives.

The Shadow Over Innsmouth

Cthulhu Mythos

H. P. Lovecraft

As with "The Dunwich Horror," this short story is set in the fictional Massachusetts seaport of Innsmouth, yet another "strange, little town" in the history of American horror. As the narrator, an amateur genealogist named Robert Olmstead, goes deeper and deeper into town, he uncovers the unholy marriage between Innsmouth, the Marsh family and the weird creatures that live just out past the coastal waters. "The Shadow over Innsmouth" is a good example of another one of Lovecraft's favorite tropes: guilt inherited by tainted blood. As such, "The Shadow over Innsmouth" takes fears of miscegenation to the extreme.

This novella was originally published by Visionary Press as a limited run chapbook in 1937. The first major stand alone publication was in the January 1942 issue of Weird Tales. It has been anthologized many times, including the anthology H. P. Lovecraft and Others: Shadows Over Innsmouth, edited by Stephen Jones, and has also been included in a myriad of collections, including the collections The Dunwich Horror and Others and The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories.

The novella "The Shadow over Innsmouth" is available free on the Internet.

The Children of Gla'aki

Cthulhu Mythos Anthology

Glynn Owen Barrass
Brian M. Sammons

There is a lake in the Severn Valley, near a town called Brichester. It is an eerie, haunted place, both by day and by night. Night especially though, is a time when no one in their right mind would go anywhere near it, or those oddly deserted houses that stand, albeit barely, on the edge of the shore. But why? What is it that moves about in that lake, a thing that makes its presence known with three sinister glowing eyes that protrude from beneath the water?

Some believe it is an entity that traveled to Earth, many thousands of years ago inside a hollow meteor.

Ramsey Campbell, Nick Mamatas, John Goodrich, Robert M. Price, Pete Rawlik, W.H. Pugmire, Edward Morris, Scott R. Jones, Thana Niveau, William Meikle, Orrin Grey, Tom Lynch, Konstantine Paradias, Josh Reynolds, Lee Clarke Zumpe, and Tim Waggoner, these are, The Children of Gla’aki.


  • 5 - Introduction (The Children of Gla'aki) - essay by Glynn Owen Barrass and Brian M. Sammons
  • 9 - The Inhabitant of the Lake - [Severn Valley] - (1964) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • 41 - Country Mouse, City Mouse - short story by Nick Mamatas
  • 50 - Tribute Band - short story by John Goodrich
  • 69 - In Search of Lake Monsters - short story by Robert M. Price
  • 78 - The Collection of Gibson Flynn - short story by Peter Rawlik [as by Pete Rawlik]
  • 93 - The Secret Painting of Thomas Cartwright - short story by W. H. Pugmire
  • 99 - I Want to Break Free - short story by Edward Morris
  • 110 - The Spike - short story by Scott R. Jones
  • 128 - The Dawning of His Dreams - short story by Thana Niveau
  • 137 - The Lakeside Cottages - short story by William Meikle
  • 154 - Invaders of Gla'aki - short story by Orrin Grey
  • 163 - Scion of Chaahk - short story by Tom Lynch
  • 178 - Cult of Panacea - short story by Konstantine Paradias
  • 188 - Squatters Rights - short story by Josh Reynolds
  • 201 - Beneath Cayuga's Churning Waves - short story by Lee Clark Zumpe
  • 218 - The Nature of Water - short story by Tim Waggoner
  • 232 - Night of the Hopfrog - novelette by Tim Curran
  • 255 - Mirror Fishing - novelette by John Langan
  • 279 - From the Depths of Time: Afterword - essay by Ramsey Campbell

Through a Mythos Darkly

Cthulhu Mythos Anthology

Glynn Owen Barrass
Brian M. Sammons

In this Cthulhu Mythos inspired anthology, editors Glynn Owen Barrass & Brian M. Sammons invited their authors to Take a steampunk world, fill it with giant steam powered robots, and have them herding shoggoths for the betterment of mankind. Have them rebel, and have do-gooders set about trying to free them. Fill a world with Deep Ones or Ghouls, or create a world where magic is a part of everyday life, or where America was never discovered because something kept eating the ships, or the Nazis won WWII thanks to outside influences. Perhaps the Chinese built the Great Wall to keep something out other than Mongol hordes. So, how did they do? Fantastically of course!


  • Introduction (Through a Mythos Darkly) - essay by Glynn Owen Barrass and Brian M. Sammons
  • The Roadrunners - short fiction by Cody Goodfellow
  • Scrimshaw - short fiction by Jeffrey Thomas
  • Sweet Angie Tailor in: Subterranean Showdown - short story by John Langan
  • An Old and Secret Cult - short fiction by Robert M. Price
  • Stewert Behr--Deanimator - short fiction by Peter Rawlik [as by Pete Rawlik]
  • To Kill a King - short fiction by Don Webb
  • The Last Quest - short story by William Meikle
  • Fate of the World - short fiction by Christine Morgan
  • Red in the Water, Salt on the Earth - short fiction by Konstantine Paradias
  • The Night They Drove Cro Magnon Down - short fiction by D. A. Madigan
  • Sacrifice - short fiction by Sam Stone
  • Get Off Your Knees, I'm Not Your God - short fiction by Edward Morris
  • Excerpts from the Diaries of Henry P. Linklatter - short fiction by Stephen Mark Rainey
  • Plague Doctor - short fiction by Tim Waggoner
  • Amidst the Blighted Swathes of Grey Desolation - short fiction by Lee Clark Zumpe
  • Cognac, Communism, and Cocaine - short fiction by Nick Mamatas and Molly Tanzer
  • Kai Monstrai Ateik (When the Monsters Come) - short fiction by Damien Angelica Walters

The Disciples of Cthulhu

Disciples of Cthulhu: Book 1

Edward P. Berglund


  • ii - The Disciples of Cthulhu (frontispiece) - interior artwork by Jack Gaughan
  • vii - Editor's Foreword (The Disciples of Cthulhu) - essay by Edward P. Berglund
  • 9 - Introduction (The Disciples of Cthulhu) - essay by Robert Bloch
  • 15 - The Fairground Horror - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 50 - The Silence of Erika Zann - shortstory by James Wade
  • 61 - All-Eye - shortstory by Bob van Laerhoven (trans. of Hingoo 1978)
  • 74 - The Tugging - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • 101 - Where Yidhra Walks - novelette by Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
  • 130 - The Feaster from Afar - shortstory by Joseph Payne Brennan
  • 141 - Zoth-Ommog - novella by Lin Carter
  • 194 - Darkness, My Name Is - novelette by Eddy C. Bertin
  • 242 - The Terror from the Depths - [Cthulhu Mythos] - novelette by Fritz Leiber

The Disciples of Cthulhu II: Blasphemous Tales of the Followers

Disciples of Cthulhu: Book 2

Edward P. Berglund

Bad things tend happen to people who go where they are not wanted, or who over-stay their welcome once they reach their destination.

This book contains thirteen new personal explorations of the Cthulhu Mythos. As its title suggests, this is a companion volume to Edward P. Berglund's earlier classic Mythos collection, The Disciples of Cthulhu. Both books are published by Chaosium, but their contents are entirely different. Twelve of the stories in Disciples II are original and have never been published before.

All the stories record the dire fates of people whose destinies intertwine with the Mythos.


  • xiii - Editor's Preface (The Disciples of Cthulhu II: Blasphemous Tales of the Followers) - (2003) - essay by Edward P. Berglund
  • 1 - The Bookseller's Second Wife - (2003) - novelette by Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
  • 32 - Eldritch - (2003) - novelette by Fred Olen Ray and Brad Linaweaver
  • 53 - The Web - (2003) - shortstory by Gary Myers
  • 60 - Passing Through - (2003) - shortstory by Robert Weinberg
  • 73 - The Idol - (1999) - shortstory by Scott David Aniolowski
  • 90 - Time in the Hourless House - (2003) - shortstory by A. A. Attanasio
  • 95 - Special Order - (2003) - novelette by John Henry Campbell and Terry Lee Sanders and Oreta Forrestine Hinamon Taylor [as by Henry Lee Forrest]
  • 121 - Lujan's Trunk - (2003) - shortstory by Donald R. Burleson
  • 135 - The San Francisco Treat - (2003) - shortstory by C. J. Henderson
  • 141 - Acute Spiritual Fear - (2003) - novelette by Robert M. Price
  • 172 - The Eldridge Collection - (2003) - novelette by Will Murray
  • 194 - An Arkham Home Companion - (2003) - shortstory by Brad Strickland
  • 198 - The Last Temptation of Ricky Perez - (2003) - shortstory by Benjamin Adams

The Night Land

Hyperion Classics of Science Fiction: Book 24

William Hope Hodgson

The Night Land is a classic horror novel by William Hope Hodgson, first published in 1912. As a work of fantasy it belongs to the Dying Earth subgenre. H. P. Lovecraft's described the novel as "one of the most potent pieces of macabre imagination ever written". According to critical consensus, in this work, despite his often laboured and clumsy language, Hodgson achieves a deep power of expression, which focuses on a sense not only of terror but of the ubiquity of potential terror, of the thinness of the invisible bound between the world of normality and an underlying reality for which humans are not suited.

In the distant future, the sun has burned out, plunging the world into perpetual twilight. All of the remaining humanity has dwindled to a single, eight-mile-high pyramid called The Last Redoubt. Horrific creatures have evolved that lurk in the darkness. After a second dying Lesser Redoubt is discovered, one man is determined to rescue its last surviving inhabitant, but that means traversing the unknown and terrifying Night Land.

H. P. Lovecraft and Others: Shadows Over Innsmouth

Lovecraft and Others: Book 1

Stephen Jones

Inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's classic, today's masters of horror take up their pens and turn once more to that decayed, forsaken New England fishing village with its sparkling treasure, loathsome denizens, and unspeakable evil. This anthology features seventeen chilling stories by authors such as Neil Gaiman, Ramsey Campbell and Kim Newman, as well as the original masterpiece of horror.


  • ix - Introduction: Spawn of the Deep Ones (Shadows Over Innsmouth) - essay by Stephen Jones
  • 1 - The Shadow Over Innsmouth - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1936) - novelette by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 51 - Beyond the Reef - novella by Basil Copper
  • 101 - The Big Fish - [The Diogenes Club] - novelette by Kim Newman [as by Jack Yeovil ]
  • 127 - Return to Innsmouth - (1992) - shortstory by Guy N. Smith
  • 132 - The Crossing - shortstory by Adrian Cole
  • 146 - Down to the Boots - (1989) - shortstory by D. F. Lewis
  • 149 - The Church in High Street - (1962) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 161 - Innsmouth Gold - shortstory by David Sutton
  • 173 - Daoine Domhain - (1992) - novelette by Peter Tremayne
  • 191 - A Quarter to Three - (1988) - shortstory by Kim Newman
  • 195 - The Tomb of Priscus - novelette by Brian Mooney
  • 221 - The Innsmouth Heritage - (1992) - shortstory by Brian Stableford
  • 237 - The Homecoming - shortstory by Nicholas Royle
  • 255 - Deepnet - shortstory by David Langford
  • 260 - To See the Sea - novelette by Michael Marshall Smith
  • 285 - Dagon's Bell - (1988) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 316 - Only the End of the World Again - shortstory by Neil Gaiman
  • 330 - Afterwords: Contributors' Notes (Shadows Over Innsmouth) - essay by uncredited

H. P. Lovecraft and Others: Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth

Lovecraft and Others: Book 2

Stephen Jones

For decades, H. P. Lovecraft's masterpiece of terror has inspired writers with its gripping account of a village whose inhabitants have surrendered to an ancient and hideous evil. In this companion to the acclaimed anthology Shadows Over Innsmouth, World Fantasy Award winning editor Stephen Jones has assembled eleven of today's most prominent and well-respected horror authors - the finest of the Lovecraftian acolytes.. Included is Lovecraft's own unpublished draft of The Shadow Over Innsmouth.


  • 1 - Introduction: Weird Shadows... - essay by Stephen Jones
  • 6 - Discarded Draft of "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" - (1931) - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 13 - The Quest for Y'ha-nthlei - novelette by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 34 - Brackish Waters - novelette by Richard A. Lupoff
  • 62 - Voices in the Water - shortstory by Basil Copper
  • 81 - Another Fish Story - [The Diogenes Club] - novelette by Kim Newman
  • 115 - Take Me to the River - novelette by Paul J. McAuley [as by Paul McAuley ]
  • 142 - The Coming - (1997) - shortstory by Hugh B. Cave
  • 156 - Eggs - (2000) - shortstory by Steve Rasnic Tem
  • 169 - From Cabinet 34, Drawer 6 - novelette by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 196 - Raised by the Moon - (2001) - novelette by Ramsey Campbell
  • 211 - Fair Exchange - shortstory by Michael Marshall Smith
  • 228 - The Taint - novella by Brian Lumley
  • 281 - Afterwords: Contributors' Notes - essay by uncredited

H. P. Lovecraft and Others: Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth

Lovecraft and Others: Book 3

Stephen Jones

Respected horror anthologist Stephen Jones edits this collection of 17 stories inspired by the 20th century's master of horror, H.P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," in which a young man goes to an isolated, desolate fishing village in Massachusetts, and finds that the entire village has interbred with strange creatures that live beneath the sea, and worship ancient gods.


  • xiii - Introduction: Weirder Shadows... - essay by Stephen Jones
  • 1 - The Port - [Fungi from Yuggoth - 8] - (1930) - poem by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 2 - Innsmouth Bane - (2005) - shortstory by John S. Glasby [as by John Glasby ]
  • 17 - Richard Riddle, Boy Detective in "The Case of the French Spy" - [The Diogenes Club] - (2005) - novelette by Kim Newman
  • 46 - Innsmouth Clay - (1971) - shortstory by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
  • 58 - The Archbishop's Well - novelette by Reggie Oliver
  • 83 - You Don't Want To Know - novelette by Adrian Cole
  • 108 - Fish Bride - (2009) - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 119 - The Hag Stone - novelette by Conrad Williams
  • 153 - On the Reef - (2011) - shortfiction by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 162 - The Song of Sighs - shortstory by Angela Slatter
  • 179 - The Same Deep Waters as You - novelette by Brian Hodge
  • 218 - The Winner - (2005) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 232 - The Transition of Elizabeth Haskings - shortstory by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • 237 - The Chain - shortstory by Michael Marshall Smith
  • 258 - Into the Water - shortstory by Simon Kurt Unsworth
  • 275 - Rising, Not Dreaming - (2011) - shortstory by Angela Slatter
  • 279 - The Long Last Night - (2012) - novelette by Brian Lumley
  • 314 - Afterwords: Contributors' Notes - essay by Stephen Jones

Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country: Book 1

Matt Ruff

The critically acclaimed cult novelist makes visceral the terrors of life in Jim Crow America and its lingering effects in this brilliant and wondrous work of the imagination that melds historical fiction, pulp noir, and Lovecraftian horror and fantasy.

Chicago, 1954. When his father Montrose goes missing, 22-year-old Army veteran Atticus Turner embarks on a road trip to New England to find him, accompanied by his Uncle George--publisher of The Safe Negro Travel Guide--and his childhood friend Letitia. On their journey to the manor of Mr. Braithwhite--heir to the estate that owned one of Atticus's ancestors--they encounter both mundane terrors of white America and malevolent spirits that seem straight out of the weird tales George devours.

At the manor, Atticus discovers his father in chains, held prisoner by a secret cabal named the Order of the Ancient Dawn--led by Samuel Braithwhite and his son Caleb--which has gathered to orchestrate a ritual that shockingly centers on Atticus. And his one hope of salvation may be the seed of his--and the whole Turner clan's--destruction.

A chimerical blend of magic, power, hope, and freedom that stretches across time, touching diverse members of two black families, Lovecraft Country is a devastating kaleidoscopic portrait of racism--the terrifying specter that continues to haunt us today.

The Watchers Out of Time

Masters of Horror: Book 5

H. P. Lovecraft
August Derleth

Venture at your own risk into a realm where the sun sinks into oblivion -- and all that is unholy, unearthly, and unspeakable rises. These rare, hard-to-find collaborations of cosmic terror are back in print, including:

  • Wentworth's Day - A fellow figures his debt to a dead man is null and void, until he discovers just how terrifying interest rates can be.
  • The Shuttered Room - A sophisticated gentleman must settle his grandfather's estate, only to find that the house shelters dark secrets.
  • The Dark Brotherhood - A beautiful woman and her companion meet the likes of Edgar Allan Poe, in a tale as terrifying as anything Poe himself ever created.
  • Innsmouth Clay - A sculptor returns from Paris to create a statue not entirely of this world -- and not at all under his control.
  • Witches' Hollow - A new schoolteacher puts his soul in peril while trying to save one of his students from a ravenous creature.

Table of Contents:

  • Foreword - essay by April Derleth
  • The Lurker at the Threshold - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1945) - novel by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Survivor - (1954) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • Wentworth's Day - (1957) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Peabody Heritage - (1957) - novelette by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Gable Window - (1957) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Ancestor - (1957) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Shadow Out of Space - (1957) - novelette by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Lamp of Alhazred - (1957) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Shuttered Room - (1959) - novelette by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Fisherman of Falcon Point - (1959) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • Witches' Hollow - (1962) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Shadow in the Attic - (1964) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Dark Brotherhood - (1966) - novelette by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Horror from the Middle Span - (1967) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • Innsmouth Clay - (1971) - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft
  • The Watchers Out of Time - short story by August Derleth and H. P. Lovecraft

Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes!


Brian Lumley

Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes! is a collection of eight long short stories featuring Brian Lumley's most popular characters and includes three brand-new stories of Harry Keogh, the original Necroscope!

Titus Crow: Psychic detective, master magician, destroyer of the ancient Chthulian gods. In "Inception," we see the infant Titus at the moment his destiny falls upon him. In "Lord of the Worms," a simple secretarial job lands Crow on a sacrificial altar. And in "Name and Number," Henri Laurent de Marigny details a battle between Titus Crow and malevolent, occult winds which can rip living flesh from bone.

David Hero and Eldin the Wanderer: once men of the waking world, now agents for King Kuranes of the Dreamlands. Sips of "The Weird Wines of Naxas Niss" send the pair on a tumultuous journey from a buxom beauty's bed to the depths of a wizard's dungeon. Then, seeking his missing friend, David Hero boards an ill-fated airship that is home to "The Stealer of Dreams."

Harry Keogh, Necroscope: vampire killer without peer, capable of conversing with the dead. A sudden windfall brings Harry to Las Vegas, where he meets "Dead Eddie," a gambler who can't resist trying for one last big win from beyond the grave. In "Dinosaur Dreams, Harry's interest in fossils leads him to uncover the truth behind the death of a young amateur paleontologist... and to discover that it's not just dead people he can call on in a crisis.... Harry's undying love for his mother leads him down a dangerous path in "Resurrection."

Four of Lumley's greatest heroes. Three of his most popular worlds. Tales to chill and to delight. Open the book and be swept away.


Necroscope: Book 1

Brian Lumley

DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES... Except to Harry Keogh, Necroscope. And what they tell him is horrifying.

In the Balkan mountains of Rumania, a terrible evil is growing. Long buried in hallowed ground, bound by earth and silver, the master vampire schemes and plots. Trapped in unlife, neither dead nor living, Thibor Ferenczy hungers for freedom and revenge.

The vampire's human tool is Boris Dragosani, part of a super-secret Soviet spy agency. Dragosani is an avid pupil, eager to plumb the depthless evil of the vampire's mind. Ferenczy teaches Dragosani the awful skills of the necromancer, gives him the ability to rip secrets from the mind and bodies of the dead.

Dragosani works not for Ferenczy's freedom but world domination. he will rule the world with knowledge raped from the dead.

His only opponent: Harry Koegh, champion of the dead and the living.

To protect Harry, the dead will do anything - even rise from their graves!


Necroscope: Book 2

Brian Lumley

Not the end of life, Harry Keogh discovered--and not the end of his battle against he terrible evil of vampires. -- In a secluded English village, Yulian Bodescu plots his takeover of the world. Imbued with a vampire's powers before his birth, Bodescu rules men's minds and bodies with supernatural ease. He is secretly creating an army of vampiric monsters, things that once were men but were now walking masses of destructive hunger!

Harry Keogh, Necroscope, thought that the war with the vampires had ended with the destruction of Boris Dragasani--and of Harry's body! But the man who talks to the dead lives on, more powerful than ever, able to transport himself instantly to any spot on the globe and to speak mind-to-mind with both the living and the dead.

Are Harry's new powers enough to defeat Yulian Bodescu and his legion of monsters--or will the vampire army overrun the living earth?

The Source

Necroscope: Book 3

Brian Lumley

The third book in the Necroscope series traces the battle between Harry Keogh and the horrifying Vamphyri on their home ground, an alien landscape of looming towers, impossible cliffs, and ravenous vampire-beasts.

Russia's Ural Mountains hide a deadly secret: a supernatural portal to the country of the vampires. Soviet scientists and ESP-powered spies, in a secret military base, study the portal--and the powerfully evil creatures that emerge from it, intent on ravaging mankind.

When Jazz Simmons, a British agent sent to infiltrate the base, is captured by the KGB espionage squad and forced through the portal, his last message tells Harry Keogh, the Necroscope, that the vampires are preparing for a mass invasion.

Harry has only one option--to strike first. He must carry the human-vampire war to the vampire's own lands. But his strongest psychic power will be useless there. What good is the power to summon the dead in a country where nothing ever dies, where every man, woman, and child become half-dead servants of the Vamphyri?


Necroscope: Book 4

Brian Lumley

A new vampire stalks the earth, and only Harry Keogh can defeat him!

The silence of the grave is not silent at all. In their millions, the dead are screaming... but no one can hear them!

Atop a perilous cliff, deep in the Balkan mountains, rises the castle of the Ferenczy. Once it was a stronghold of the Vamphyri... and now it will be so again, for Janos Ferenczy, vampire and black magician, has risen from his ages-long sleep. Powerful and evil, Janos conjures dead men and women into a semblance of life and subjects them to fiendish tortures.

But the shrieks of the dead do not satisfy Janos's lust for blood-- for that he needs living humans. His terrifying armies of the risen dead will soon overwhelm a helpless, defenseless mankind....

Helpless and defenseless because a terrible battle against the vampires has destroyed Harry Keogh's deadspeak, leaving the Necroscope deaf to the teeming dead... and to their warnings of Janos's reign of terror.

To save the world, Harry must join forces and link minds with the most powerful, and deadliest, vampire of all!


Necroscope: Book 5

Brian Lumley

There's a maniacal murderer on the loose, brutally slaughtering young women with a ferocity that rivals that of vampires Harry Koegh has spent his life combatting. The Necroscope's been asked to solve the crimes... asked by the dead spirits of the madman's victims.

Harry cannot turn down a request from the dead... even if it costs him his soul. In the climactic battle with the vampires, mankind prevailed and purged the vampires from earth--thanks to Harry, his team of psychically-gifted spies, and Faethor Ferenczy, long-dead 'father' of the world's vampires, who betrayed his own kind.

But Harry's alliance with Faethor has a terrible cost--Harry's very humanity is under attack from the vampire evil coiled in his mind!

New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird

New Cthulhu: Book 1

Paula Guran

For more than eighty years H.P. Lovecraft has inspired writers of supernatural fiction, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and gaming. His themes of cosmic indifference, the utter insignificance of humankind, minds invaded by the alien, and the horrors of history - written with a pervasive atmosphere of unexplainable dread - today remain not only viable motifs, but are more relevant than ever as we explore the mysteries of a universe in which our planet is infinitesimal and climatic change is overwhelming it. In the first decade of the twenty-first century the best supernatural writers no longer imitate Lovecraft, but they are profoundly influenced by the genre and the mythos he created. NEW CTHULHU: THE RECENT WEIRD presents some of the best of this new Lovecraftian fiction - bizarre, subtle, atmospheric, metaphysical, psychological, filled with strange creatures and stranger characters - eldritch, unsettling, evocative, and darkly appealing.

New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird

New Cthulhu: Book 2

Paula Guran

Many of the best weird fiction writers (and creators in most other media) have been profoundly influenced by the genre and the mythos H.P. Lovecraft created eight decades ago. Lovecraft's themes of cosmic indifference, minds invaded by the alien, and the horrors of history - written with a pervasive atmosphere of unexplainable dread - are more relevant than ever as we explore the mysteries of a universe in which our planet is infinitesimal and climatic change is overwhelming it. A few years ago, New Cthulhu : The Recent Weird presented some of the best of this new Lovecraftian fiction from the first decade of the twenty-first century. Now, New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird brings you more eldritch tales and even fresher fiction inspired by Lovecraft.


  • "Introduction" by Paula Guran
  • "The Same Deep Waters as You" by Brian Hodge
  • "Mysterium Tremendum" by Laird Barron
  • "The Transition of Elizabeth Haskings" by Caitlín R. Kiernan
  • "Bloom" by John Langan
  • "At Home with Azathoth" by John Shirley
  • "The Litany of Earth" by Ruthanna Emrys
  • "Necrotic Cove" by Lois H. Gresh
  • "On Ice" by Simon Strantzas
  • "The Wreck of the Charles Dexter Ward" by Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette
  • "All My Love, A Fishhook" by Helen Marshall
  • "The Doom That Came to Devil Reef" by Don Webb
  • "Momma Durtt" by Michael Shea
  • "They Smell of Thunder" by W. H. Pugmire
  • "The Song of Sighs" by Angela Slatter
  • "Fishwife" by Carrie Vaughn
  • "In the House of the Hummingbirds" by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
  • "Who Looks Back?" by Kyla Ward
  • "Equoid" by Charles Stross
  • "The Boy Who Followed Lovecraft" by Marc Laidlaw

Rod Serling's Night Gallery Reader

Night Gallery: Book 3

Martin H. Greenberg

Table of Contents:

  • ix - Introduction (Rod Serling's Night Gallery Reader) - essay by Carol Serling
  • 1 - The Escape Route - (1967) - novella by Rod Serling
  • 71 - The Dead Man - (1950) - novelette by Fritz Leiber
  • 104 - The Little Black Bag - (1950) - novelette by C. M. Kornbluth
  • 138 - The House - (1932) - short story by André Maurois (trans. of La maison 1931)
  • 141 - The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes - (1950) - short story by Margaret St. Clair
  • 152 - The Academy - (1965) - short story by David Ely
  • 163 - The Devil Is Not Mocked - (1943) - short story by Manly Wade Wellman
  • 171 - Brenda - (1954) - short story by Margaret St. Clair
  • 184 - Big Surprise - (1959) - short story by Richard Matheson
  • 191 - House--With Ghost - (1962) - short story by August Derleth
  • 199 - The Dark Boy - (1957) - short story by August Derleth
  • 215 - Pickman's Model - (1927) - short story by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 230 - Cool Air - (1928) - short story by H. P. Lovecraft
  • 240 - Sorworth Place - [Ralph Bain] - (1952) - novelette by Russell Kirk
  • 261 - The Return of the Sorcerer - [Cthulhu Mythos] - (1931) - short story by Clark Ashton Smith
  • 279 - The Girl with the Hungry Eyes - (1949) - short story by Fritz Leiber
  • 297 - The Horsehair Trunk - (1946) - short story by Davis Grubb
  • 308 - The Ring with the Velvet Ropes - (1968) - short story by Edward D. Hoch

Hammers on Bone

Persons Non Grata: Book 1

Cassandra Khaw

John Persons is a private investigator with a distasteful job from an unlikely client. He's been hired by a ten-year-old to kill the kid's stepdad, McKinsey. The man in question is abusive, abrasive, and abominable.

He's also a monster, which makes Persons the perfect thing to hunt him. Over the course of his ancient, arcane existence, he's hunted gods and demons, and broken them in his teeth.

As Persons investigates the horrible McKinsey, he realizes that he carries something far darker. He's infected with an alien presence, and he's spreading that monstrosity far and wide. Luckily Persons is no stranger to the occult, being an ancient and magical intelligence himself. The question is whether the private dick can take down the abusive stepdad without releasing the holds on his own horrifying potential.

A Song for Quiet

Persons Non Grata: Book 2

Cassandra Khaw

Deacon James is a rambling bluesman straight from Georgia, a black man with troubles that he can't escape, and music that won't let him go. On a train to Arkham, he meets trouble -- visions of nightmares, gaping mouths and grasping tendrils, and a madman who calls himself John Persons. According to the stranger, Deacon is carrying a seed in his head, a thing that will destroy the world if he lets it hatch.

The mad ravings chase Deacon to his next gig. His saxophone doesn't call up his audience from their seats, it calls up monstrosities from across dimensions. As Deacon flees, chased by horrors and cultists, he stumbles upon a runaway girl, who is trying to escape her father, and the destiny he has waiting for her. Like Deacon, she carries something deep inside her, something twisted and dangerous. Together, they seek to leave Arkham, only to find the Thousand Young lurking in the woods.

The song in Deacon's head is growing stronger, and soon he won't be able to ignore it any more.

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: The Adventure of the Deadly Dimensions

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: Book 1

Lois H. Gresh

A series of grisly murders rocks London. At each location, only a jumble of bones remains of the deceased, along with a bizarre sphere covered in strange symbols. The son of the latest victim seeks the help of Sherlock Holmes and his former partner, Dr. John Watson. They discover the common thread tying together the murders. Bizarre geometries, based on ancient schematics, enable otherworldly creatures to enter our dimension, seeking to wreak havoc and destruction. The persons responsible are gaining so much power that even Holmes's greatest enemy fears them - to the point that he seeks an unholy alliance.

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: The Adventures of the Neural Psychoses

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: Book 2

Lois H. Gresh

Amelia Scarcliffe's monstrous brood, harbingers of Cthulhu, will soon spawn. Her songs spell insanity, death... and illimitable wealth. And Moriarty will do anything to get his hands on gold, even if it means tearing down the walls between this world and a realm of horrors.

Meanwhile, after Sherlock Holmes's last tangle with the Order of Dagon, horrifying monsters haunt the Thames, and madness stalks the streets of Whitechapel. Gang war between Moriarty's thugs and the powerful cult can only bring more terror--unless Holmes and Dr. Watson can prevent it. But can they find the cause of the neural psychoses before Watson himself succumbs?

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: The Adventure of the Innsmouth Mutations

Sherlock Holmes vs. Cthulhu: Book 3

Lois H. Gresh

Now united, both Fitzgerald and Moriarty travel to Innsmouth, the stronghold of the cult of the Old Ones. Holmes and Watson, accompanied by Mycroft Holmes, follow them across the ocean and discover a structure designed to bring the Old Ones into the human sphere. Yet when it is destroyed people continue to mutate and go mad.

Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows

Sherlock Holmes: The Cthulhu Casebooks: Book 1

James Lovegrove

It is the autumn of 1880, and Dr John Watson has just returned from Afghanistan. Badly injured and desperate to forget a nightmarish expedition that left him doubting his sanity, Watson is close to destitution when he meets the extraordinary Sherlock Holmes, who is investigating a series of deaths in the Shadwell district of London. Several bodies have been found, the victims appearing to have starved to death over the course of several weeks, and yet they were reported alive and well mere days before. Moreover, there are disturbing reports of creeping shadows that inspire dread in any who stray too close. Holmes deduces a connection between the deaths and a sinister drug lord who is seeking to expand his criminal empire. Yet both he and Watson are soon forced to accept that there are forces at work far more powerful than they could ever have imagined. Forces that can be summoned, if one is brave - or mad - enough to dare...

Sherlock Holmes and the Miskatonic Monstrosities

Sherlock Holmes: The Cthulhu Casebooks: Book 2

James Lovegrove

It is the spring of 1895, and more than a decade of combating eldritch entities has cost Dr John Watson his beloved wife Mary, and nearly broken the health of Sherlock Holmes. Yet the companions do not hesitate when they are called to the infamous Bedlam lunatic asylum, where they find an inmate speaking in R'lyehian, the language of the Old Ones. Moreover, the man is horribly scarred and has no memory of who he is.

The detectives discover that the inmate was once a scientist, a student of Miskatonic University, and one of two survivors of a doomed voyage down the Miskatonic River to capture the semi-mythical shoggoth. Yet how has he ended up in London, without his wits? And when the man is taken from Bedlam by forces beyond normal mortal comprehension, it becomes clear that there is far more to the case than one disturbed Bostonian. It is only by learning what truly happened on that fateful New England voyage that Holmes and Watson will uncover the truth, and learn who is behind the Miskatonic monstrosity...

Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils

Sherlock Holmes: The Cthulhu Casebooks: Book 3

James Lovegrove

The stunning new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Age of Odin, in which the worlds of Arthur Conan Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft collide.

It is the autumn of 1910, and for fifteen long years Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson have battled R'lluhloig, the Hidden Mind that was once Professor James Moriarty. Europe is creeping inexorably towards war, and a more cosmic conflict is nearing its zenith, as in a single night all the most eminent members of the Diogenes Club die horribly, seemingly by their own hands. Holmes suspects it is the handiwork of a German spy working for R'lluhloig, but his search for vengeance costs an old friend his life.

The companions retreat to Holmes's farm on the Sussex Downs, and it is not long before a client comes calling. Three young women have disappeared from the nearby town of Newford, and the locals have no doubt who is responsible. For legend has it that strange amphibious creatures dwell in a city on the seabed, coming ashore every few centuries to take fresh captives. As Holmes and Watson seek out the terrifying interlopers, the scene is set for the final battle that will bring them face to face with the Sussex Sea-Devils, and perhaps with Cthulhu himself...

Sherlock Holmes and the Highgate Horrors

Sherlock Holmes: The Cthulhu Casebooks: Book 4

James Lovegrove

It's 1929 and an ageing Dr John Watson, conscious of his imminent demise, finally sits down to write a fresh chronicle disclosing the true events behind his published accounts of Sherlock Holmes's exploits. In these pages, Sherlock Holmes and his stalwart companion encounter reanimated corpses in Highgate Cemetery; a very different, though ever elusive, Irene Adler; tales of madness and murder in the frozen wastes of the north; grotesque organic machines; and much more. Each case brings the illustrious pair ever closer to the dramatic and terrifying truth about the mysterious aliens, the Mi-Go, and their plans for Earth...

Red Equinox

Spectra Files: Book 1

Douglas Wynne

The Red Equinox has dawned, and the old gods who have slept for aeons are stirring.

Urban explorer and photographer Becca Philips was raised in the shadow of Miskatonic University, steeped in the mysteries of her late grandmother's work in occult studies. But what she thought was myth becomes all too real when cultists unleash terror on the city of Boston. Now she's caught between a shadowy government agency called SPECTRA and the followers of an apocalyptic faith bent on awakening an ancient evil.

As urban warfare breaks out between eldritch monsters and an emerging police state, she must uncover the secrets of a family heirloom known as the Fire of Cairo to banish the rising tide of darkness before the balance tips irrevocably at the Red Equinox.

Black January

Spectra Files: Book 2

Douglas Wynne



Two years after the Starry Wisdom Church unleashed their dark gods in Boston, Becca Philips is trying to put the events of the Red Equinox behind her when Agent Brooks tracks her down in Brazil. Becca has been summoned back to Massachusetts by SPECTRA, the covert agency entrusted with keeping cosmic horrors at bay. Her special perception and skills are requested at the Wade House--a transfiguring mansion of portals to malevolent dimensions.

Becca would like to refuse, but Brooks believes her estranged father may be lost between worlds at the abandoned estate. As Becca struggles with grief and forgiveness, she joins a team of explorers uniquely suited to decode the secrets of the strange house in the black snow. But what secrets do her companions harbor? And who among them will take theirs to the grave?

Cthulhu Blues

Spectra Files: Book 3

Douglas Wynne

The Wade House has been reduced to ash, but the dreams that plagued Becca Philips and Jason Brooks when they slept in that abomination continue to haunt them. After years of facing trans-dimensional monsters in the service of SPECTRA, a few lingering nightmares are to be expected. But when Becca starts singing in her sleep--an ancient song that conjures dreadful things from mirrored surfaces--she fears that the harmonics she was exposed to during the Red Equinox terror event may have mutated not only her perception, but also her voice. It's a gift--or curse--that she shares with a select group of children born to other witnesses of the incursion.

While a shadowy figure known as the "Crimson Minstrel" gathers these children to form an infernal choir, something ancient stirs on the ocean floor. And Becca, hearing its call, once again finds herself running from an agency she can no longer trust, into the embrace of cosmic forces she can barely comprehend.

H. P. Lovecraft

Starmont Reader's Guide: Book 13

S. T. Joshi

Contains twenty four short stories, novelettes, and short novels, including The Case of Charles Dexter Ward and At the Mountains of Madness, as well as twenty six poems. This edition has a fine introduction by S.T. Joshi, photographs of H.P. Lovecraft, and an attractive binding, uniform with others in this series.

The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft

Starry Wisdom: Book 1

D. M. Mitchell

THE STARRY WISDOM - contemporary visions of cosmic transformation, mutation and madness - many inspired directly by the life and writings of H.P. Lovecraft, others reflecting his strangely presentient themes in their own bizarre sub-texts.

Here the primal beings of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos stalk a post-modern landscape of social collapse, ethnic cleansing, genetic engineering and nuclear devastation - nightmare prophecies from his pulp pages which have now come chillingly true.

In THE STARRY WISDOM, the undercurrents of sexual and ecological displacement which powered Lovecraft's work have finally been laid bare, providing this maligned genius with a long-overdue retrospective and revealing him to be a true prophet of the 20th century.


  • 7 - Introduction (The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft) - (1994) - essay by Ramsey Campbell
  • 9 - Foreword (The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft) - (1994) - essay by D. M. Mitchell
  • 13 - Lovecraft in Heaven - (1994) - shortstory by Grant Morrison
  • 19 - Third Eye Butterfly - (1994) - shortfiction by James Havoc and Mike Philbin
  • 24 - A Thousand Young - (1989) - shortstory by Robert M. Price
  • 33 - The Night Sea-Maid Went Down - (1971) - shortstory by Brian Lumley
  • 40 - From This Swamp - (1994) - shortstory by Henry Wessells
  • 43 - Prisoner of the Coral Deep - (1964) - shortstory by J. G. Ballard
  • 47 - Black Static - (1994) - novelette by David Conway
  • 61 - Red Mass - (1994) - shortstory by Dan Kellett
  • 65 - Wind Die You Die We Die - (1968) - shortstory by William S. Burroughs
  • 69 - The Call of Cthulhu - (1994) - shortstory by John Coulthart and H. P. Lovecraft
  • 101 - Potential - (1973) - shortstory by Ramsey Campbell
  • 107 - Walpurgisnachtmusik - (1994) - shortstory by Simon Whitechapel
  • 115 - Meltdown - (1994) - shortstory by D. F. Lewis
  • 121 - Beyond Reflection - (1990) - shortstory by John Beal
  • 124 - This Exquisite Corpse - (1994) - shortfiction by C. G. Brandrick and D. M. Mitchell
  • 127 - Extracted from the Mouth of the Consumer, Rotting Pig - (1994) - shortstory by Michael Gira
  • 133 - Hypothetical Materfamilias - (1994) - shortstory by Adele Olivia Gladwell
  • 141 - The Sound of a Door Opening - (1993) - shortstory by Don Webb
  • 147 - The Courtyard - (1994) - shortstory by Alan Moore
  • 155 - Pills for Miss Betsy - (1994) - shortfiction by Rick Grimes
  • 162 - The Dreamers in Darkness - (1993) - shortstory by Peter Smith
  • 166 - Sex-Invocation of the Great Old Ones (23 Nails) - (1994) - poem by Stephen Sennitt
  • 168 - Ward 23 - (1994) - shortstory by D. M. Mitchell
  • 176 - About the Contributors (The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H. P. Lovecraft) - (1994) - essay by uncredited

Songs of the Black Wurm Gism: Hymns to H.P. Lovecraft

Starry Wisdom: Book 2

D. M. Mitchell


SONGS OF THE BLACK WÃ RM GISM picks up where the acclaimed anthology THE STARRY WISDOM left off and goes beyond way beyond! what H.P. Lovecraft dared to show. Editor D.M. Mitchell presents an illustrated brainstorm of visceral deep-sea dream currents, aberrant trans-species sex visions, and frenzied ophidian entropy. Illustrated throughout.

Contributors include: ALAN MOORE, GRANT MORRISON, david britton, ian miller, john beal, david conway, kenji siratori, herzan chimera, james havoc, JOHN COULTHART, D.M. MITCHELL, reza negarastani, & many others

Lovecraft and Influence: His Predecessors and Successors

Studies in Supernatural Literature: Book 1

Robert H. Waugh

Recognized as a major innovator in the weird story, H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) was an author whose influence was felt by nearly every writer of horror, fantasy, and science fiction in the second half of the twentieth century. Considered one of the leading writers of gothic horror, Lovecraft and his work continue to inspire writers today.

In Lovecraft and Influence: His Predecessors and Successors, Robert H. Waugh has assembled essays that are vast in scope, ranging from the Bible through the Edwardian period and well into the present. This collection is devoted to authors whose work had an impact on Lovecraft--Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Lord Dunsany--and those who drew inspiration from him, including William S. Burroughs, Ramsey Campbell, Thomas Ligotti, and Stephen King.

A fascinating anthology, Lovecraft and Influence will appeal to aficionados of classic horror, fantasy, and science fiction and those with an interest in modern authors whose works reflect and honor Lovecraft's enduring legacy.

The Litany of Earth

The Innsmouth Legacy

Ruthanna Emrys

The state took Aphra away from Innsmouth. They took her history, her home, her family, her god. They tried to take the sea. Now, years later, when she is just beginning to rebuild a life, an agent of that government intrudes on her life again, with an offer she wishes she could refuse. "The Litany of Earth" is a dark fantasy story inspired by the Lovecraft mythos.

This short story can also be found in the anthologies New Cthulhu 2: More Recent Weird (2015), edited by Paula Guran, and Worlds Seen in Passing: Ten Years of Short Fiction (2018), edited by Irene Gallo.

Read the full story for free at, or listen to a podcast of this story at Drabblecast.

Winter Tide

The Innsmouth Legacy: Book 1

Ruthanna Emrys

After attacking Devil's Reef in 1928, the U.S. government rounded up the people of Innsmouth and took them to the desert, far from their ocean, their Deep One ancestors, and their sleeping god Cthulhu. Only Aphra and Caleb Marsh survived the camps, and they emerged without a past or a future.

The government that stole Aphra's life now needs her help. FBI agent Ron Spector believes that Communist spies have stolen dangerous magical secrets from Miskatonic University, secrets that could turn the Cold War hot in an instant, and hasten the end of the human race.

Aphra must return to the ruins of her home, gather scraps of her stolen history, and assemble a new family to face the darkness of human nature.

Includes bonus Aphra Marsh novelette "The Litany of Earth".

Deep Roots

The Innsmouth Legacy: Book 2

Ruthanna Emrys

Aphra Marsh, descendant of the People of the Water, has survived Deep One internment camps and made a grudging peace with the government that destroyed her home and exterminated her people. Now Aphra's journey to rebuild her life and family continues on land, as she tracks down long-lost relatives. She must repopulate Innsmouth or risk seeing it torn down by greedy developers, but as she searches she discovers that people have been going missing. She will have to unravel the mystery, or risk seeing her way of life slip away.


The Laundry Files

Charles Stross

Hugo-winning Novella

The "Laundry" is Britain's super-secret agency devoted to protecting the realm from the supernatural horrors that menace it. Now Bob Howard, Laundry agent, must travel to the quiet English countryside to deal with an outbreak of one of the worst horrors imaginable. For, as it turns out, unicorns are real. They're also ravenous killers from beyond spacetime...

Read this story online for free at

The Concrete Jungle

The Laundry Files

Charles Stross

Hugo Award winning novella. It was originally published as an extra in the novel The Atrocity Archives (2004). It can also be found in the anthology Best Short Novels: 2005, edited by Jonathan Strahan.

Read the full story for free at the Golden Gryphon website.

The Atrocity Archives

The Laundry Files: Book 1

Charles Stross

Bob Howard is a computer-hacker desk jockey, who has more than enough trouble keeping up with the endless paperwork he has to do on a daily basis. He should never be called on to do anything remotely heroic. But for some reason, he is.

In the title piece, Alan Turing, the father of modern computer science, completes his theorem on 'Phase Conjugate Grammars for Extra-dimensional Summoning'. Turing's work paves the way for esoteric mathematical computations that, when carried out, have side effects that leak through a channel underlying the structure of the Cosmos. Out there in the multiverse are 'listeners' who can sometimes be coerced into opening gates.

In 1945, Nazi Germany's Ahnenerbe-SS, in an attempt to escape the Allied onslaught, performs just such a summoning on the souls of more than six million. A gate opens to an alternate universe through which the SS move people and material - to live to fight another day. But their summoning brings forth more than the SS have bargained for - an evil, patiently waiting all this time while learning the ways of humans, now poises to lunch on Earth. Secret intelligence agencies, esoteric theorems, Lovecraftian horrors, Middle East terrorist connections, a damsel in distress, and a final battle on the surface of a dying planet round out this story.

Includes the Hugo-award-winning novella "The Concrete Jungle", which can be read for free here.

The Jennifer Morgue

The Laundry Files: Book 2

Charles Stross

Bob Howard - a T-shirt wearing computer geek and field agent for the super-secret British government agency The Laundry - must save the world from eldritch horrors, codenamed Jennifer Morgue, in this fast-paced spy thriller. Bob's current mission is to stop the evil Ellis Billington from achieving world domination, but he must overcome obstacles including the Gravedust device, which permits communication with the dead; destiny-entanglement protocol; banishment weapons; and Ramona Random, a lethal but beautiful agent for the U.S. counterpart to The Laundry. Billington plans to raise the eldritch horror Jennifer Morgue from the vasty deeps, and communicate with a dead warrior for the purpose of ruling the world.

Blending physics and applied mathematics with the practice of summoning and demonology, this spy-meets-horror novel will keep sci-fi fans on the edge of their seats.

This volume also includes a bonus story, "Pimpf," featuring The Laundry agent Bob Howard in the world of virtual gaming, as well as an afterword entitled "The Golden Age of Spying."

The Fuller Memorandum

The Laundry Files: Book 3

Charles Stross

Computational demonologist Bob Howard is taking a much-needed break from the field to catch up on his filing in The Laundry's archives when a top secret dossier known as The Fuller Memorandum vanishes - along with his boss, who the agency's executives believe stole the file.

Determined to discover exactly what the memorandum contained (and perhaps clear his boss), Bob runs afoul of Russian agents, ancient demons, and the apostles of a hideous faith, who have plans to raise a very unpleasant undead entity known as the Eater of Souls.

Now Bob must use all of his skills to learn the secret of the Fuller Memorandum in order to save the world - and avoid becoming an item on the Eater of Souls' dinner menu...

The Apocalypse Codex

The Laundry Files: Book 4

Charles Stross

Bob Howard may be humanity's last hope.

Start praying...

For outstanding heroism in the field (despite himself), computational demonologist Bob Howard is on the fast-track for promotion to management within The Laundry, the super-secret British government agency tasked with defending the realm from occult threats. Assigned to "External Assets," Bob discovers the company-unofficially-employs freelance agents to deal with sensitive situations that may embarrass Queen and Country.

So when Ray Schiller-an American televangelist with the uncanny ability to miraculously heal the ill-becomes uncomfortably close to the Prime Minister, External Assets dispatches the brilliant, beautiful, and entirely unpredictable Persephone Hazard to infiltrate the Golden Promise Ministry and discover why the preacher is so interested in British politics. And it's Bob's job to make sure Persephone doesn't cause an international incident.

But it's a supernatural incident that Bob needs to worry about-a global threat even The Laundry may be unable to clean up...

The Rhesus Chart

The Laundry Files: Book 5

Charles Stross

As a newly appointed junior manager within the Laundry-the clandestine organization responsible for protecting Britain against supernatural threats-Bob Howard is expected to show some initiative to help the agency battle the forces of darkness. But shining a light on things best left in the shadows is the last thing Bob wants to do-especially when those shadows hide an occult parasite spreading a deadly virus.

Traders employed by a merchant bank in London are showing signs of infection-an array of unusual symptoms such as superstrength and -speed, an uncanny talent for mind control, an extreme allergic reaction to sunlight, and an unquenchable thirst for blood. While his department is tangled up in bureaucratic red tape (and Buffy reruns), debating how to stop the rash of vampirism, Bob digs deeper into the bank's history-only to uncover a bloodcurdling conspiracy between men and monsters...

The Annihilation Score

The Laundry Files: Book 6

Charles Stross


Dr Mo O'Brien is an intelligence agent at the top secret government agency known as 'the Laundry'. When occult powers threaten the realm, they'll be there to clean up the mess and deal with the witnesses.

But the Laundry is recovering from a devastating attack and when average citizens all over the country start to develop supernatural powers, the police are called in to help. Mo is appointed as official police liaison, but in between dealing with police bureaucracy, superpowered members of the public and disgruntled politicians, Mo discovers to her horror that she can no longer rely on her marriage, nor on the weapon that has been at her side for eight years of undercover work, the possessed violin known as 'Lecter'.

If this wasn't bad enough, a mysterious figure known as Dr Freudstein is committing heists and sending increasingly threatening messages to the police. Who is Freudstein and what is he planning?

The Nightmare Stacks

The Laundry Files: Book 7

Charles Stross

After stumbling upon the algorithm that turned him and his fellow merchant bankers into vampires, Alex Schwartz was drafted by The Laundry, Britain's secret counter-occult agency that's humanity's first line of defense against the forces of darkness. Dependent on his new employers for his continued existence -- as Alex has no stomach for predatory bloodsucking -- he has little choice but to accept his new role as an operative-in-training.

Dispatched to Leeds, Alex's first assignment is to help assess the costs of renovating a 1950s Cold War bunker into The Laundry's new headquarters. Unfortunately, Leeds is Alex's hometown, and the thought of breaking the news to his parents that he's left banking for civil service, while hiding his undead condition, is causing more anxiety than learning how to live as a vampire secret agent preparing to confront multiple apocalypses.

Alex's only saving grace is Cassie Brewer, a drama student appearing in the local Goth Festival who is inexplicably attracted to him despite his awkward personality and massive amounts of sunblock.

But Cassie has secrets of her own -- secrets that make Alex's night life behaviors seem positively normal...

The Labyrinth Index

The Laundry Files: Book 9

Charles Stross

The arrival of vast, alien, inhuman intelligences reshaped the landscape for human affairs across the world, and the United Kingdom is no exception. Things have changed in Britain since the dread elder god Nyarlathotep ascended to the rank of Prime Minister. Mhari Murphy, recently elevated to the House of Lords and head of the Lords Select Committee on Sanguinary Affairs (think vampires), finds herself in direct consultation with the creeping chaos, who directs her to lead a team of disgraced Laundry personnel into the dark heart of America. It seems the Creeping Chaos is concerned about foreign relations.

A thousand-mile-wild storm system has blanketed the midwest, and the President is nowhere to be found. In fact, for reasons unknown the people of America are forgetting that the executive branch ever existed. The government has been infiltrated by the shadowy Black Chamber, and the Pentagon and NASA have been refocused on the problem of summoning Cthulhu.

Somewhere, the Secret Service battle to stay awake, to remind the President who he is, and to stay one step ahead of the vampiric dragnet that's searching for him.

Dead Lies Dreaming

The Laundry Files: Book 10

Charles Stross

When magic and superpowers emerge in the masses, Wendy Deere is contracted by the government to bag and snag supervillains.

As Wendy hunts down Imp – the cyberpunk head of a band calling themselves "The Lost Boys" – she is dragged into the schemes of louche billionaire Rupert de Montfort Bigge. Rupert has discovered that the sole surviving copy of the long-lost concordance to the one true Necronomicon is up for underground auction in London. He hires Imp's sister, Eve, to procure it by any means necessary, and in the process, he encounters Wendy Deere.

In a tale of corruption, assassination, thievery, and magic, Wendy Deere must navigate rotting mansions that lead to distant pasts, evil tycoons, corrupt government officials, lethal curses, and her own moral qualms in order to make it out of this chase alive.

Quantum of Nightmares

The Laundry Files: Book 11

Charles Stross

It's a brave new Britain under the New Management. The avuncular Prime Minister is an ancient eldritch god of unimaginable power. Crime is plummeting as almost every offense is punishable by death. And everywhere you look, there are people with strange powers, some of which they can control, and some, not so much.

Hyperorganized and formidable, Eve Starkey defeated her boss, the louche magical adept and billionaire Rupert de Montfort Bigge, in a supernatural duel to the death. Now she's in charge of the Bigge Corporation?just in time to discover the lethal trap Rupert set for her long ago.

Wendy Deere's transhuman abilities have gotten her through many a scrape. Now she's gainfully employed investigating unauthorized supernatural shenanigans. She swore to herself she wouldn't again get entangled with Eve Starkey's bohemian brother Imp and his crew of transhuman misfits. Yeah, right.

Mary Macandless has powers of her own. Right now she's pretending to be a nanny in order to kidnap the children of a pair of famous, Government-authorized superheroes. These children have powers of their own, and Mary Macandless is in way over her head.

Amanda Sullivan is the HR manager of a minor grocery chain, much oppressed by her glossy blonde boss?who is cooking up an appalling, extralegal scheme literally involving human flesh.

All of these stories will come together, with world-bending results...


Threshold (Clines): Book 1

Peter Clines

Padlocked doors. Strange light fixtures. Mutant cockroaches.

There are some odd things about Nate's new apartment.

Of course, he has other things on his mind. He hates his job. He has no money in the bank. No girlfriend. No plans for the future. So while his new home isn't perfect, it's livable. The rent is low, the property managers are friendly, and th eodd little mysteries don't nag at him too much.

At least not until he meets Mandy, his neighbor across the hall, and notices something unusual about her apartment. And Xela's apartment. And Tim's, And Veek's.

Because every room in this old Los Angeles brownstone has a mystery or two. Mysteries that stretch back over a hundred years. Some of them are in plain sight. Some are behind locked doors. And all together these mysteries could mean the end of Nate and his friends.

Or the end of everything...

Agents of Dreamland

Tinfoil Dossier: Book 1

Caitlín R. Kiernan

A government special agent known only as the Signalman gets off a train on a stunningly hot morning in Winslow, Arizona. Later that day he meets a woman in a diner to exchange information about an event that happened a week earlier for which neither has an explanation, but which haunts the Signalman.

In a ranch house near the shore of the Salton Sea a cult leader gathers up the weak and susceptible -- the Children of the Next Level -- and offers them something to believe in and a chance for transcendence. The future is coming and they will help to usher it in.

A day after the events at the ranch house which disturbed the Signalman so deeply that he and his government sought out help from 'other' sources, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory abruptly loses contact with NASA's interplanetary probe New Horizons. Something out beyond the orbit of Pluto has made contact.

And a woman floating outside of time looks to the future and the past for answers to what can save humanity.

Black Helicopters

Tinfoil Dossier: Book 2

Caitlín R. Kiernan

Just as the Signalman stood and faced the void in Agents of Dreamland, so it falls to Ptolema, a chess piece in her agency's world-spanning game, to unravel what has become tangled and unknowable.

Something strange is happening on the shores of New England. Something stranger still is happening to the world itself, chaos unleashed, rational explanation slipped loose from the moorings of the known. Two rival agencies stare across the Void at one another. Two sisters, the deadly, sickened products of experiments going back decades, desperately evade their hunters.

An invisible war rages at the fringes of our world, with unimaginable consequences and Lovecraftian horrors that ripple centuries into the future.

This edition of Caitlín R. Kiernan's Black Helicopters is an expanded and completed version of the World Fantasy Award-nominated novella of the same name.

The Tindalos Asset

Tinfoil Dossier: Book 3

Caitlín R. Kiernan

A rundown apartment in Koreatown. A Los Angeles winter. A strung out, worn out, wrecked and used government agent is scraped up off the pavement, cleaned up, and reluctantly sent out into battle one last time.

Ellison Nicodemo has seen and done terrible things. She thought her only remaining quest was for oblivion. Then the Signalman comes calling. He wants to learn if she can stop the latest apocalypse. Ellison, once a unique and valuable asset, can barely remember why she ever fought the good fight.

Still, you don't say no to the Signalman, and the time has come to face her fears and the nightmare forces that almost destroyed her. Only Ellison can unleash the hound of Tindalos.

The Compleat Crow

Titus Crow

Brian Lumley

'He was tall and broad-shouldered, and it was plain to see that in his younger days he had been a handsome man. Now...his hair had greyed a little, and his eyes, though still very bright and observant, bore the imprint of many a year spent exploring--and often, I guessed, discovering--along rarely trodden paths of mysterious, obscure learning.'

Mysterious, obscure learning...

To many thousands of readers world-wide Titus Crow is the psychic sleuth--the cosmic voyager and investigator--of Brian Lumley's Cthulhu Mythos novels, from The Burrowers Beneath to Elysia.

But before The Burrowers and Crow's Transition, his exploits were chronicled in a series of short stories and novellas uncollected in the USA except in limited editions. Now these stories can be told again. From Inception which tells of Crow's origins, to The Black Recalled, a tale of vengeance from beyond the grave, here in one volume, from the best-selling author of the epic Necroscope series, is The Complete Crow.

The Burrowers Beneath

Titus Crow: Book 1

Brian Lumley


From the darkly fantastic worlds of H P Lovecraft's world-famous Cthulhu Mythos comes a grimly compelling novel of the Ultimate War, between men--and monsters spawned in Hell!

For millennia, men have strutted in puny pride over the fragile surface of the Earth, arrogantly proclaiming themselves masters of creation. But now their feeble investigations have disturbed the planet's original rulers far beneath the globe's crust. And mankind's placid dreams are about to be wrenched into shattering nightmare.

'They were here before man evolved. They are older than our oldest legends, predating the very dinosaurs. They call to use in our dreams and make us... do things!'

They are THE BURROWERS BENEATH. And they're surfacing right now. Right here...

The Transition of Titus Crow

Titus Crow: Book 2

Brian Lumley

The Stalker Between the Stars

I smelled the strange winds that roar between the worlds, bearing the odors of darkling planets and the souls of sundered stars. I felt about me the emptiness of remote and infinite vacuums of space, and their coldness. I saw, blazing on a panoply of jet, unknown constellations and nameless nebulae stretching out and away through the light years into unthinkable abysses of space.

Finally, winging through the nearer voids, I spied that enigmatic coffin-shape recognized of old, and again, as in delirious dreams, I heard my lost friend's voice.

I yelled in spontaneous response and would have answered yet again, but then, swelling out of the blackness in the wake of Crow's weird craft, bloating up in a green glow, filling my entire view in an instant, there came...

A shape! Cthulhu!

The Clock of Dreams

Titus Crow: Book 3

Brian Lumley

In the Clock of Dreams, Cthulhu, one of the Elder Gods, sleeps and dreams - dreams so potent, so powerful, that they can warp reality itself. The mysterious Clock that is capable of hurling men through space and time, even into the monster's dreams, is de Marigny's only hope of finding Titus Crow and saving him from a soul destroying fate.

Spawn of the Winds

Titus Crow: Book 4

Brian Lumley

Titus Crow and his faithful companion and record-keeper fight the gathering forces of darkness-the infamous and deadly Elder Gods of the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Cthulhu and his dark minions are bent on ruling the earth. A few puny humans cannot possibly stand against these otherworldly evil gods, yet time after time, Titus Crow drives the monsters back into the dark from whence they came.

In the Moons of Borea

Titus Crow: Book 5

Brian Lumley

Following the Timelock, the Quester, de Maringy, finds himself on the parallel universe of Borea. Borea - ice-planet - is a ravaged arena of psychic combat between the Warlord of the Plateau, Armandra and the Wind-Walker.